Reviews for DW5 Reactions
IgNighted chapter 4 . 11/17/2011
Chapter three rules, but this is hilarious!
Schermionie chapter 4 . 4/7/2009
Lol, this is almost as awesome as DW Jeopardy... I agree you probably should have kept them all together, but separating them does give us the chance to observe when they AREN'T surrounded by enemies... which can be funny as well, and you managed to make use of that. As I said I really hope you get back to ff some time, because you are very talented. *Faves and alerts*
TScarlet17 chapter 3 . 2/12/2009
lmao loved the last chapter with wu and shu. good job.
Vivid Eyes chapter 3 . 1/6/2009
I lol'd at the part where Zhang He said he'd want to be paired up with Cao Cao. And, oh dear, Cao Cao needs to lay off the women, though it is entertaining. xD
xoxoparadox chapter 2 . 9/14/2008
One of my FAVORITE dynasty warriors fanfic yet. XD So hilarious, i love it! Definitely made me LOL. Do you happen to play Samurai Warriors as well? Make up something for that if you can. x3 Keep up the good luck!
Lifeburner chapter 4 . 2/19/2008
Wow, brilliant. I always liked your DW parody series, from the jeopardy to this one. You said that you couldn't bring up enough characters cause you haven't unlocked them in the game. However, since you've got Yue Ying already, why not give her the questionnaire? Along with someone from the Nanman side?
LadyMoonveil chapter 3 . 8/17/2007
Opps sorry about seems my link didn't show on my review...apparently you have to put spaces.

w .tudou prog rams/view/ TuIEHeh B3zY/

Hopefully it works this time...sorry about posting again ''
LadyMoonveil chapter 4 . 8/17/2007
Hahaha! Your stories crack me up. For me the perfect way to sum up the three kingdoms and "other" are:

Wei - "Most of us aren't pretty, but we'll kick your ass."

Wu - "Home of the pretty boys and pyromaniacs."

Shu - "Defender of justice and all things sweet."

Other - "Lu Bu is on our team, so don't f**k with us."

...I was wondering about Lu Bu as well...I remember me always running away from him screaming like a little girl when I played DW 3. Now I find him not too much of a problem. I'd love to see Zhao Yun and Cao Pi next! (aka the nice dude and Mr. me, myself and I) And yes Sima Yi and Zhang He have the best clothing around. Except maybe Lu Xun and his open belly shirts XP. Speaking of simply have to check this out.

This is what happens when fangirls have lots of spare time on their hands.

(btw, I check out your deviantart profile...awesome writer AND artist! I'm jealous XP Would love to see you draw more DW fanart!)
Puppyguy13 chapter 4 . 4/3/2006
Lol, I love it, so funny, and please update, i like this better than jeopardy.
LettuceNPudding chapter 4 . 4/2/2006
bahahahaahah this is realli funni! HILARIOUS!

update soon!

hugs not drugs

Wolf in the Walls chapter 4 . 3/13/2006
Anthy: Run away Huge Lion! (minor incident with incorrectly pronouncing his name!)

Anshi: Run away!

Anthy: You know...I think we did give a name to Ce and DQ's daughter...for purposes of a fanfic to put lil Lu through hell (come on! It's Ce's daughter. You can't expect her to be kind and nice. Her idea of a good time is fighting!)

Anshi: Keep updating! We love it!
Sakura Li 2 chapter 4 . 2/12/2006
XD I love this! I have a suggestion for a Wu parody thing-y (they're me favourite in the novel) I think for the 'adding more women' thing someone should mention something about Sun Ce and Da Qiao's daughter and ppl will be like 'she doesn't even have a name!' 'but Xing Cai didn't originally have a name and Koei gave her one to be added' and Lu Xun could say something like 'no! not my wife!' or 'yes, maybe this will prove my un-gay-ness to fangirls'
Z Star The Hidden Dragon chapter 3 . 2/12/2006
HAHAHAHAHA! Zhang He was hilarious! Not funny you say? Well that is a lie! Don't put yourself down Ok?
Magog chapter 4 . 1/30/2006
Dear esteemed writer. Great fic. To call your work fanfiction, is to insult the high qaulity of content you put out. Your reaction fan fic was superb and I'm suprised to see it's more funny than your Jepordy fic. Keep up the hard work. Thanks for including Yuan Shao earlier.
vina chapter 4 . 1/29/2006
update soon!
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