Reviews for Stumble
Jazz7 chapter 1 . 8/29/2008
It was short, but it was seductive in that it was short. It let us all use our dirty little imaginations. (lol) Thanks for writing this. :)
Elyon Tama chapter 1 . 5/23/2008
Oh this made me giggle because on my Van Helsing DVD in the extra's Hugh's said he never stumbled and then it shows a bunch of bloopers with him stumbling and that made me giggle so much. xD

... Sorry that was off topic. *Nervous laughter* Anyways, that was delicious~! I loved reading it. Short or not, it was wonderful! There's most certainly not enough of this pairing. *Grumbles* Now I shall re-read this a few more times before going off on my search for more slashy goodness!
assassinerblue chapter 1 . 12/22/2007
Oh my god. That was... beautiful. And sexy. Wonderful job. The last line was perfect.

I'd stumble. You wrote Dracula perfectly! :)
Loren chapter 1 . 3/31/2007
O_o o! dark, spooky, AWESOME!
random191 chapter 1 . 1/28/2007
urm..okay.. good though, but severly random
Tibbar Sabertooth chapter 1 . 1/23/2007
Heya PineappleIce,

Okay, if I'm starting to scare you by reading all of your storys, tell me so - but intill then I shall read on... :P

Ooh... Great, dark... Like it, no kiddin' I really do like this. :)


P.S, I approve of your music tastes! :)
Xelena chapter 1 . 12/7/2006
o. that was delicious. so simple yet emotionally evocative.
Fallon M-mm chapter 1 . 11/24/2005
kind of sick the way Drac was fondling Gabe, but that's what made it so real. That made it all the better. I really applaud this.
HughJackmanFan chapter 1 . 9/30/2005
*eyebrows raised* not bad and good job! Slash, tsk tsk...I think I like to read your story. Next please )

stumble? *lol* I remembered from VH Bloopers, Hugh said "I never stumbled" now he played *g*
Angela Kinetic chapter 1 . 9/29/2005
...Hot...*luffs and showers with much coolness points*
Demented-Clockwork chapter 1 . 9/29/2005
Hot, so very nice. Excellent job.
Fortune Zyne chapter 1 . 9/29/2005
O-k. This was...interesting. Made no sense whatsoever, but it was interesting.