Reviews for Angelically Charmed
Jacobsnewton chapter 45 . 7/31/2017
When will destinys a charm come out
Jacobsnewton chapter 14 . 7/27/2017
Damn Natalie
Jacobsnewton chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
You gonna write some more?
NightStarRetaliation chapter 26 . 4/1/2015
Awesome story! By the way there are two things I was wondering about.

1. What does Ayleia's name mean, and how do you pronounce it?

2. What exactly is a Tracer? and what exactly is it that they do? are the similar to Whitelighters?

Please respond.
gabyhyatt chapter 24 . 2/7/2015
I hope this time Natalie is killed for good
gabyhyatt chapter 21 . 2/7/2015
I really hate Natalie
icekrim91 chapter 45 . 8/5/2009
aw...i love the story...very interesting...i feel sad for paige though about drake dying...can't wait to read more from it soon...keep it coming
Princess Pinky chapter 45 . 1/15/2007
These FFN adds are really ticking me off. But that's besides the point. Firstly, I owe you a HUGE apology! This review came way too late, and I know that. *procrastinating jerk*

I love the title. "The Drake House." I never saw that movie, it didn't look that interesting to me. But I think it's so awesome how you tied in Drake's magical letter with this chapter. Now I do love Prake, but each time I read it, I get a little twange of sadness as I wonder what Glenn must be feeling as he watches from above. Or Glenda, and how she will react to her mom's pregnancy. And worst of all, it kills me that Drake is actually going to be taken away from Paige. It's not fair that she has to lose both of the men she ever loved! (I do hope we'll get to see both Andy and Drake again.)

Oh! That scene at Social Services was simply heartbreaking. I can see it so vividly. Drake with a pale, sweat drenched face, trying to pretend like nothing's wrong as he hands Paige the flowers. And Paige, going along with his wishes only to have her face start to get red and her eyes glassy as she cries for Leo. :'( And it's so like Drake to suggest some exotic, world wonder while he's dying. You really yanked at my heart strings, here, Peanut. *sniffle* (Did I mention this scene was so good, perhaps my favorite out of the whole chapter, that I reread it like three times?)

*fury* I HATE The Elders! They don't hav a right to go ruining people's lives like that! It's not fair. And I can't believe Thistle is in on it. That's just...wrong. I've never disliked Thistle before, but I can't say I won't think differently of her now.

Slautering spirits in the afterlife? One, that doesn't make a lot of sense. Spirits are already dead. And two, how could they even get to the afterlife? I wish they would've thought of that before sending Prue off. And Phoebe's premonition. Wow. Heartbreaking. I love how Paige caught the smoke kiss in the force field, and how she was supporting Drake as they walked in. *sniffle* They are so wonderful as a couple. Much, MUCH better than Phoebe/Drake (otherwise known as the Phake Phoebe/Cole). And I loved how you utilized the Siren, although I personally hate her. lol It was in a much more tasteful way that the show. And the vanquishing spell was awesome! I envy all you guys and your great spells.

The scene between Phoebe and Piper was so great. It really made me hungry, too. I could almost smell food. (And the chilled bottle of cider? Ooh. Sparkling Apple Cider is favorite! Speaking of, I wonder if I still have a bottle hidden in my mom's closet? I have to check that out.) Oh, Peanut, my heart is breaking with that last pleading scene between Paige and Drake.

Hey, I wouldn't talk to Thistle either. But I am glad that Prue finally got to read the letter. I just hope everything will work out for the better in the end. Renewed hope, huh? (BTW, I loved how both Paige and Prue get letters. It's a neat idea. They are so very much alike.)

I loved that we got to see Prue, Piper, and Phoebe looking out at Paige from the window. It was so cute and sweet. (And we got a Twizzler mention!)

Wow. Beautiful, amazing story, Peanut. Once again, I'm sorry this came so late. But it did come, as I promised. (Yes, I still believe I owe you more reviews for the sequel, so I'm off to view that now.)
alboppy chapter 45 . 12/3/2006
Great series !

I just caught up with all the stories so I could understand the new part and think this is awesome!
Sci Fi Fan Gillian chapter 45 . 11/10/2006
Excellent ending to a very well written story. I can't wait to read the next one in the series.
MusicaGrant chapter 45 . 11/4/2006
You are totally awesome! I cannot wait for the next story!
Poofball chapter 45 . 10/25/2006
Awesome ending! I'm all anxious for the next story and I'm so glad that you're continuing the series!
Mirajane Scarlet chapter 45 . 10/25/2006
Aww, poor Paige! That's the second time that happened to her. And now she has two kids with different fathers and both of their fathers have died. That's so sad. And I forget, what happened to Andy again?
bun chapter 22 . 10/25/2006
yay! phoebe's back!
bun chapter 12 . 10/24/2006
cole as casanova? i love it!
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