Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to the show. The sole purpose of this fictional story is for my own entertainment. No copywrite infringement is intended and no profit is being made on my behalf. Positive feedback is always welcome as is gentle criticism.

Dream Wedding Recap: Shortly after Piper and Leo's wedding, Patty casts a spell to reunite Prue with Andy. Prue discovers that Andy is now an angelic tracer working for the Greater Good. Despite the Elder's wishes, the two marry and have a magical child named Amanda. Features the three original sisters along with a few guest appearances from Paige. White lighter Natalie guest stars as the angel destined to keep Prue and Andy apart. Truly for lovers of Prue and Andy! (Peanut's personal favorite story to date)

Charmed in the Afterlife Recap: Wendigos, Furies, Darklighters and a Demonic teenager lead the Charmed Ones on yet another wild series of adventures. After Andy is slashed by a Wendigo, Paige comes into the picture as the fourth sister and is given guardianship over an orphan plan known as the dimension of the lost. Prue and Andy's second child, Ally, is born. Piper and Leo have daughter, Melinda. Phoebe and Cole struggle at becoming a married couple. Prue receives a new destiny as High Priestess to the Realm of Wicca which drastically changes the lives of the Charmed Ones. Prue and Andy centered, but features all four sisters in varying sub-plots.

Eternally Charmed Recap: Takes place 3 years after Charmed in the Afterlife. Plot: Shortly after the birth of Prue and Andy's third and final child, the dark priestess, Dantalian, pulls Prue into an alternative universe where her children and sisters do not seem to exist.. Amanda's spiritual connection to Andy grows. Paige loses Glenn to a Demon, but gains a daughter, Glenda Rose Mathews. Phoebe and Cole remain childless Once again this story is Prue and Andy centered but features all four sisters with varying subplots.

Angelically Charmed: After Death takes one of sisters; those remaining must face life as "The Power of Three" again. Will they get their lost sister back? With Andy trapped in the 1930's will Prue fall for a new suitor? A seductive spirit stalks Paige. Glenda's powers grow. Amanda realizes she is destiny to follow in her mother's footsteps by caring for her sisters. The Angelic Ones are finally united with their Dark Sister, Ayleia.

Character Guide

Prue Halliwell-Trudeau: Witch/High Priestess: Mortal Age 37. Powers include telekinesis, astral projection and partial immortality. The oldest and most powerful of the Charmed Ones, Prue leads a doubly charmed life as a Charmed Witch and a Mortal/Angelic High Priestess with the authority to advise and govern the Realm of Wicca. Prue can only be mortally wounded, by her equivalent on the other side, the Dark Priestess.

Piper Halliwell-Wyatt: Age 35 Temporal Stasis (Freezing), Molecular Acceleration (Exploding).

Phoebe Halliwell-Turner: Age 33 Premonition, Levitation and Empathy. Phoebe is an advice columnist for the Bay Mirror.

Paige Matthews: Age 31 Witch/Whitelighter/Gaurdian to the orphan plane. Powers include protecitve force field with deflection, orbing and the ability to sense her charges. Partial TKO. Paige is also the youngest of the Charmed Ones so her powers are more passive.

Leo Wyatt: Mortal Age 36 Whitelighter: Orbing, sensing, and healing

Cole Turner: Mortal Age 39. Half Demon/Human. Cole was never the Source. Instead in my world he uses his human talents as a lawyer to defend misguided demons, and off track angelic beings. Together with Phoebe, they run an underground railroad for demons who want to be good. Cole is still the one number target of the Source's bounty hunters and was possessed for a short time, as played out at the end of season three.

Andy Trudeau: Mortal Age 38 Tracer (Angelic Bounty Hunter) Powers include, fading (invisibility), orbing, and the ability to conjure defensive weapons (crossbow, explosive probes, athame, and magic proof security net) and infrared vision. The Elders gave Andy these powers after sacrificing his life to save Prue and her sisters.

Amanda Trudeau-Halliwell: Angelic Witch/Tracer Age 8: Powers: Invisible-Orbing and Cloaking. Amanda shares a spiritual connection with her father in which she can sense and track his orbs. Amanda will eventually become telekinetic like Prue and possibly combine her powers to become TKO as she demonstrated when she was in Prue's womb. Shares a bond with Paige from where she was kidnapped by Natalie at birth.

Alaine "Ally" Penelope Millicent Trudeau-Halliwell: Angelic Witch/Tracer Age 5: Astral projection through time. As a child, Ally will need the assistance of an adult who can orb or astral project in order to move through time. This is a protective safeguard established by the elders to prevent potential disaster that could be caused by changing history.

Melinda Christina Wyatt-Halliwell: Angelic Witch/ Whitelighter Age 4 Molecular Kinesis: the ability to change the molecular structure of objects and living beings: A variation of Piper's powers of temporal stasis, and molecular combustion, Melinda will be able to form ice, fire, and pure energy balls. She can also turn solid objects into ice or liquid with the touch of her hand to regenerate

Austin Prudence Trudeau-Halliwell Angelic Witch/The Angel of Death. Austin is Partial immortal, Auroic site: The ability to see a person's true essence. Telempathy: A combination of mind powers that include, premonition, telepathy and empathy. Austin is the first child to be conceived by two angelic parents she can only be vanquished by her counterpart from the other side, the dark demonic child (Ayleia).

Ayleia Hallie Trudeau. The Dark Child of Dantalian and Andy Trudeau. Age 1 Part, Tracer, Part Angel, Part Demonic Priestess. The rival of Austin the Angelic Witch conjuring defensive weapons (Andy's Tracer power) and dark mind based powers such as, telepathy, and mind control. Ayleia is currently under the Seer's care until she is old enough to take charge of the underworld.

Glenda Rose Mathews: Angelic Guardian of Light. Age1 Powers include Force Field Protection, sensing Ability to produce angelic light.

Angelically Charmed: Back to Three

"Prue?" Piper Halliwell-Wyatt entered the attic wearing a mid-length black dress. Her long brown hair, tied back at the nape of her neck. Across the room she spotted her sister Prue standing over a smoking cauldron, dressed in jeans and a white tank, with matching flip-flops. "Prue, you're not even dressed. You can't go to Phoebe's funeral like that"

"I'm not going to Phoebe's funeral" The oldest Charmed One replied not bothering to break her concentration, "I'm have to find a way to bring both her and Andy back" Carefully she added some gingerroot and crows toes.

"Prue you can't do that" Piper smoothed her black skirt and crossed over to her sister. "I know, because I tried and tried w hen we lost you"

"That was different, I was suppose to die, Phoebe wasn't!" Prue Halliwell had died to fulfil her destiny of becoming the High Priestess to the Wiccan World, while he sister Phoebe had been prematurely stolen by Death through an act of vengeance.

"I know" Gently Piper wrapped her arms around her sisters shoulders, squeezing tightly "I know"


"So then Death could be after Andy" Paige eyed her older sister, "You have to warn him Prue, if don't I will"

"Fine" Prue sighed refusing to admit a loud that her little sister was right. Taking Paige's hand the two of them prepared to orb to Darryl's. "You and Piper watch out for the girls, and yourselves"

"We will" Phoebe promised, watching her two sisters disappear together in a flurry of blue orbs.

That was the last time Prue Halliwell saw her sister alive. Shortly after she'd left with Paige to find Andy. Unstoppable dog demons attacked the manor, ripping Phoebe's body to shreds before Piper could stop them. Then Death, Death in the form of Angelic Austin had appeared along with her predecessor. There wasn't even enough time to call for Leo.

Prue stopped for a moment, and reached up grabbing Piper's forearms. Tears gathered behind Prue's eyes as she consented to the emotion of losing her sister. It was only for a second. "I'm sorry Piper, I have work to do"

"Prue our sister is dead and Andy is missing" Reaching over to the table, Piper grabbed the lid to the cauldron and slammed it onto the pot.


"Your family needs you!"

"If anyone knows that, Piper it's me" Prue snapped flicking her index finger towards the pot and sending the lid sailing towards the pot. "Now, if you'll excuse me"

Piper stood burying her teeth into her lower lip. "I will not get into this with you today!" Piper simply waved her wrist causing Prue's cauldron explode and then stalked out. "Find your husband and get your butt dressed!"

"I would if I could" Prue sighed, running and hand through her long raven hair. Crossing her arms over her chest, Prue slowly began to chant. Magic Forces, black and white reaching out through space and light, be he far, be he near bring me the Mortal Tracer here!" Prue's green eyes beaded back and worth, "Andy please come back to me" A slight pause, lapsed. "I need you, the girls need you"

Chicago 1930

A doctor and the legendary mobster, Al Capone, stood in the doorway to of a guest room. "How is it that he is still alive?" Capone asked staring at an unconscious man in his bed.

"I do not know" the doctor replied adjusting his wire-rimmed spectacles. "With over thirty bullet wounds to his torso and abdomen, I can only suspect that it is perhaps the work of one of your special friends."

"My special friends" Capone laughed lighting a cigar as the doctor started to depart.

"I'll check back on him in a couple of days"

"You do that" Capone grinned, blowing a ring of smoke up at the ceiling. Unwittingly, Capone had made a pact with Death in which his men were forced to capture the Mortal Tracer in return for Death aiding Capone in his business ventures.

Over in the bed, the cigar smoke tickled Andy's nostrils while Prue's words unsuccessfully tried to pull him a deep sleep.

"Be he far, be he near, bring me the Mortal Tracer here!"

"Prue" Andy muttered incoherently.

Capone watched intently as his guest's forehead furrowed. "Now just who is Prue?"

Downstairs in her room, Paige sat at her dressing table, pulling a brush through her shoulder length brown hair. "Phoebe" she breathed pressing tears from her large chestnut colored eyes. How can you be gone?" Of all of sisters, Phoebe had seemed to be the most supportive of Paige and her unique place in the Charmed family.

"Why had the Greater Good put them through so much for it to end this way?" Reaching for a tissue Paige dabbed her nose and swiped her tears away. Slowly she rose to her feet and discarded the tissue into the trash.

"Well Miss Glenda Rose are you ready to attend your first funeral?" Paige couldn't help but smile at her one-year old daughter who was sitting up playing with blocks in her crib.

"Yee, Yee" Glenda smiled a toothless grin as her mother started to advance.

"Phoebe" Paige repeated right before she felt something strange land her hips. Hands, it was a pair of man's hands and they were crawling their way up to her waist. "What the hell?"

Paige's head snapped back. Something was pulling at her hair. An invisible hand clamped around her neck grasping her into a headlock.

"Glenda Force Field!"

Immediately, Glenna obeyed her Mother's command, producing a blue force field around herself encasing her crib.

A pair of lips found their way to Paige's neck, along with a forcefulness, that pulled the young Witch/ Guardian to the floor.