Reviews for Point of Fracture
edwardfiend chapter 3 . 5/25/2012
Love it. :)
Anne Packrat chapter 1 . 3/22/2006
I'm enjoying your fics, but I can't seem to find this "colorific" where you say the full unrated versions are stored. I'm more than old enough (I'm almost thirty), but when I go to livejournal the only colorific I can find is a journal of someone who hasn't updated in a few months. Is it possible to put a full URL up somewhere? Or at least provide more information?
AnimeDemon89 chapter 1 . 3/19/2006
a simply, absolutly amazing stroy. I love how you wrote Roy, you did a fantastic job with him
SL chapter 3 . 3/11/2006
You are an amazing writer.. I mean, a lot of people on FanFiction have funny/amusing stories - but none of them are of any real quality. You, however, manage to make this an actual story. Everything flows nicely, and it's just... Well... Really good )

Love it!

Riza Hawkeye-Mustang chapter 3 . 3/8/2006
! That cannot be it. I refuse!

Anyway, I stole comment virginity on LJ. But keep it up! I'm reading the first two shades now, and I hope there's more!

Much love, and you socks...and my closet.

~Sarah/Riza Hawkeye-Mustang
momiji-k chapter 3 . 3/8/2006
I was just too tired to read this last night, so now here I am.

Another excellent chapter. It was nice to see some quiet time for Roy and Riza. I see this ends this part of the series, I will assume like before there will be another story after this one. I will be looking forward to it. :)
Flye chapter 3 . 3/7/2006
Again that was amazing. The whole idea of them spending just one day out of their military duties together, is really touching and beautiful. The way you wrote their comfort towards each other was pretty amusing at times and it had that 'aww' factor. It was beautifully written like always.

The reference to Riza's naming skills made me smile.

And, yes, he is too awesome to just leave dead.

Riza Hawkeye-Mustang chapter 2 . 3/6/2006
You know... I saw this out before there were ANY reviews on it, and I was thinking, "I'm TOTALLY gonna be the first to review!"

PSSH yeah. right. xD

Everytime I TRIED to read, something would come up. My remedy to that? I sat myself down, when I was SUPPOSED to be running errands and paying bills, and spazzed over the first two chapters.

Anyway, I love these stories of yours (note the spazzing), and I look forward to more to this!

PS: maybe I'm just a pervert whose dream job is to work in an Adult Video store, but I'd like to see more of the unedited parts- as in, describe more passion and emotion along with the physical (which I think is wonderful). It's hard to find somone, such as yourself, who call pull of writing it in a classy way.

Okay, I'm talking too much. xD

By the way, if I ever neglect to post a review here without an excuse, I MIGHT have posted one on livejournal, under automail_is_fun. Thank you for giving me my crack! (Royai)

~Riza Hawkeye-Mustang (Sarah~)
Flye chapter 2 . 3/5/2006
Again, this is really awesome! the whole thing with hughes... well, I'll just say that you are a genius! This was written incredibly and it's got a great plot and I just absolutely love it!

I read the full version and I must say, you write smut nicely, too.

Ryo chapter 2 . 3/5/2006
-Squee!- I love chapter two. Very nice! I can't wait to read more. You're an awesome writer!
momiji-k chapter 2 . 3/5/2006
Of course I didn't want to miss anything so I read the unedited version.

This one seemed a little darker than your other stories for obvious reasons. Still filled with all the emotion and description I have come to expect from your work.

I was surprised at the development at the end of the chapter. I have to say it was quite a shock, but very nice indeed. I have seen a couple of other stories try this and I didn't think it worked. You make it very believeable.

Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next! :)
Shadow Dreamer 27 chapter 2 . 3/5/2006
Yay! Maes is alive! Roy and Riza are together!

Anyway, You are a great writer! Your style of writing has a uniqueness that keeps my attention! This story is excellent so far and I'm eager to read more of it! Excellent job and keep it up!
words without chapter 1 . 3/2/2006
"He wanted to fracture in her arms because he knew she could hold him together."

that is...a very nice line. i'm defenetly going to have to go back and reread this later, because this is one of those fics that takes a while to sink in fully. which is a good thing,'cause it leaves the reader deep in thought for a long while after. not to mention it's so sad, and i'm a sucker for good angst. ;
momiji-k chapter 1 . 3/2/2006
I was surprised to see a new fic from you so soon. Here I was all depressed that "Falling" was all done. :)

Excellent detail and emotion as always. It's hard to leave a useful review when there isn't anything that needs fixing. All I can do is shower you with compliments.

Looking forward to more! :)
Flye chapter 1 . 3/1/2006
Ooh yay! I love yer stories! Again, beautiful and very realistic descriptions. It's almost as if I can touch it and feel it. Excellent wording and it's got an aura of awesomeness! xD

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