Reviews for Innocence Maligned
Mirria1 chapter 10 . 3/2
This story was really good, I wish there was more.
LadyArmster chapter 10 . 7/11/2010
This is one of my favourite stories about Joachim Armster. I love Joachim and the inclusion of your original character, Norgard. Joachim's illness is believable and Walter is in-character. Though, it would be interesting to know why (if there is a reason) Walter chose to turn Joachim into a vampire. I like the jump between Joachim's past and present as well. However, I wish you would have continued writing this and/or finished it. It feels so...incomplete the way it is, now. Granted, it has been years since you updated it and you may never will, though your work has not gone unrecognized or unappreciated. Castlevania is a very underrated game and so is most of the fanfiction because it does not get as much attention as other game genres. Nevertheless, its nice to read a story that described Joachim's humanity.
Neophyte Ronin chapter 2 . 3/30/2007
You're that type of writer who must learn to show-not tell-the story. No need to reiterate the word illness when you can show Joachim strugging with a cane or trying to hold back a nervous hand tremor... that sort of thing. Doing so would reduce the length of the tale overall, even make the writing stand out and not seem as stiff. Don't mind me; I mince and slice and dice at a written work so much that I'm convinced it's a form of writing avoidance or procrastinating. You're better off writing its entireity before worrying about polishing the thing.

I enjoy the fact that comments are in your profile instead of the chapters, since these might give away something. Pied Flycatcher even chastised mine in their wanton directness (i.e., insistence upon feedback). I went back and ditched most of them, even so far as to edit the first eight chapters to reduce nasty content. I'm still doing that to the current story, and frankly, Lot's Wife Syndrome isn't fun.

I enjoy authors who will take a character and offer a new or different dimension. Even better if someone can do this without changing everything we've come to expect of the character, best with a character we're not too familiar with, so in the off-chance you do need to mickey-mouse something, it won't seem to defy the canon from which you're working with (most work-for-hire/tie-in writing entails working under certain rules or outline). You do it with Joachim to nice effect-even if I've only read a couple chapters-and I should know with my own work; I gave White SeeD of FFVI a story, too.

Before my mind melts, let me just encourage you to continue. Consider writing something different on the side (I've committed to writing a Castlevania fic to combat writer's block with other projects).
Sylla chapter 10 . 12/18/2006
It's been a while since I've read a fic this truly brilliant- the writing is absolutely awesome. Descriptions are perferfect, the dialog and the way characters interact with eachother is really believable- it doesn't feel rushed or anything. And, of course, there's the fact that it's Joachim...

Seriously, I could ramble on and on about how great this fic is, but so as not to be boring I'll just repeat once more that it's awesome, and leave a general recommendation to people: READ IT. Now.
Gemelli chapter 10 . 10/13/2006
This is so awesomely written! I like how you've described everything. And I really like how you've portrayed Joachim's past, with his romance included. Very well written.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
EsKo-Mo chapter 10 . 7/16/2006
Haha. Loved the rat in hair bit.
hao chapter 10 . 7/14/2006
Oh, Joachim's romance nearly brought me to tears. POOR guy! At least Walter pays dearly for his games.
Bobohatta chapter 5 . 7/12/2006
"varying degrees of either awe, horror, or pity"

Hahaha! I just love this piece! You are such a good writer! Your story has made me late for work today lol!
Bobohatta chapter 1 . 7/12/2006
Hey this is absolutely cool! The way you descirbe the aristocratic way of heritage is so reall!
MedeaSavannah chapter 10 . 7/4/2006
As always, wonderful. I can't help but love Joachim...
EsKo-Mo chapter 9 . 6/25/2006
I just finished re-playing LoI and am re-obsessed with Castlevania. So, that is how I stumbled onto your work.

I was always disappointed with the lack of backstory with Joachim Armster. Even playing as him was pretty weak without cutscenes. I searched the all-mighty internets to help fill the gaps... and well, it is hard to come by a believable Joachim fic.

I somehow pictured Joachim being a selfish fop, but I suppose that would have/could have come later with the whole de-humanization. Anyhow, great work with the backstory. A touch sentimental, but that much is bearable. (Haha.)

I look forward to an update.
Farenheights chapter 9 . 6/9/2006
Ah, I'm really enjoying this! Its so sweet, but so sad as well. I love how your able to write their dialect in the old fashioned way people used to speak. I can't do that _;

The woman with the child took me aback a little, but I think the reactions of people was pretty good, and close to the real thing.

Well done, keep going. And whatevers happening in real life, I hope you'll be alright.

Daenis TooShy
LaAriella chapter 9 . 5/28/2006
Really good chapter thus far! Joachim's relationship with Norgard has taken a deeper meaning now, which leaves me wondering what poor Joachim is going to do since Walter plans on taking him back to Eternal Night. You give Norgard and Joachim such profound emotions toward each other that it makes me sympathize for both of them. The very last line of this chapter also leaves me wondering, since I think it has two different implications, and I look forward to finding out if I'm right! :) Please update again as soon as you can! (and sorry for the late review!)
MedeaSavannah chapter 9 . 5/25/2006
*Squeals with glee* How wonderful! As always, a fantastic job! I hope you're able to post the next chapter very soon.
MedeaSavannah chapter 8 . 5/10/2006
As always, wonderful job. More! Now! *demands* Please?
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