Reviews for Weak
Psychohalcyon chapter 1 . 7/20/2019
...bottom Dash.

I wish u had mentioned this earlier.
MewMew2 chapter 45 . 8/7/2018
I continue to revisit your wonderful story when I think of good writing and feel in need of inspiration. Thank you once again for all the effort you put into this wonderful tale. I can tell you'll go far with writing, Excellent job!
teenwitch18 chapter 45 . 4/14/2018
Oh man, this was an absolutely wild ride for sure.
You did a fabulous job on capturing the insecurities, hormones and stress of being a teenager; especially one like Danny who has such a heavy burden to bear.
His lack of direction and inability to really focus on his future was very well done.
Fantastic story!
FireSoulKid chapter 2 . 2/7/2018
FireSoulKid chapter 1 . 2/7/2018
this better be the most AU story ever. Danny and dash? no. he is an abusive asshole.
nepentheosileus chapter 45 . 7/6/2017
I was so completely and utterly hooked on this story that I stayed awake for over two days reading it almost nonstop. Everything, and I mean everything, was just so beautiful and expertly crafted into words among words among words. For days I've alternated between laughing, crying, and rolling around on my bed in anticipation. This is undoubtedly my favourite story in the DP fandom, and I have to admit it's probably a high favourite in general as well. I almost never read incomplete stories but I gave this one a chance because of the astonishingly great reviews; I have to say, it was worth every minute of every hour of every sleepless day I spent reading it with hungry eyes. Your writing is beautiful, your plot intricate and emotional, and even if this story may never be finished it left off on such a touching note that it honestly could have ended right there and I would be satisfied. That last chapter was so deep and heartbreakingly beautiful, and the final scene was so sweet, a ray of sunshine in an arc of darkness, that it feels right for everything to end there. I'm sad that there isn't more to read, though, but I understand that you've probably moved on from this story after all these years. Your story is nevertheless perfect just the way it is, official ending or not, and I'll be able to sleep happily now that I've finally finished it.
naruto hatake chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
please update soon
Salinedreamsxena chapter 29 . 11/23/2016
I... Don't want Vlad to die. -sniffs-
CatalystOfTheSoul chapter 12 . 3/30/2016
Holden Caulfield
CatalystOfTheSoul chapter 7 . 3/28/2016
Well I freaked out. this is solid, I'm reading through it slowly, and enjoying your work. summarizing this story to someone else was a WILD ride, because it sounded scattered and terrible, but it's stacking effects together pretty well.
Kami No Raijin chapter 45 . 11/12/2015
Cute more plz
Jordan AKA Band Geek chapter 45 . 7/12/2015
very nice I liked it
Aemeon Kafele chapter 45 . 7/9/2015
I kept up with this for many years, always excited when another new chapter came out. I always enjoyed what this has to offer, it always seemed more together. I came here for a story of two boys that hated one another ending up in love. I stayed for the amazing story and wonderfully fleshed out writing you gave to us to read. I will never forget the ride this has been to recently re-read through all of this again.

I wonder now what will happen to not only Danny's future in education, and the Exams, but to his relationship with Dash and the implications of him having possession of the Plasmius Soul. Will he ever be able to use or obtain its power? And what of his ghostly commrades, Wulf and Ember and such others. Who made it out of the fray alive, who "died" from the beam and didn't make it, what was up with Vortex making it snow of all things? Is Tucker still harboring feelings of anger to Dany about Dash, will Sam ever catch on or find out about their relationship, and what's to become of Amity Park with the whole area basically having survived an onslaught of Ghostly Horror? What of the "Ghost-Killing gun" in Vald's Mansion, or the new tatto's Danny's aquired, are they permanently on his body, or just his ghost form? And the Ghost Hunter, was that who I think it is? What happens now?
samwinchestersheavytesticle chapter 45 . 5/7/2015
Okay so every time I come back to this story there's more that's been added to it and I'm so glad as I genuinely think this is one of the best fanfictions I have ever had the pleasure of reading.
It's been quite a long time since you've updated but I'll hold on hope for another one day. Your writing style is perfect to read and it draws me in every time, over and over.
When I first read it the last updated chapter was Paulinas first party and since then I keep coming back and getting further each time so one day I hope to read the final chapter.
Tetractys chapter 39 . 7/25/2014
I cannot begin to express how phenomenal a writer you are. When you said this was going to be a Mystery/Tragedy fic, you weren't kidding. I wasn't even able to finish reading this chapter because it (and the previous chapters) was just so emotionally draining; it kind of built up over time. I still plan to finish reading this story, because the writing is just too good not to finish!

I could relate a lot to Danny, especially with how everything seems to be caught in a general malaise and how things can just be put off to deal with something else until it's too late. It was startling to see myself in Danny's actions and inaction. It actually prompted me to get some very important things in my life finished up before I wound up facing the consequences.

Anyway, I want to thank you for both writing this story (and hopefully still writing it) as well as being an indirect factor that helped me get out of my funk. I'll be sure to finish reading this story when I recover from the emotional overload! Great, great story!
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