Reviews for Magical Experiences
Shadowcrossover chapter 19 . 10/15/2017
Well done Its almost 2 am and I have school tomorrow but one word...this story was so worth it
shadowcrossover chapter 14 . 10/15/2017
the more I read the story the better it gets! and for some reason the 'handing over the cookies' part gave me a mental of him in a santa costume hat also anyone else reminded of reborn? the undefeat-able baby-not-baby? shut up now
shadowcrossover chapter 9 . 10/15/2017
well...Tsunade did a fine job at slapping Sasuke in the face...Ouch
shadowcrossover chapter 6 . 10/15/2017
Well I guess there is enough character input, hehehe but one thing don't make it toooo perfect yah otherwise its cool and when putting their feelings for naruto as a family, try to make them individual like their traits, characteristics and personalities and actually describing their emotions and feelings and not just 'they felt this way' and yes! I was right, its Gaara and Haku, he is like a brother naruto and ts awesome! welp now imma go and read the story
Shadowcrossover chapter 4 . 10/15/2017
Ah shizzle[not cursing heh heh] I made the reviews from 'wow'and above ( the..'emoji's'?'ll shut up now) Just wanted to let ya
Shadowcrossover chapter 4 . 10/15/2017
Your writing style is good, awesome even, looks like the work of an expert, also they aren't too OOC despite the plot and long chapters!
now to the area where you can improve on, the plot, maybe a bit, also other characters input like Sakura, Lee, Kankuro, Chouji, Shino, Tenten, Neji and maybe Hinata. Plus make Shikamaru say something more then 'troublesome' and so it will give the look that you aren't leaving any characters behind also about the speech, you're doing a splendid job there but maybe try to make it a bit shorter? since if you try to visualize it, it will kind of look like them just staring at Naruto as he says the whole paragraph, yeah its kind of unnerving. Also try to put in the wizarding sides reaction and emotions, including our shinobi. (Wow, never thought I would sound like a bossy adviser, I'm really sorry if I sounded like a know-it-all T-T I just wanted to point it out so you can be an awesome author(ess)[not assuming gender] )
Otherwise this story is very well done, its thought out quite well. (yes I am the same person who posted the last comment[look below and you'll know what I mean]..) Interesting love rivals (Gaara and Sasuke) though I think Gaara is either doing it subconsciously or doesn't like Naruto that way though not sure until I read the next part of the story, also I want to thank you for making long chapters and bringing out Dumbledores character like he's close to Naruto(which goes with the plot as he was close friends with the Sandaime) Sooo yeah.
guest chapter 3 . 10/15/2017
Me: *laughing and crying*
Mom: What happened? and don't make such weird noises!
Me: nothing just a story (*dies a little inside at calling this 'just a story'*)
Mom:...okay *goes back to doing what she was*
Me: *reads a bit more then starts laughing and crying again*
Mom: [My name]!
guest chapter 2 . 10/15/2017
Oh boy just let me go grab my friend, I can't wait to see his reaction when he sees kurama turned into a girl XD
wow chapter 1 . 10/15/2017
Guest chapter 16 . 4/10/2017
Sometimes I forget it's Draco not Malfoy!
Guest chapter 14 . 4/10/2017
Wait. Hold up there, Salazar is a MATCHMAKER?!
Baby Fawn chapter 19 . 2/1/2017
This is a good one
AnnElfwind chapter 8 . 5/8/2016
Up to this point, the story is great. I've read the first 8 chapters twice already, though this second time was simply because I remembered that I read this story and didn't finish.
Guess now I know why I didn't. De-ageing is just not my thing... But like I said, up to this point, I loved the story.
random chapter 19 . 7/21/2014
I really want to see some itachi x deidara
I love this pairing plus I think deidara's personality will bring up quite a twist
Guest chapter 4 . 6/6/2014
Random challenge fic idea for a body who reads reviews: WHAT THE H(L IS UP WITH DUMBELS AND PURPLE SLEEPING BAGS! (See book 3 where they sleep in the Great Hall)
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