Reviews for Of Married Couples And Hot Springs
Lys Winter chapter 5 . 7/25
Oh I need more ! This is a great story, it's sad there's no end...
Blackeyed20 chapter 5 . 4/12/2017
This needs a update please been loving the story want see were it goes :)
Wondering chapter 5 . 8/4/2015
I like this story so much but was wondering why if it is hot in summer they go the hot springs it would make them really hotter then if u change it to winter to go to hot springs to warm up i like to see and read the future next chaper so thank so much for the s cha crap
ChibiKillerPanda chapter 5 . 12/9/2010
*Blink*... I think the "next chapter" button has been abducted into Itachi and Deidara's gay cult.
SilentSable chapter 5 . 9/19/2010
NOooooOooooOooooO! Pls you have to update! I'm begging yo! This is an ammazing story! It needs to be updated pls pls pls! I love the fact that the rest of akatsuki is in here! I want more, more more more more pls! I will stalk you until you update XD
SilentSable chapter 1 . 9/19/2010
Omg! Rotflmfao! Seriously that was hilarious, 'we're married' I can just picture Hidans face O.o and I agree abot what you said in the begining, its so hard to find KakuHida stories, they are out there but they're so hard to find ;D great story pls write more soon!
TheArcanaQuotes chapter 5 . 5/16/2010
*Sadly could not write the awesomely sexy review for this awesomely sexy story due to passing out from the lack of air from laughing, gasping, exciting squeals, and particularly laughing. Hopefully will come back to Earth in a few hours*
pepperKitty chapter 5 . 2/10/2010
please update! I love this story...
Kyuuketsuki Fang chapter 5 . 6/9/2009
...its been a year since you last updated...nice story and all, tho
PenPusher4 chapter 5 . 6/1/2009
I love it ! Please more !
000000000000000009 chapter 5 . 5/26/2009
You HAVE to make another,Please!


The Itachi Perso u got good and Dei.

But why'd Hidan reject Kakuzu when he kissed him
hyper-writer14 chapter 5 . 4/13/2008

The last three lines made me laugh SO HARD.

Can I say I love you for updating?

Oh, AND being amazing.:)
Doom Symphony chapter 5 . 4/11/2008
Nice chapter.

Please update soon!
C.A.M.E.O.1 and Only chapter 5 . 4/11/2008
...SERIOUS gay-shit, as Hidan would put it...I CAN'T STAY ON MY CHAIR WITHOUT FALLING FROM LAUGHTER! HAHAHAHA! OMG, u SURE put a twist there! LOL!
midday chapter 5 . 4/11/2008
hehe, this really made me giggle! please continue!
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