Reviews for The Clash of Time
bob chapter 10 . 12/7/2019
good read
PrettyInPink1515 chapter 1 . 3/5/2019
I can't. These names are killing me. Vesper?
PrettyInPink1515 chapter 1 . 3/5/2019
Why did you name Kyuubi Stella? You have all of these awesome Naruto names and then you hit us with a name like Stella. Kyuubi 's name is Kurama. Naruto is a Japanese manga, why didn't you find a Japanese name?
Lily chapter 5 . 2/24/2018
I can't wait for naruto to confess his feelings to sasuke
Lily chapter 3 . 2/24/2018
This is so awesome
Lily chapter 1 . 2/24/2018
This is really interesting
Agami Shukagri chapter 18 . 12/7/2017
Hehes, of course I'm gonna check out the plot bunnies. Thank you so much for allowing me to adopt this story, Dominion of Shadows, and Path of the not so Righteous Warriror. I named the Clash of Time in its japanese translation while I named Path of the Not So Righteous Warriror, Kitsune no Michi. I'm eternally grateful for it because I've loved having new stories to edit and continue. I hope you and others like what I did with them.
Das War Schon Kaputt chapter 18 . 12/6/2012
Dear Author,

My name is Kaputt, and I am writing this to say that I am interested in adopting your story.

As for how I'd rewrite it, well, there're a lot of things I would change. For me, the dumping of information and your portrayal of Kyuubi were a bit, well, 'whoah overload' so I think I'd change that. I think I'd also introduce a lot of humour (though not too much) as I think Naruto would generally take that sort of approach to life no matter what. Personally, the line that made it in this story for me was when Naruto tells Zabuza he's forgotten some of the death bearing spots.

Maa, I'd probably leave the pairing alone, or not delve into romance at all. I like the idea of there being a demonic subculture, so I'd probably run with that (not many other people do that sort of thing) but try to incorporate some of the more recent canon that's been revealed such as the 'Big Bad'. How would it end up? Probably with Naruto screwing over the celestial gods or something similar to save his soul from damnation in a truly Naruto-ish fashion. Just for laughs.

I dunno. This was an OK story and it seems a shame to leave it to gather dust.

Mannequin Republic chapter 18 . 11/24/2010
Hello! I would love to thank you for the wonderful read. It truly was what I was looking for and even though SasuNaru didn't really pop up and was nearly non-existent, it was still amazing.

Although you left the last chapter on a suspenseful 'series cliffhanger' (I suppose you could say) and I was - if I was perfectly honest - quite dissapointed that you had decided to discontinue the story, I respect your decision in doing so.

I know what it feels when you just... don't want to continue, because you either lost intrest in the series or because you just didn't know what to do and how to continue on. -shudders- I stopped writing my Twilight story when I found the light. (NO OFFENSE IF YOU LIKE TWILIGHT. x3) But I really liked your story anyway.

Even if you think that it was poorly written, I absolutely loved the way you developed the characters and even if I have to be perfectly honest with myself, I did feel really sad for Sasu-chan when he saw Naru-chan getting hurt. That was heart-warming.. x3

I also liked how you developed Sakura to be more mature more like the 15/16 year old character didn't seem to hung up on Sasuke. (I also liked the SakuIno idea, hehe. I've actually always liked Ino, despite the fact that she was all fangirl-ish in the beginning x3)

Okay, okay, maybe I didn't really read the whole story about Stella and everything since I don't really like reading OC stuff (NO OFFENSE, it's literally just... like a sin for me so IT'S NOT YOU, IT'S ME.. damn, now I sound like some person who's trying to break-up with their girl/boyfriend.. x3) but I like Time-Travel stories (heck, I'm even writing a SasuNaru Time Travel at the moment) but I was also wondering, did Stella even know that Naruto was from the future.

Because if I remember properly... she woke up from something and it didn't seem like she knew that Naruto was from a different time and shizz. OX

I would absolutely love to say, PLEASE CONTINUE THIS STORY.. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE! But, that's probably a lost cause... CX But once again, I really enjoyed your story and I loved how in-character everyone seemed to be (besides Sasu-chan.. but heck, how can you write a pre-slash/pre-yaoi SasuNaru without Sasuke going out of character... heck if I know!) and it wuz basically just AWESOME!

Kekeke~! Once again, thank you dear authoress of the sensational read. (:
caesaraugusta chapter 18 . 8/16/2010
Great story, please continue it!
KyouyaxCloud chapter 18 . 6/14/2010
owww, i curious what will happen!

update plizzzzzzzz:)
KyouyaxCloud chapter 11 . 6/14/2010
omg! naruuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
KyouyaxCloud chapter 6 . 6/14/2010

naru so kakoiii!
KyouyaxCloud chapter 3 . 6/14/2010
naruto kakoii!
Kiyofugi chapter 18 . 5/26/2010
man~~~~ & i was waiting all this time for an update just to see an A/N sayin its up for adoption & you gave up on finishing it cuz the...inspiration went away T_T if i could write wonderful stories i would finish for you but unfortunately i cant write for shit -_-; well its such ashame that you have given up & want to put this up for adoption. I hope someone is willing to adopt it & finish this awesome story you started xD
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