Reviews for Lost: SG1 style!
Guest chapter 40 . 10/31/2016
Look what you have done. You have made me read all 40 chapters of this story. In. One. Sitting. It is now 2:50AM. I hope you're happy. AND I'm not going to have the chance to read the sequel (which I hope you were able to complete) for another couple of days.
Guest chapter 8 . 10/31/2016
Ok. Besides Jack and Sam, Karelle is my favourite character.
Virginie31 chapter 40 . 11/20/2014
Hello from France !

I realise that this story has been written 6 years ago and I don't know if you still receive notifications from this site, but I can't read a 40 chapters story and not leave a comment :)

So, I've spent the last 6 days reading Lost and I have to say that I loved it ! I actually thought of Daniel while reading the first chapters, wondering if he would appear at one point or another ; glad he did !

I liked the fact that Sam and Jack didn't immediately gave in to their feelings. Truth be told, their first kiss, followed by Sam's decision to stop things and Jack's angry reaction hooked me, because I could see that happening in the show.

**Mini-rant** I have to say that I was a bit disappointed by their first time together : in my opinion, you could have written more about this part. What I'm trying to say is that I really, really liked the part that led to the kiss, but the follow-up was too quick : in a few sentences, you made them run, go home and Alakazam ! the deed was done and they were lying in bed. I'm not saying that I wanted it to be graphic, not a all ; but I would have loved to read about feelings, sensations...

Also, I'm not a huge fan of the whole baby thing ; it tends to be too fluffy for me (not just in your story : I'm not a big fan of it in numerous fanfictions). Yet again, you did a great job with the whole "Niirti made her grow up faster" thing, so it kind of made me run for it, in the end.

Except from those two details, I think that the story was very rich ; the society you created was really interesting (Sam not fitting in it, finding a way not to be enslaved in the role her gender entitled her to assume) ; the council members were very well written (Tomah's craziness/ilness was really well put)... I think I could go on and on forever, but I have a sequel to read :)
mebfeath chapter 11 . 6/25/2014
I'm really glad you didn't make it easy for them! I think it's more likely that they would hold out for a really long time, until all hope was well and truly gone.
mmkbrook chapter 40 . 2/10/2014
Excellent story. Enjoyed it very much. Now onto the sequel/prequel.
mmkbrook chapter 38 . 2/10/2014
At least Daniel intervened as best as he could.
mmkbrook chapter 37 . 2/10/2014
Even knowing this is a story, I would like to punch Nirrti's lights out for good.
mmkbrook chapter 36 . 2/10/2014
What I think is that the Ascended ones don't deserve to be, and that they should be returned to earth in corporeal form without any clothes and a tin to ask for alms. Poor Sam. To be in the clutches of that megalomaniac.
mmkbrook chapter 35 . 2/10/2014
Short of an intervention from the Asgard, don't know what they can do.
mmkbrook chapter 34 . 2/10/2014
Another great chapter. Hope Sam can shut off that beacon.
mmkbrook chapter 33 . 2/10/2014
This is a real pickle. Nirrti is a Goauld, buy also a mad scientist. That combo makes her very, very dangerous.
mmkbrook chapter 32 . 2/10/2014
Guess Daniel is 'visiting' Sam and Jack from the big Ascension place. Wonder how he can help if he has no corporeal body. Glad to see Daniel on the job-so to speak.
mmkbrook chapter 31 . 2/10/2014
Hope is the Asgard who come to their rescue, not the Goauld who used to run the planet.
mmkbrook chapter 30 . 2/10/2014
There has to be a gizmo to get them and the rings back to the surface.
mmkbrook chapter 29 . 2/10/2014
Glad Jack went out with Sam. Wonder what they will find once the rind device is activated. Presumably the Elven lab?
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