Lost: SG1 style!

Hey, here's my latest and longest story! I'm warning you, this thing is likely to go on for months, and I haven't finished writing it yet. I actually wrote the sequel before this part, so look out for that once this is done. I really hope you like it! I know it's been done to death, but hey, this is my take on it. Please let me know if it's any good!

Summary: Jack and Sam get stranded on an alien world in another galaxy, after a test-flight with the new X-302 goes awry. They struggle with the antiquated customs of the new world around them, and with their own developing relationship. Unashamedly SJ! But it's fairly subtle to begin with, and doesn't get really pronounced for quite a while. Good things come to those who wait!

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. The nice people at MGM do. I think. Is it them?

Spoilers: Set in Season 6, after 'Abyss', but before 'Prometheus'. Daniel is ascended, which will become important later on. Also, as the story premise is that Sam and Jack get stranded off-world, the rest of the team won't appear in the story much. Just a warning. Oh, and I messed around with 'Fallen' at the end. That's it ... I think.



"Main engine failure! Hyperdrive down! All we've got is the reverse burner!" Major Samantha Carter yelled from the second seat of the prototype X-302.

"What good will that do us?" Colonel Jack O'Neill yelled back.

"None whatsoever, if we fire that up now we'll be thrown into a very fast nose dive. We'll have to wait till we've entered the atmosphere and then use the 302's parachutes." Sam told him.

"Will that be enough?" Jack yelled over his shoulder to her.

"It'll have to be, we're out of options!" The USAF's latest fighter jet with naquadria fuelled hyperdrive (and other alien enhancements facilitating space travel) was falling very, very fast into the atmosphere of a blue and green planet similar to Earth, in a galaxy far away from the Milky Way. Sam and Jack had volunteered to pilot the bird for its first test of the new hyperdrive engine between galaxies. The theory was, if it worked, it could help them contact the Asgard more easily when necessary.

The hyperspace jump had worked perfectly. They had emerged, after a four hour jaunt in hyperspace, in the galaxy they'd designated Tigrus, near a planet with a breathable atmosphere, but some very strange electro-magnetic properties.

Immediately the X-302's systems began to fail. Sam barely had time to verify their position and frown at the planet's bizarre magnetic field, before the '302 began to veer towards it. Jack attempted to engage the engine to escape the planet's pull, but it began sputtering and died with a muffled bang. Their slow drift became an accelerating free fall, while the alarmed pilots tried and failed to find an engine that worked. Something in that magnetic field around the planet was killing each of the 302's systems as they were turned on.

The ill-fated machine fell down through the clouds, the colossal parachutes slowing its descent marginally. The Colonel and Major watched the sickening sight of the ground rushing to meet them. Jack shut his eyes tight, jaws locked together, and gripped his seat as he yelled:

"Brace for impact!"

Jack awoke, some time later, to the taste of blood and the acrid stench of burning. He kept his eyes closed while he assessed his injuries. A shake of each of his legs caused a twinge in his knees and back, but revealed no broken bones. He lifted his arms cautiously, flexing them slowly.


Jack whipped his eyes open at the sound of his 2IC's voice.

"Carter? You alright?" He asked, closing his eyes again against the harsh daylight invading the cockpit.

Sam carefully unclipped her oxygen mask and safety belt, tentatively leaning forward, and winced as pain shot through her back.

"I think so sir. You?" She replied with a grimace, leaning back again.

"Fine." Jack replied shortly, opening his eyes again to survey the damage to the 302. "I'm not holding my breath for this bucket o' junk, though."

Looking out of the forward window, Jack saw a semicircle of people, simply dressed, staring in fear and curiosity at the downed bird.

"We got company." He commented to Sam. She was looking through her side windows at their audience critically.

"They don't look hostile, sir. We should get out in case the naquadria's stability has been compromised."

That made Jack pause. "What if it has?" He asked lightly. Sam lifted herself out of her seat slightly to force the top of the cockpit open.

"Then we get blown up." She answered frankly.

Together, Sam and Jack got the 302's hatch open, and climbed slowly and painfully out. Jack winced when he saw Sam. She had a bad burn on her left cheek and a small gash just below her hairline that was bleeding. He guessed her probably didn't look much better.

They discovered that the 302 had eventually stopped with its left wing resting on a felled tree. The pair slowly made their way down the red-hot wing, and then clambered awkwardly down to the ground via the unfortunate tree.

Jack and Sam limped painfully away from the smouldering space craft, towards the wary crowd. An old man stepped forward uncertainly.

"Hello. I am Kollen, a village elder. This is Amdra, our village." He said, gesturing to the cluster of wooden buildings in the distance beyond the trees and fields behind him.

Jack stepped towards him, suppressing a wince as his knees protested.

"Hello. I'm Colonel Jack O'Neill, and this is Major Sam Carter." Sam smiled and nodded her head in greeting. "We're from a planet called Earth."

Kollen gasped. "Another planet?"

Jack and Sam exchanged weary looks. "Yes. There are . . . quite a lot of them out there." Jack told him. Kollen and his fellow villagers looked dumbfounded at this news.

"We're very sorry about crashing into your planet like this, but we sorta need a favour." Jack continued.

"Do you have a Stargate?" Sam asked. When receiving only blank looks, she tried again. "Chappa'ai?" Still nothing.

"It's a big, huge, stone ring with glowing chevrons and a big puddle that whooshes sideways . . ." Jack explained, gesticulating wildly.

Kollen exchanged bewildered looks with the others. "I am sorry, we have no such thing."

Jack sighed, his shoulders slumping. This wasn't going to be as easy as he'd hoped. Not that crash-landing a prototype spacecraft on an alien planet in a galaxy far, far away was ever supposed to be easy. He stole a glance at Sam. She looked worried.

One of the other villagers stepped forward. "Excuse me," he said in an accusatory tone, "are we to believe that you flew here through the stars themselves in that . . . that contraption, and then accidentally crashed in our village?"

Jack eyed the man stonily. There's one on every planet.

"Yes." He replied shortly.

The trouble-maker looked quite taken-aback by this blunt response. "This is nonsense." He exclaimed to Kollen.

"Tomah," Kollen addressed the man, "did your eyes not just see this vessel fall from the sky? Where else could it have come from other than the stars?"

"That is not what I am disputing." Tomah argued. "If these people really have the means to traverse the great heavens, why would they come here, to our particular village, if not to launch an attack of retribution on behalf of the Gods?"

"Hey!" Jack cut in. "We didn't mean to crash on your fine little planet. We certainly didn't get to pick which village to drop into either!"

"What do you mean by 'an attack of retribution on behalf of the Gods'?" Sam asked.

Kollen sighed, raising a hand to quiet Tomah. "Seven generations ago, our village, Amdra, rose up in rebellion over the beings who ruled our planet, our 'Gods'. We were victorious, and the Gods left. Some believe they will one day return to seek revenge on our village." He explained.

"Well we're certainly not here on their orders." Jack snapped.

Sam looked at him nervously. He was getting irritated and short-tempered, and she thought she should probably try to diffuse the situation.

"The 'Gods' as you know them are really an alien race known as the Goa'uld. Our people are at war with them." She said.

"You are enemies of the Gods?" Tomah repeated sceptically.

"Yes." Sam said firmly. Kollen smiled.

"Then you are welcome here. Come, we will treat your injuries, and provide you with food and shelter."

Jack saw Tomah cast an annoyed look at the older man, before reluctantly following the crowd to the village.

Whaddaya think? Thanks for reading, please review! I'm very anxious to get feedback on this one, seeing as it's such a huge project of mine!
