Reviews for Soul Mates
PenArt chapter 1 . 8/21/2018
Haha that was funny! XD Especially them on TV lol
ANON-ALERT XD chapter 1 . 11/2/2013
Oooohhhh! A New Pairing for Me to exploit it's Wonders!
xYourDearlyBeloved chapter 1 . 7/18/2010
Gaahh gotta love Matsuda and Mikami. Amazing story for a oneshot :P

xYourDearlyBeloved :D
littleonegi chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
I like this. Mikami/Matsuda could be next favourite couple.

I hope you write more Mikami/Matsuda.
Kidiu chapter 1 . 11/1/2009
Aww, that was so cute! I totally love Matsuda, he's my favorite! And pairing him with Mikami is just adorable!
Brook Weed chapter 1 . 4/11/2009
That was insanely adorable. You! *points* Now I like this pairing!
Bialy chapter 1 . 7/21/2008
That was a genuinely funny story, I laughed at least three times. The raw egg sandwich and Ide's "Good lord he's drunk again" especially. But it's like 3am so it was a stifled laugh.

I enjoyed it D as you said 2 days is quick to fall in love, but for fluff we can suspend reality. And Matsuda. I hadn't really considered the Mikami/Matsu pairing before (because to me idk Matsuda's just too hopeless to ever realise someone was interested in him, unless someone actually JUMPED him...) but I have thought the L/Matsu one was cute. I might try writing this pairing sometime, if you don't mind! It's cute, and...two pretty men 3
Sonar chapter 1 . 7/9/2008
Now that is funny as heck. Good job. I loved the ending and when the other officers reacted to what was going on.
Squiggles9034914 chapter 1 . 5/16/2008
i never thought of this pairing before it was just so cute and on the otherhand me and my dad read this... aloud XD it was so funny how you put Matsuda -sigh- clueless Matsuda i wanted to kiss his boo boo! :D ill be watching for more stories by u ;)
xoxoxlovestinksxoxox chapter 1 . 1/12/2008
Aw! That was so adorable! Really, words cannot describe the cuteness. One of the best DN fics I've read, which is really saying a lot. Ah, isn't Matsuda just adorable? And he's spreading it to Mikami, too! (Not that Mikami wasn't adorable before.) Yes, Ide, aren't you jealous that Matsuda is having a great romance and you haven't? XD And I'd love to see what was running through that caller's head when Mikami said he was dropping the case...
Shinigami Mothman chapter 1 . 12/31/2007
I've found my new crack.

This was SO funny, I have endless quotes to just point and laugh at, but I won't drag on. I loved it to death. I like how you exaggerated their characters to seem even more different than what they are. I know Matsuda isn't THAT retarded, but it was funny seeing him interact with Mikami. (Though Mikami seemed VERY in character to me. All OCD and stuff).

I think what pulled my heartstrings with this story is that it reminded me of me and my love alot. I've felt like Mikami in the story sometimes with him, and I'm sure he's felt like Matsuda. Anyway, if you don't write a PWP sequel to this, I will myself.
Green Sprout chapter 1 . 12/19/2007
hahah I loved this!

Mastuda is like my favorite character EVER! I didn't understand the concept of MxM, but this is actually pleasing to read _

I loved how Light was like, " whatever." and the fact that Tota was arrested for something so like him...


still good piece
Micuko chapter 1 . 11/26/2007
O, sweet and cute, love it
Falcon's Jade chapter 1 . 11/9/2007
You...seriously, you are GOD! Er, goddess! Well anyways, great writer! I was laughing outloud at your fic, and that's not something that happens often! I've never thought of this pairing before, but you've done it quite well. Great job!
Yoruhiro chapter 1 . 11/1/2007
Oh my gosh... that was so funny. I'm gonna die of concussion. I'll sue you if I die.
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