Reviews for Great Chieftain o' the Puddin Race
Fireandblodd chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
Awwww! So cute! I really liked this one ;-)
Hikoru Aniki chapter 1 . 2/21/2011
Very well done! I wasn't sure quite how it would be, based off of the summary, but it turned out well. Cecile and Lloyd were both in character and reacted realistically to the situations you created. The story flowed well. *nod*
Anonymous chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
Beautifully written! Such an easy read, a page turner, wow!
schnook chapter 1 . 11/11/2010
Brilliant. Loved it, loved it, loved it! I started reading it, continued reading it, finished it, then proceeded to sit back a moment, think, then realise this unnameable urge was telling me to read it again. And I did. And I realised it was double-brilliant!
elektricstorm chapter 1 . 10/29/2010
Wow... This is just amazing. :) I mean, I've only just started watching Code Geass, so I'm not an expert on relationships between characters and things, but it just seems so realistic! Like, I can totally see this happening :D Great work!

Going off to check out your other stories now :P
xxAwesomeLucyxx chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
This fic was wonderful! One things for sure, there needs to be more fics about Lloyd out there, especially from Cecile's view. I think my favorite line of the series was Lloyd's "Hip-hip-Hoo~ray!" bit, and it drew me to his rather...strange personality.

Of course, I was nostalgic when I read the title. My grandmother (who is the perfect image of a Scottish lady) used to sing this song every first Sunday of the month when she made haggis. I must say, it made my ears bleed, but her cooking definitely made up for it...Even though haggis is one of the most unappetizing LOOKING things ever.
music.ribbons chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
Hahaha~ I found this particular story very amusing! D You really captured Lloyd's personality and diction really well. I could actually imagine everything happening. ;) I'd definitely read it again when I'm feeling down.
VioTanequil chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
I liked the usage of food, and the wonderful description and development of their relationship. :D Thanks for the great read. :)
Kiraya chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
This is just PERFECT. Such a sweet, in-character vignette - excellent work!
none chapter 1 . 4/27/2009
this is awesome, i wish there were more of lloyd/cecile fics.
StaminaRose chapter 1 . 2/11/2009
aaw... that was cute. I love this pairing, Lloyd reminds me of a cross between Szayel Aporro from Bleach and a very mellow Kaitou Sai from Majin tantei nougami neuro. Also, hes really really cute.

Ya know, for the first few episodes with him i was confused as to who was in charge between em, since Cecil doesnt act much like an assistant. guess thats what makes em a great work pairing.

Anyways, id love to see more!
Marisol Akyri chapter 1 . 12/22/2008
! love this! lloyd doesnt have enough fanfics written about him...


marisol akyri
Magnusrae chapter 1 . 10/8/2008
Your story is very interesting as far as a sort-of romance goes. I don't believe I've seen a more clever way to describe two people's personalities and how they compliment each other. I think you captured Lloyd the best; I could 'hear' his voice actor saying all of his lines. He wouldn't be good at cooking at all, and I think your lines regarding him being a genius, but not a scientist, were spot on for his character.

Cecile on the other hand... well, it took me a couple of read-throughs, but I guess I can see Cecile as you see her too. I'm not sure about her doubts on whether or not she's qualified to do her job (I always thought of her as being more than smart enough) but Lloyd's reasons to "keep her around" seem very good to me. A sporadic soul like him would need a nice solid wall to bounce off of. All in all, it was a very good, very unique story and I applaude you for capturing the characters so well in such a different way.
Khiyu chapter 1 . 10/2/2008
Prior to reading this fic, I never really had that much of an interest in Cecile or Lloyd, but this was just too well-written and adorable to ignore. I loved how scientifically Cecile regarded cooking and the interactions between her and Lloyd were just so cute. Your fic has really made me want to pay more attention to these two and some of the other characters I've been kind of "meh" about up until now.
ToastedPine chapter 1 . 9/30/2008
A fic where I wouldn't change anything in the world. The best character sketch I've seen in a vary long while. I'm smiling as I write this comment, and feeling like a little boy again. Thanks.
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