Reviews for It's Never Too Late
Vicki Snyder1 chapter 31 . 7/12
This is one of my all time favs! Thank you for sharing your talent;-)
aelfwyne chapter 19 . 8/28/2019
Love this fic. One thing: "eres mi salvaje" means you are my savage . What you meant to say was " eres mi salvacion" you are my salvation.
misty23y chapter 32 . 4/5/2019
it's the second time I read your story and I still love it. You realistically allowed Steph to grow and showed a true to character reaction from the other characters. Great job.
Fawn Hickory chapter 32 . 3/14/2019
I really enjoyed your story, thank you. :)
Illa-Marie Bjell chapter 2 . 1/27/2019
OOOOPPS!That last name is Bjelland pronounced Bee-yell-and here in the States and by this mainly Irish/Scot/English woman.
I want to commend you on your writing and ho
w well your story has stood up thru the years. Ihave been reading FanFic for about 18 months, but have singled you out as one of my top favorite writers. , Your writing is clean, crisp and concise. You don't muddle your story with extra phrases that make the reader aware that the author is struggling, and would have been better off to shut down the keyboard rather than unintentionally blither away with her typing fits and spurts. To befuddle your reader with mucked up sentences is a crime in my humble opinion, so it's a treat to read your work.
If you are still in the writing mood, please bless us all with your efforts and talent.
Thank you.
Madgor chapter 32 . 12/21/2018
Amazing story, the depth of despair and the small steps to feel better... Love it! I like the brutal honesty, without sugar coated versions of the characters. Wow... I’m truly touched. Thank you!
Vicki Snyder1 chapter 32 . 10/25/2018
This is truly one of the best stories I’ve ever read. Thank you for your great rating. And now to read some of your others!
Vicki Snyder1 chapter 19 . 10/24/2018
So far this is the best chapter yet! Wow! Hot! Loved all the love and passion that went into the “smut”. Although you didn’t make it sound like smut at all! Very well written. I couldn’t wait until you finally allowed them to come together I knew it would be great but this was off the records! Thank you.
Vicki Snyder1 chapter 12 . 10/23/2018
I was looking for a good Ranger/Babe HEA story to read and happened to see this and thought I’d give it a shot. OMG I’m so loving it and can’t seem to stop reading! Great writing!
tanyaleigh chapter 32 . 10/13/2018
This is the first story featuring Steph having depression where it is handled like this. And recovery is focused on so intently. There is such a stigma on mental health... Thanks for writing this story! I found it to be well written and enjoyable.
Mumofpicklegirls chapter 32 . 6/26/2018
Fantastic story - thanks for sharing xox
connollyt chapter 32 . 5/3/2018
Very moving story. So well written. Thanks for sharing!
Carol421 chapter 32 . 4/30/2018
This is such a beautiful and well-written story. I just read it for the second time. Such beautiful emotion throughout the story. Their relationship is so lovely, and I loved Ranger's family.
jules3677 chapter 32 . 2/11/2018
Really enjoyed this story. Impressed with the way you dealt with difficult and incredibly sensitive issues. Liked how your Ranger character continued to provide unwavering positive support to Steph through her crisis. Thought you dealt with the sexual assault and intimidation realistically. Thank you.
Buddy'sBabe chapter 32 . 1/26/2018
What a wonderful story.
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