Reviews for Ebb
odlaw.zeinke chapter 22 . 3/27/2018
I'm so sad to see this story had its last update a decade ago.

Loved your writing style, and all the detailed descriptions.

Thank you for the good read.
VJ Riddle chapter 22 . 4/2/2015
I like how she has no idea what's going on with the first guy - and look forward to the rest of their traveling shenanigans! Hope to see this crossover continue, thanks for writing!
slayer99 chapter 22 . 4/5/2014
Brilliant story made me both laugh and cry. keep it up and update :)
Protagonist Of Life chapter 22 . 2/5/2014
I love this story! I'm assuming that Buttercup used to be Buffy? That's what I've taken from it anyhow.
Lady Shagging Godiva chapter 22 . 9/16/2012
Found this story on Twisting the Hellmouth years ago, and loved it! I totally forgot about it, but you abandoned it didn't you? So I shouldn't get my hopes up? :(
DGfleetfox chapter 22 . 9/3/2012
Okay... please please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease continue this story! I found it on Twisting the Hellmouth (lost my account info or would've left review there) and it's honestly one of the best, most entertaining stories I've ever read and it's just the best because it's LoTR & Buffy - two of my absolute faves. Buffy as Buttercup is the best - one of my favorite parts was her letter to Gimli and then her sending him the ring - totally captured well those two as characters. I know you're still writing because I've read and am waiting for more of your Anita Blake 'Lethe' story too (which is awesome btw, can't wait - but will :( so... do you think you can take pity on a soul and start up again a story that's not be updated since 2008? I would help you out if you needed. This is too good to abandon, I hope you realize, and there are tons of people out there - myself amongst them - who love it to the utmost and are deeply unhappy that they can't enjoy more of it. Hope you are well, ... and yes if you're writing, hope you rekindle your appreciation for this verse and just... pleeeeeeease write more. Hopefully you'll get this. (yes a lot of hopes) Ciao!
marklespark chapter 22 . 5/30/2012
I don't want to be one of those people who just comes on and nags for updates... but I would give up candy for a year if you were to continue this story.
Tydepul chapter 22 . 7/16/2011
oh my gosh. i just read a bunch of your stories on TTH (but i don't have an account there to comment with). i love your writing! love the overall tone of the story, the mystery, the romance. i'm really hoping you'll get around to finishing this and others of your stories.
Regin chapter 22 . 5/16/2011
I Like, I Lust, I Love!Please Update Soon!
Gyreflight chapter 22 . 12/28/2009
Oh this is a fun story. I’m really enjoying myself here, and I love your hobbits (and dwarves, and rangers :-).

You write child-mindset with great and understated skill. It’s so easy to get it wrong, to let things slip out of true, and rare to see it done so well, with strong emotion that never slips into sentimentality. Buttercup-Buffy is an appealing child, and yet she remains recognisable as both Buffy and hobbit-lass – a triple balancing act that I wouldn’t usually have expected to succeed.

Buttercup-Buffy as Slayer!Hobbit is fascinating and utterly believable, with that edge of mystery that comes because she is, after all, not *only* a hobbit…even if she doesn’t understand that. Yet.

You do hobbits and Shirefolk just as well as you’ve previously written elves and dwarves and men (I choose to be admiring rather than envious of your ability to shift register with such apparent effortlessness), and it’s a pleasure to meet Bilbo still near his prime, to see Gloin and a young Gimli, to see the familiar young hobbits as they grow and the way that hobbit-society winds around them all.

I am fascinated to watch the patrolling Rangers through hobbit eyes, particularly as they fail to keep up with her (it makes me grin to watch her run rings around them; “there wasn’t a Man alive who could catch a hobbit, especially one who’d made up her mind that they wouldn’t”), and I’m totally caught by whatever is going on between she and Strider.

So then, Buttercup-Buffy is being taken for an adventure…I wonder where they will end up – and what Bilbo’s old friends will make of his most unhobbit-like ward.

Toniboo chapter 22 . 11/22/2009
hey i really love this fic, is there anyway you will be updating or continuing it?
Like A Clockwork Orange chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
I am desperately hoping that you'll continue this story. I am head over heels in love with hobbit!Buffy. Pure genius. I've seen a whole lot of elf!Buffy, but this is the only hobbit!Buffy I've ever come across. And as much as I love elf!Buffy, you have no idea how refreshing this is.

Please, please update. Bitte?
GypsyWitchBaby chapter 22 . 11/8/2009
LOVE this story! I really really hope that you begin updating new chapters, I'm dying to find out what happens. How and when Buttercup meets Strider again (I mean, come on! You have to let them meet again! Seriously.) and if she ever realizes she's not a hobbit, but a child of man. So yeah. Big fan, hope you start up writing again!
Shiruy chapter 22 . 10/14/2009
AHAHAHAHAHA! XDD She's so hilariously oblivious and the poor boys never even stood a chance. *laugh* And then her letter to Gimli... oh dear. xDD I feel very sorry for all the hearts she'll unwittingly leave broken in her wake. I'm only sad that she didn't meet Strider again before you apparently gave up on this story, I'd have loved to read that meeting.
Shiruy chapter 17 . 10/14/2009
*just can't stop laughing* Oh god. Oh my god. This has to be most hilarious thing I have read yet. Her letter... *laughs helplessy* Even I would fall in love with her for that. I adore what she has to say about orcs and her axe, it's perfect. Little jealous Meriadoc is absolutely hilarious and then the ring! You couldn't have ended this chapter any better. I love it beyond all reason.
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