Reviews for Oh, the wonder's of imagination
Relimeax chapter 16 . 5/16/2009
I'm enjoying this to no end! The plethora of emotions is a nice mix. And the level of 'how far' Kurogane and Fai are in various chapters makes it so amusing.

And this last chapter so far was... Simply, hilariously hot- I mean cute.

I hope you had a good Halloween (months ago, but hey...)!
MageMeow chapter 16 . 12/19/2008 it.. bad puppy
SilverKleptoFox chapter 16 . 11/2/2008
hahaha! you signed it YAOG! RAWR I doth rule the universe! Anyway that was really cute,especially "I'm a Vampire!" and the kids coming to the door, I just have it stuck in my mind that the kids were the Nihon incarnations of Syaoran and Sakura for some reason. Don't pop my bubble of fun! Heheheh I was Jizabel from Godchild for halloween, my freiend made a scalpel and I had a jar of eyeballs.

See ay soon!

Ren Spencer chapter 16 . 11/1/2008
I dunno if it's cuz of the three pieces of twelve hour old Winterfresh gum or the fact you have an awesome sense of humor, but I started laughing out of the blue... I don't even know what at...'
Melissa Brite chapter 15 . 8/16/2008
Love it so far. Keep writing.
Ren Spencer chapter 7 . 7/21/2008
~sob~ If only. If. Only.

Kei Lawliet chapter 15 . 6/6/2008
So sweet! _ Haha I tried to imagine Kurogane humming and I started laughing... he actaully has a good voice, though O.o The Japanese voice actor for him did a song called Zankou, and it was really good! Looks aren't always what they seem...

-shakes head-
XxCoffee-and-CreamxX chapter 15 . 5/21/2008
Kuro-pansey! _

I love it, so sweet and cute.

TheFanFictionAlchemist chapter 15 . 5/20/2008

Sque! ( I agree, thats a word.)

Cute, cute.

Thought, you know Fai's older. By a lot, from what I gather.
Animelover1234 chapter 15 . 5/20/2008
its so adorable!
MazokuTenshi chapter 14 . 5/3/2008
Waah! Oh the cuteness! Too much for my eyes! I have to cover them... *peeks and gets nosebleed* Soo Kawaii!
SilverKleptoFox chapter 14 . 5/3/2008
hell YAOG-san! That chapter was absolutey adorable. I can see Fai doing that, he's like sugar arsenic; Sweet on the outside, but dark and poisonous on the inside, but you can become immune to his poison and love him or the deeper, bitter sweetness within. Crap that's a weird analogy. Anyway I really liked thatstory. See ya soon!

XxCoffee-and-CreamxX chapter 14 . 5/3/2008
This one was really sweet. I think this one is maybe my fav so far, I dont really know though. lol _ Hope to read another one soon.

TheFanFictionAlchemist chapter 14 . 5/2/2008
Made me smile, what I needed too. Had a crappy day…yesterday I supose, with the hour. Well, had a bad two days reaily. Fluff is much loved. Cute as always. Thanks, much KuroFai love.
Animelover1234 chapter 13 . 4/29/2008
its adorable! .
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