Just a bunch of random oneshots and little things of KuroFai I decided to write, because, well, I like writing it. This is quite simply a excuse to write KuroFai, so really, if there's any OOC-ness in later chapters, ignore it. Well, read on.

Oh, right, spoilers, about stuff..after the acid tokyo thing.

Sometimes, people don't want a hug.

Fai sighed sadly; his finger's drumming on the mahogany desk he was sitting at. He glanced out the window to the land of Celes. He felt a sudden pang as he thought of much Fai would be enjoying this.

He regretted taking his brother's name. Aside from the fact that at some point provided someone ever found out, it could get confusing. That, and the fact he was nothing like Fai, he was Yuui, and just that.

He didn't deserve to have his brother's name.

Fai sighed and buried his head in arms, resting on the desk.

He wanted to wallow in his pity, and do it alone.

If anyone saw, they would most likely feel sorry for him.

He didn't want their sympathy, he didn't deserve it. He buried his head deeper into his arms.

There was no chance he was going to let Ashura know, because he, for sure, would hug him.

And he didn't want his pity.

Sometimes, people want a hug

Fai's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of the sword.

The blood.

Sakura's blood.

He had done that.

It was his fault.

He raised the sword above his head, intending to bring to done swiftly.

It would be over then. He wouldn't cause anyone else harm.

A sturdy arm grabbed his arm on the downswing.

"Don't hurt anyone else with the sword, yourself included" The voice growled.


Fai noticed Syaoran approaching.

The boy didn't look angry, only sad.

"S-sorry" Fai stammered, tears filling his eyes.

And as the world around him faded away, the only he wanted was someone to hug him, tell him that it wasn't his fault, that they would get her back.

But no one did.

And sometimes…..

Fai sobbed softly into the older man's shirt.

Fai had woken up from a nightmare, well, more like a flashback of all the memories he wanted to forget.

He had jerked awake; tear's streaming down his face.

There was only one person in the house to who was awake to seek comfort from.

The ninja wrapped his arms slowly around the sobbing body.

Kurogane chuckled softly as Fai snuggled closer.

"You know, I'm seriously starting to think you have these nightmares on purpose" He said, resting his chin on the blonde's head.

Kurogane rubbed Fai's back slowly. Fai's lips twisted into a sad smile.

Sometimes, it feels good to be hugged.

Ok, so I felt like writing about hugs, but, really who doesn't love hugs. I don't, and I hug people a lot (Hah, only my buddies, not, like complete strangers, cause that'd be weird).

I think I'll take idea's on any ideas for this.

There won't be much of a plot, but maybe a two chapter thing.

Who knows.

Well, R&R (Really, suggestion's would be nice.)