Reviews for AutoMoon
Neo-Devil chapter 13 . 12/29/2016
remember the famous words of Megatron from Transformers prime "Megatron...IS COMMANDED BY NO ONE!" meaning that Galvatron and Unicron will lose control at some point.
creativesm75 chapter 13 . 12/23/2011
Kaleia chapter 13 . 4/11/2010
Oh man! Im so sorry I didnt review in a long time! Yes Its me The one and only Lil Angel is back baby! XD Though I change the name to Kaleia (Its Hawaiian) and oh! Shinnsteller you change your name to! (To Black Convoy! Awesome!) This chapter is getting better and baby!
Thundercracker chapter 13 . 4/27/2009
Alright, second time around to reading this chapter.

The battle gets more and more desperate as things spin out of control for both sides. Seems that Nemesis, and now Galvatron will be nothing more than puppets for Unicron.

So Galaxia makes an appearance and is already putting forward her own machinations. I'll be paying attention to that.

What intrigued me the most in this chapter is the end. A young Beryl crosses paths with The Fallen (from the soon to be released sequel, June 26 for those who don't know). Now that caught my attention.

I'd like to see what those two sub-plots (Galaxia, The Fallen) will lead too.
drake202 chapter 13 . 3/29/2009
so cool so very cool i cant wait for the next chapter though i wonder how can prime beat galvatron only one way i know of powermaster optimus prime well thats my guess anyways but still awsome chapter
Harpygirl91 chapter 13 . 3/18/2009
Ah! You changed your username! I like it though, and I like this chapter.
Taeniaea chapter 13 . 3/18/2009
Great Chapter
drake202 chapter 12 . 3/9/2009
hey this is a very interesting story i must say but i got to ask didnt you forget a combiner on the autobots side i think theyre called the trainbots from the headmasters part of the transformers series i think they formed raijin anywas a very good story all in all oh and the voice at the very end can anyone say uincron
Thundercracker chapter 12 . 11/2/2008
And so the plot thickens.

I have an idea of who this "booming voice" is. But I'll PM you instead of posting it here, cause if I'm right, I don't want to ruin the guess work for everybody else.

Good fic.

Oh, if you need more Autobots to kill off, Hot Rod is always a good choice.
Lil Angel chapter 12 . 10/28/2008
Chapter 12 awesome! Please hope Usagi is alright and will they destroy Nemesis! Hope so!
Harpygirl91 chapter 12 . 10/28/2008
interesting. T.T I need a hug. I have been wieghed down by applying for colleges, college homework, AP homework, and my new babysitting job.
ShadowHawk chapter 12 . 10/28/2008
good so far, keep it up
Taeniaea chapter 12 . 10/27/2008
Great Story
ShadowHawk chapter 11 . 10/27/2008
It is a good fanfic. I like the plot. I like the accuracy to each charcaters. Can't wait to see more.
Thundercracker chapter 11 . 9/11/2008
Man I hope Hot Rod gets killed. He is the worst thing to ever happen to the Autobots.

I finally finished reading chap. 11. Now I'm completely caught up with the events. Great story.
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