Well, I'm going to give another try at a multi-chapter Transformers crossover story. Hopefully this will be more successful than the others. I want to thank Harpygirl91 and Sailor Ra for their reviews on A Simple Flower. Anyways, enjoy and if you like it, then review, please.

Chapter 1

The Awakening


"I thought you would have already known Megatron," growled Optimus Prime as he grappled with his old nemesis. "You and your kind are not welcome on my ship!" The Autobot commander managed to get the upper hand on his foe and throw the Decepticon leader out into the void of space. Prime then turned his attention to the other Decepticons on board the Ark, which he easily dispatched. However, his problems were far from done. "Jazz, give me a damage assessment." The damage to the ship caused by their battle left a large hole in the side and knocked out a few of the Ark's engines. "Well that's just prime," muttered Optimus as he took his place at the ship's wheel.

"Wheeljack to Optimus," announced the Autobot's main mechanic and mad scientist via communication terminal. "Hate to ruin your happy day, but the engine repairs are gonna take at least five cycles before they're up and runnin'." At the moment, it was clear that Wheeljack wasn't the first bot Prime wanted to see, but what choice did he have.

"We don't have that amount of time," commented Optimus. "Get as many working as you can in less than two cycles, and no complaining." Normally, Prime wasn't this demanding, but this wasn't a normal situation. Heck, he didn't even have time to organize all of his thoughts in his central processor. "Ironhide, what is our current destination?"

"It ain't good chief. According to the readings, we're heading for a planet's moon. The really bad part is that it's populated!"

"That changes everything," said Prime as his grip on the Ark's controls tightened. He pressed a few buttons on the panel in front of him and waited for a response from the loud speaker system. "Attention all Autobots, brace yourselves for a rough landing. We must avoid hitting any populated sector at all cost. Hopefully, we'll get through this in one piece."

Moon Kingdom, Mare Serenitatis, 2 years later:

"What?! Princess Hotaru is gone missing again," shouted one of the many servants of the Moon Kingdom. "What is that girl's problem? Is she trying to make die of worry?"

"Calm down Xenos," said another servant to her over-reacting co-worker. "Remember that Lady Saturn is still a young teenager and this is one of the few times she was allowed to leave Titan Castle. Her time here is limited and she's a very curious girl, so it doesn't surprise me that she left the palace."

"I must agree with Zepherites on that topic," commented an eavesdropper who held great authority in the kingdom. That person was the entire reason for the Moon Kingdom's prosperity, Queen Serenity. The two women just stared at their queen for a few moments in shock before they were able to fully understand exactly whose presence they were in. Once the thought process was complete, they dropped to their knees in front of Serenity and bombarded her with apologies and pleas for forgiveness. This behavior wasn't new to the queen, but she couldn't help but laugh each time. "You may stand up now, and there is no need to break your knees just because I am around. Also, do not worry about Princess Hotaru, I will send somebody to get her," said Serenity cheerfully as she turned away, unaware of another presence stalking her.

The mysterious person hid in the shadows and waited for the opportune moment to strike Queen Serenity. Unfortunately, the assassin's plans were foiled when Zepherites noticed the light reflecting off his knife. She shrieked, making his presence known to everyone, but that did not deter the assailant. With swift movements, he killed both of the servants and lunged at the queen. "For true justice for the Dark Moon Kingdom," he shouted prior to slashing at Serenity. Unfortunately, his attack was not fatal and only managed to scratch the queen's arm, while she was able to pull some of his mask down. What the queen saw horrified her to no end, but the guards arrived and drove off the assailant before she could call his name. For Serenity, the pain in her heart outweighed the pain of her wound and she slumped to the ground crying. "What wrong have I done to you my son," she sobbed as some of her attendants came to her side.

Upon returning to the throne room, Serenity was not given a single moment to rest before a messenger came running in. "Your Majesty, I have some important news for you." Many of the attendants gave him an angry glare and were about to send him away if not for the intervention of the queen. "Queen Serenity, this information pertains to the large spacecraft that crashed nearby two years ago. We've finally managed to get past the security systems and are ready to open it."

Mare Serenitatis, outside of the palace grounds:

Princess Hotaru of Saturn gazed over a spectacular view of the kingdom from her newly claimed "favorite spot." It was a quiet little place on the side of a mountain with lush grass and a large tree that provided shade. The best part about it was that it was her secret spot where she could get away from the troubles of being a princess and just be a normal girl. However, it wasn't a secret for much longer as Hotaru's ears became filled with the sounds of somebody scampering up the tree behind her. Being a young teenage girl, she looked up to see what was causing all of the commotion and got a bit more than what she'd bargained for. "Excuse me, but could you please find a more private place to change your clothes," she asked sweetly, but received a blank stare in return. The boy, still in his undergarments bundled his clothes and prepared to leap out of the tree. "Don't leave," she begged for reasons unbeknownst to her.

"Well, what do you want," ask the boy, irritated and cold from being half naked.

"I…um… would like you at least stay and keep me company for a while. If that is alright with you?" Even though she was a princess with power over the majority of people, it was just not in her nature to order others around. Hotaru stared at the boy with large puppy-eyes, waiting for a reply.

"Fine, just let me get dressed." Hotaru, happy with the response she got, agreed to his terms. During the time it took for her company to get dressed, she entertained herself with the giddy thought of having a conversation with a person that would treat her like a normal girl instead of a fixed conversation with people who were aware of her status. "So what do you want to talk about," asked the boy as he took a seat beside her. Hotaru took note of his dark skin and how his navy jacket and pants complemented his dark complexion. "Well," he asked impatiently, making her laugh a little.

"First, we can start with telling each other our names. I'm Hotaru…"

"You mean Princess Hotaru of Saturn," interrupted the boy. Hotaru's heart sank as the idea of a normal conversation vanished. She glanced over at the boy to see if there were any changes in his behavior, but was relieved to see nothing. "My name is Setsuna and I'm just a commoner in this miserable kingdom," he said as his fist tightened. Hotaru was glad that his manor of speaking hadn't changed, but the anger radiating from him did both her. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hold it against you because you don't make the laws in this land of injustice and strife." Now, she was really troubled and even hurt by these accusations directed to her queen.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but there is no injustice while Queen Serenity is in power," said Hotaru softly so not to further the boy's anger.

Setsuna just looked at Hotaru as if she was crazy then turned his head and sighed. "Not to the Lunarians, but it's a whole different story with my people. We're always being persecuted against."

This information was too much for Hotaru to comprehend. For all of her life, she'd been taught to believe that Queen Serenity single-handedly brought peace and justice to every person in the kingdom. That tranquility and kindness were the guiding principles of a kingdom that was superior to the greatest utopia. "That's a lie! Queen Serenity would never allow injustice to fall upon any group of people," she shouted as tears flowed down her eyes.

"Not for my people," replied Setsuna in a calm tone as he pushed aside his central bang to show Hotaru the marking on his forehead. However, before he could do that, the young boy was tackled to the ground and placed in handcuffs by two imperial soldiers.

"What is the meaning of this," roared Hotaru, enraged by the actions of the imperial soldiers. "He is just a civilian boy with a distaste for the crown. He has not committed any crime nor has he tried to harm me in any way!"

"Princess Hotaru, this is not an issue that concerns you, and this boy," said the soldier as he pressed his knee against Setsuna's head, "is certainly not an innocent civilian. Isn't that right Soran Ibrahim, son of Solaris Ibrahim of the Dark Moon Kingdom. He is a fugitive that's been avoiding his sentence for all of his life and will now join his fellow scum on Nemesis as soon as we get his father. Not to mention he was a key figure in the rebellion at Endymion Crater and personally tried to assassinate Queen Serenity. "

Hotaru was shocked by the accusations pressed against Setsuna. To make things worse for the young princess, Setsuna was not denying them. She was too stunned to come up with any type of defense for him, and at the moment, she wasn't sure if she wanted to. The sting of betrayal struck her heart as she watched the boy being forced to his feet. She was about to befriend a person of the very clan she was taught to associate with the devil. Hotaru's body was limp preventing her from doing anything except watching the soldiers lead Setsuna away with his hands tied to the back of a prison transport vehicle. "Why did this have to happen," she asked herself as she stared at the ground.

The site of the crashed spacecraft:

"I'm sorry Your Majesty for making you come all the way out here after that dreadful ordeal I heard about, but this is our one chance to open this ship."

"Yes, I understand," responded Serenity kindly, even though she was in no mood to act for anybody. "I don't want to hear your excuses, just open the ship." The engineer did exactly what he was ordered to do, and punched in a series of buttons that opened a large metal door. What they found beyond those doors easily outclassed any other scientific or technological discovery to date. As predicted, it was a space ship, but the mere size of the controls served as a phenomenon in itself. Clearly, the species that inhabited this ship dwarfed their own species several times. Then, one question was answered but raised so many more once they reached the control room. Robots, gargantuan robots lay scattered on the floor while some remained seated at their post, all of them deactivated.

"Stand back you're Highness, there may still be some traps or other security devices active on this ship," said one of Serenity's body guards as he placed himself in front of the queen. However, he was pushed aside.

"I am well aware of that possibility commander, but I wish to see these "aliens" for myself." Serenity made her way to a particular robot that peaked her interest. It appeared taller than most of the others and had a blue head and a red body. Despite the warnings from her guards, Serenity found herself drawing closer to the robot until she was close enough to touch its arm. However, as she reached out to the metallic limb, motion sensors on the main body detected her and activated the robot.

"Elita," spoke the robot as it stared at Serenity and reached for her, only to shut down again.

"Hurry, Queen Serenity, it's not safe here," said one of her guards as he led her out of the room. "Once we're out, I want you to blow this thing sky high," he ordered one of his subordinates.

"I did not give permission for such a course of action commander," intervened Serenity, much to the surprise of the guards. "I want our top engineers and mechanics at this spot a.s.a.p. They are to repair these machines. Is that understood?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good, because I fear something big is going to happen and these robots may be our only chance for survival."