Reviews for Distance
Laws of Chaos chapter 1 . 8/4/2014
I love stories about how Arram Draper came to Tortall, and I especially love how you didn't reveal Alanna until the last part! Your story is so well-written, and I only wish there were more.

Best Wishes,
Emilyviolin chapter 1 . 12/2/2012
Loved this oneshot! I wish you'd write more for this series!
The Whisper chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
It's great to finally read some Alanna/Numair pre-Immortals! This was fantastic, truly. You really did it justice.
L.A.H.H chapter 1 . 4/20/2009
I thought this was really good, especially the conversation between Alanna and Numair. Thanks for writing it! x
LunaSphere chapter 1 . 12/16/2008
This is lovely really-I knew the woman had to be Alana (you wrote her as just so *Alanna* in the confidence, directness, and short-temperedness with which she spoke, her skill in fighting and her awareness of that skill) even though the disguise threw me and would love to see more!
Heather the Writer chapter 1 . 12/14/2008
And why have I not found this little gem before now?

The first two sections are lovely- You present Numair in different dimensions as someone more than the haughty, foolish Arram Draper and the book-bound Numair. I particularly liked how you represented Varice.

Next part: dialogue smooth and interesting, very in-character, but still tie in really well with the other sections.

I am very, very impressed. I hope to see more of your writing in the future.
HarmonyGrl chapter 1 . 11/21/2008
Omg love it! Is there gonna be another one? I would totally read it!
KrisEleven chapter 1 . 11/14/2008
I like it! I can hardly ever find good fics about this time in Numair's life, and I really enjoyed your take on the meeting between him and Alanna.

I love the first two sections- they are absolutely brilliant. Beautifully written. I love the image of the table with the single candle, and I think the entire piece is written well with Numair's sort of voice.

"He tried out a variety of responses in his mind, from oh, you're not colorblind to oh shit to I stole it, and came out with: "Yeah, so?"" This made me laugh, but it doesn't really go well with the Tortall-verse. Maybe you could have tried some phrases that worked better with that time period.

"Most of them were big guys, so thick they could barely write their name, but not these two." Most people couldn't, lol.

"The black robe had always been everything. The only period in his life he'd actually done for himself, worked for himself, the one thing in his life he held as the most important, the most sacred, even more so in this time when it was worthless. He couldn't fight for himself, because there was nothing left to fight for. But he could fight for the one thing in his life that meant something.

"Yes," he said, finally, because it was true." I love this opart so much! It is so well done!

I love Alanna. You write her perfectly and made me laugh so many times. Good job on her character.

Again, I loved it. Good job!

Magda Jan Brown chapter 1 . 10/20/2008
Wow, this is fantastic, some of the best writing I've read on fanfic I think. Your style is very distinctive, and there's great snappy dialogue, not to mention an interesting use of the premise. Very classy, well done!


Madame-S-Butterfly chapter 1 . 6/7/2008
For someone who avoids fanfiction centered around Daine or Numair, I quite enjoyed that. Very well done!
sarcastic rabbit chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Wow- what a great, well-written and well-characterized take on how Numair came to work for Tortall. This was fresh, original and intelligent. Great job. -Imo
Mage of Dragons chapter 1 . 6/1/2008
oh, wow. this was really good!

great job!
Magna Parva chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
Port Legann, not Leggand. But brilliant piece! I really enjoyed reading it. _

~ KJ
bookworm.amm chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
I really enjoyed reading a story about Numairs previous life, and it was very well Job!
Mickeygee chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
This is BRILLIANT :D I've been waiting and waiting for someone to write a good "Numair, Early Years" fict, and by jove, my friend You've FINALLY DONE IT! :D

I take my hat off to you :)

Thank you so much!
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