Reviews for My Stupid Cupid
Anonymous chapter 3 . 12/25/2008
Write as fast as you can. I like this story (:
funkypartyweasel chapter 3 . 10/3/2008
This story is fantastic! You write the characters so well, especially Dr Cox's thoughts. I love how he calls it 'Operation Nerdy Sex'... :) And this line was great as well:

"I spent three agonizing hours listening to Journey and trying to write a Newbie-ish poem for that stupid card that I could’ve spent it drinking and watching baseball."

I wish this would happen on the actual show, though somehow I don't think it will... I'm really looking forward for the next update! :)
identityless chapter 3 . 8/31/2008
Cool chapter :) nice to see more of this story! that bouquet sounds yummy ;)
Tell Her This chapter 3 . 8/27/2008
I love this story so much! It's hilarious, but I could totally see Perry doing that on the show! Fanstastic! Hope you update soon. :)
Sweet Elliot Reid chapter 3 . 8/27/2008
Hey, that's a great story and the name of the mission is so great!

Please continue quickly- lovin' JD/Elliot together!
keybladeboy chapter 3 . 8/26/2008
Wow, Dr. Cox as MATCHMAKER? Interesting. Very out of character for him, but interesting nonetheless. Good fic. The only complaint is that it's a little hard to tell who's talking at first...Aside from Dr. Cox, that is.

Fave'd and waiting.
Bells of Tomorrow chapter 3 . 8/26/2008
That is undeniably a nice bouquet to receive. LOL Anyway, great job with this! I was so happy to see another update. _ Good work, and looking forward to more!
Arica Princess of Rivendell chapter 2 . 8/25/2008
LOL! I hope that Elliot and JD do decide to get married.
Photo Philter chapter 2 . 7/16/2008
Haha, this is awesome so far! I love how Perry is playing matchmaker and trying to help in his own way...but he's still insulting them. Looking forward to what he tries to do next in "Operation Nerdy Love" (I love that name for the mission, btw)!
scrubly-degrassily-everlarkily chapter 2 . 7/10/2008
I loved the Newbie Dorian thing.

Hilarious ness...

Post more soon please!

daflippnay chapter 2 . 7/10/2008
LOL, this is so funny!

...for some reason, my evil brain is conjuring up the image of Doctor Cox in a frilly cheerleader outfit - complete with pompoms - and he's jumping around and cheering JD and Elliot on in a snarky and sarcastic way that only he can manage and OHGODHEWON'TSTOPUNTILYOUUPDATESOPLEASE.
daflippnay chapter 1 . 7/10/2008
"The point is, Newbie and Barbie are completely in love with one another and they refuse to see it. Just because they because they broke up four or five times doesn’t mean anything. Jordan and I broke up at least fifteen times before we got married, and look at us now, we’re a relatively satisfied divorced-but-still-together couple."

I wonder if I should be sad because that somehow makes entirely too much sense.
identityless chapter 2 . 7/10/2008
LOL, Great chapter! Poor 'Chief' Cox, I can't wait to see what his next plan of action will be. Too bad we never got to read the poem!

Keep up the awesome work!
Alice.1993 chapter 2 . 7/10/2008
Awesome story. Love the 'listening to Journey and trying to write a Newbie-ish poem' bit.

I think Dr. Cox is a JDElliot supporter, even if he won't admit it on real Scrubs, so I LOVE this story.

Keep writing!
Bells of Tomorrow chapter 2 . 7/10/2008
"I spent three agonizing hours listening to Journey and trying to write a Newbie-ish poem for that stupid card..." Ahaha! Poor Perry. That must've been torture for him. -snickers- Fun chapter! Looking foward to the next one. :)
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