Reviews for Starless Nights
whothefudgeisstarlord chapter 2 . 12/23/2012
Hey, just a thought. Murtagh and Nasuada are both Shur'tugal (riders), and so they are immortal. Because of that, wouldn't they be king and queen forever? And also, their bodies won't age. Paolini pointed out in Inheritance that Eragon would be young forever. Wouldnt that mean that Murtagh and Nasuada will be aswell?
And is Valeo going to be mentioned very much? I was thinking as he is now an integral part of Nasuada's person and mind, that he would be more important...
Anyways, this story is great! I checked the last time is was updated though - 4 years ago, and the story is only nine chaptrs long. Are you going to continue? Because I am in love with this story. If possible, I think you should, that is, if you have not forgotten what you were going to write and such.
You are a very talented writer.
Please keep writing, even if not on this story. D
Thank you for your time.
Guest chapter 9 . 11/7/2012
shame, you write good stories and even if you made murtagh seem a little differant (apperancewise) i like it still. btw, i love your penname it's really something.
Bee chapter 8 . 10/24/2012
Don't delete it Please! Keep Updating- You're amazing!
A Changing Persona chapter 9 . 6/8/2011
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not going to say you suck, because you don't. Hey, I don't write FanFiction, but that doesn't mean I suck either. Great story.
BrightWatcher chapter 9 . 3/8/2010
Cries, cries, cries. O Ah O Ah! Cries, cries, cries. Your done for good? Breaks down into more tears. Good luck with life! I still think your an amazing writer. (& I don't even know if you'll ever read this)I can understand how you feel, if you can't find any joy from it anymore than that's a good enough reason to stop, because life is supposed to fill you with joy and happiness, may God bless you richly in your life.


Thank you so much for sharing your gift!
xWei chapter 9 . 2/13/2010
T_T what a shame..

goodluck with your new hobbies and hope u one day will finmd time to finish the story...

lol forget the story, idk if u are ever gonna read this but..

goodluck anyways...

but if ever u do see this, could u tell us who the leader of the rebel group is? is it acctually galbatorix's heir?
Heihachi-Katayama chapter 9 . 3/12/2009
Looks like I came upon this pretty late, but oh well...anyway, I suppose i'll get straight to the point, even though you might not read this or even care.

This is a beautiful story - one of the few sequels that ends up being just as good as the original. You have a really amazing gift for writing, and while I know you have long since given up fanfictions, I do hope you decide to continue writing in some aspect. You have talent that shouldn't be wasted.

It is kind of a pity this wasn't finished, but I won't blame you for that. After all, I haven't done a lot better with some of my stories.

Anyway, my point is just that I really like your writing style, and I hope you will continue to write, whether it be short stories for fun or even full blown books. Whatever suits your fancy, just as long as you keep going. Who knows, maybe you'll become the next J. K. Rowling? It's all a matter of time...

Good luck!
Spottedstar106 chapter 9 . 12/31/2008
(Bursts into tears)Okay,but I hope we hear from you sometime!Bye!

The Platypus Caper chapter 9 . 12/21/2008
Hm I always wondered about Saphira's child. So she's a rider's dragon that's interesting. It'd be funny if she came to Alagaesia for a visit and wound up saving Thorn or something like that. Though that'd be a blow to Thorn's fatherhood. Good chapter overall. I hope you don't abandon the story.
Meddlesome chapter 9 . 12/20/2008
I agree with the Murtagh/oc, there is so much of it.

If you dear delete this story i swear I'll come to your house and writernap you , tie you to a chair and force you to finish it. I just need your adress, last name where you go to school etc.

But this is like the best chapter so far, i always say that but i loved the end part where thorn asks about Delilah. that was really sweet.

I also liked how Nasuada said "Suck it up Shadeslayer" that killed me, i thought it was really funny.

Update soon (or i will come)

Happy holidays
PanthersFan14 chapter 9 . 12/20/2008
Good chapter! I'm glad that Thorn and Saphira made up. Please finish the story!
Yuka-san chapter 9 . 12/19/2008
Yep! I hate MurtaghxOC. But some are good, actually...
AdriaDara chapter 9 . 12/19/2008
Lol I know what you mean about MurtaghOC fics. There's SO many of them, but then you have to try to ind the good ones, and most of them have Murtagh horribly OOC and they make you want to shoot yourself. That's why I ended up NOT doing my fanfic as a MurtaghOC. More like an OC fic that just happens to have Murtagh in it. _

Update or die.
WingedXForever chapter 9 . 12/19/2008
I enjoyed it. Nasuada and Murtaghare so cute :D I hope they find AJ soon. He's a cute kid.
StuffRocksInnit chapter 9 . 12/19/2008
Yay! More!

I love this story, so don't delete it!

And don't worry, you can't be as bad as me. I have NEVER finished a story, unless it's a oneshot, and I haven't updated in, like, three, four months? Mainly because I've been busy writing something which I am now starting not to like, but anyway...

I promise to post more soon!

See you,


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