Reviews for Promise Me
DearCat1 chapter 1 . 3/13
This is amazing and I love it
Nemhain2009 chapter 1 . 1/9/2019
Great story!
darkatlantis chapter 1 . 1/3/2017
Can you please continue writing this story? It was thought up and written very well and I'm really interested to see it continue. :D
Glorilian chapter 1 . 8/22/2015
I love it! It's wonderful story, the characters are nicely, well-written. :o)
PJOwrites chapter 1 . 8/4/2015
Aw! X27 is the bessst!
You Light The Sky chapter 1 . 4/3/2015
That was amazing!
Cassidy-182769 chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
Kyaaaa I love Xanxus and Tsuna soo much there needs to be more stories for this pair I loved the story!
Assasin8 chapter 1 . 9/22/2014
Surprise kiss! X27 rules!
crazyfan17 chapter 1 . 10/25/2013
Oh i like this. Xanxus in this was really close to how he would really act expect for the kissing part but that is a bonus :D Nice job!
Rikka-tan chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
Xanxus just vowed that he would protect Tsuna no matter what and forever. Oh my, that was as much as xanxus could ever being romantic! /died happily
Tsuna's every reaction were so freaking adorable XD
This makes me think that someone like Tsuna really was best suited to a dark/dangerous man, kinda like yin-yang :3
Kiwi Erin chapter 1 . 5/11/2011
Awesome. The way you made Xanxus act and what you made of his personality are in my opinion, epic. Love for this fic!

So very, very awesome. I don't really know what else to say, hahha!

Loved the way Tsuna reacts to him, his confession, too, and how it is a complete story, with a good build up, not just focussing on the the interaction between Xanxus & Tsuna. The ending was a bit abrupt to me, the story is complete, but there is no build off? :P I don't what should come after without it turning into a full, multi-chaptered fic, so maybe it's simply my subconscious wish for this to continue so that I can enjoy more of it, haha!

Anyway, instant fave and I love your writing in this story (not to say I wouldn't love it in your other stories, but I haven't read any of those :P)

TripOverFlatSurfaces chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
Well that was...intense. Good job meshing the rather dark and twisted fluff (oxymoron anybody?)between Xanxus and Tsuna while still keeping both of them in character. A really nice Xanxus would just seems downright creepy, don't you think? And thank you, THANK YOU, for keeping Tsuna's character and not making him into a girl-with-convenient-male-parts as most yaoi pairings with Tsuna seem to do. That gets on my nerves more anything in the fandom! So yeah, great job. Please keep up the good work. :3
Arienna Natalitha chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
Awwwww I thought I'm reading one of those sappy soap-opera stories, but this turns out really good! So I'm surprised that the police knew Tsuna is Iemitsu's son (I'm guessing that they knew about Iemitsu's affiliates as well), then with Xanxus and Squalo and all, the police managed to function normally. Say, if there was a horse passing by inside the station, would they act like nothing is wrong as well? Haha, I'm no criticizing that or anything. It was good, but it just felt kind of weird.

And gotta love that scene in the kitchen. I thought it would be cliche and cheesy, but it turns out quite realistic and sweet, too! The way it warps from there to the 'incident' in the library was cool. like this :p

A great story is when readers asked for a continuation when there's none. hoorah X27!

TheOrchid chapter 1 . 1/29/2011
SO goddamn cute X0
MyFantasyEdward77 chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
OMG this was awsome we need MORE hahaha so good! hahaha
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