Reviews for Holding On
Commissar Admiral Kordoshky chapter 5 . 8/20/2013
I love this cold and indifferent(at times) revan. KEEP 'EM COMING!

Der commissar
Replica Velocity a.k.a. X5 714 chapter 5 . 9/11/2010
Good story and I hope you pick it up again- it's always good to read a more gray Revan than dark or light.
Shadows Of The Storm chapter 5 . 6/16/2010
You darn writer you! Why haven't you written more? Why have you posted more? Don't leave us poor readers on the edge, begging for more! That is just rude. XP

Seriously though, I loooooooove this story. If you don't post more...I shall be very upset.

Anyway, I do really like the story. You have such great characters and a wonderful grasp on their behavior.

raspberrytart chapter 5 . 3/23/2010
The other day I realized that I hadn't seen many stories with a DSF Revan in them. So I did a search on the website and came up with less than 30 hits. Your story was the last one I read. I certainly ended up with the best for last.

You give Revan so much more depth, and the conflict between Carth and her is great. I also love the extra element of Canderous being sort of involved.

I'm really surprised you have so few reviews. You deserve far more. You haven't updated this story for 9 months as of this review, and I hope you have not abandoned your story. As the only good piece of DSF fiction on the site, it definitely needs to be finished. I am hopeful that you will.
celeste9 chapter 5 . 7/24/2009
I really like this. I was looking for some good KOTOR fic, and I'm glad I found this! You have a good handle on the characters, so that they feel true to the source. It's neat to see Revan struggling with finding out who she was, and Carth with loving her. I think making her a little dark side makes it really interesting too. I loved the bits with Canderous and HK.
elysiamaerda chapter 3 . 7/11/2009
I truly enjoy your writing style. It's subtle and yet you can still see their emotion. They act more, 'human' then overly done. It's a great grasp on how people truly act then how we want them to. This writing style of you reminds me of my own in a few ways. At least in how I play how my characters. I used to write on here under a different, but my muse comes and goes and my 'kidney stone of a writer's block' tends to stay longer. I love to see where this is going. Please continue.
GasGallery chapter 2 . 3/7/2009
Hey, love this so far! Not nearly enough DSF Rev stories out there. Looking forward to the next chapter!
aenzo chapter 1 . 3/5/2009
I try to hold back on the "Great job! Can't wait for the next chapter!" kinda comment, but this is really, really nice writing. There's a minimalist quality to it. Both the exposition and the dialogue are very clear, direct and smooth - I guess you could say it's soft-spoken. I like how the emotions aren't overdone either; there's mostly just a subtle hint of what's below the surface. Your lines are both simple and beautiful.

So.. awesome job :)

(There've been DSF/Carth stories before, but they're definitely less common than the LSF ones.)