Reviews for Adventures of Weasel Man and Kung Pao Chicken Boy
sdjfhsjkfhkasfd chapter 7 . 6/2/2012
Got a laugh outta this story :)
Lillyyyyy chapter 7 . 8/15/2011
Dude you are hilarious.


Whenever I see a new chapter I always smile.

I've never read a story like this where Itachi is so crackalicious. (Couldn't think of a better word.)

Thank you for uploading this story.

Lillyyyyy chapter 1 . 7/19/2011

Can't wait for yout next update,

Pookie out:)
The Deidara Effect chapter 4 . 6/30/2011
Ahahaha! Wow, just wow ... Itachi as Weasel Man, Sasuke as Kung Pao Chicken Boy, and Naruto as Righteous Ramen dude ... Me likey. XD
Prussian Approved chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
Pffffffft- I lol! Nice~ Oh Sasuke...I mean Kung Pao Chicken Boy. What would we do without you?
AReader47 chapter 3 . 8/22/2010
chickenapped the word of the day
AReader47 chapter 2 . 8/22/2010
this is epic
AReader47 chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
weasel man XD thats all i have to say
I.Like.turtles.1022 chapter 1 . 4/29/2009
OMFG. This is so funny! Keep up the good work! _!