Reviews for Parabol
Takara yume chapter 1 . 4/6/2012
* q * awesome job with this~ so beautiful~!
76Blank47 chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
whoa...this is just epically AMAZING. i like how you worded everything~
Xero-zerO chapter 1 . 10/8/2010
Wow... I loved this fic! You have an amazing writing style! w
Ali Blake chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
I can't help but read it over C: I love it!
Suicide In A Bottle chapter 1 . 6/29/2009
This is deep on a level that I didn't even think could be achived. Absolutely brillant!
burned out from exhaustion chapter 1 . 5/26/2009

;w; This was amazing. Wonderful job. Short, but fantastic...
kurosora1984 chapter 1 . 5/25/2009
Aww, birthday present for Erin! Yay! LOL Roxas and Reno eh? Yes, she has been wanting some of that. I hope she enjoyed this. XD

Cuz /I/ did. ;3 RAWR.

OMG LOL Roxas is so easy. He didn't even make Reno TRY. Not that it's too tough for Reno...irresistible bastard that he is. XD XD Still, I'm glad. Glad they both were just like, "Sex?" "Sure, let's." "'Kay." XD Cuz it was HAWT. I love how Roxas was saying Reno's name...and OH. The part after, trailing his fingers down Reno's spine. SEXY.

(I THINK MEBBE THEY ARE BOTH PINING FOR AXEL, AND SEEKING SOLACE IN EACH OTHER, IDK, WHAT DO YOU THINK? "Salem, You're too into Axel." "Hmm, you're prolly right, hubby." *SNOGS*) XD

NYAA I'm trying to write sumthin for Erin too, gah. You're not that late - you beat me! *phails* XD XD Better late than never tho, right? As long as she likes it. .

ILUU! *goes to throw emotes via dA becaues ffnet HAS NONE GRR* XD
MorganEAshton chapter 1 . 5/25/2009
This is gorgeous, hon. Not a coupling I'd ever fathom, but a beautifully rendered piece of literature. The review I gave you while talking to you on the phone is better than anything I'd say here, so just know that, again, I love it. 3
terra hotaru chapter 1 . 5/24/2009
OH MY GOSH! YES! FINALLY. AFter all these years! I saw another RokuNo fic. o_o xD I see AkuNo roaming around, but not much of RokuNo. I'm really glad I found another one! It's really hard to come across a full blown RokuNo nowadays.

And this is so well written. I always love how poetic and how colorful your words are. They're incredible and very very entertaining to read. And Roxas' gloominess is really perceivable from how you conveyed it. And the end is also beautiful. I love the overall feeling of this fic. Thank you so much. : D