Reviews for TDC2: Total Drama Battlegrounds
Smeone chapter 40 . 5/23
You have now scarred me for life with that song: Hubba hubba zoot zoot
Thanks so much
But besides that this story is EPIC
Love it SOOOO much
Tom Vo chapter 49 . 5/16
Hello new Chapters
gman5846 chapter 49 . 4/25
When's the next chapter coming?
It's been like 5 years man.
TylerTime chapter 1 . 1/27
Clive is the best :3. Awesome fanfic, really good. Colin is an asshole.
TylerTime chapter 6 . 9/16/2019
Ok, I know this technically isn’t a review, but I’ve just started writing FanFiction, and I was wondering for some advice from a fellow member of the TD community, my first fix Is A TDWT FanFiction, and I have added OC’s in. Just wondering for some advice.
Guest chapter 49 . 3/30/2019
I REALLY hope you someday continue this fic. I just got into TDC and the sequel, and it is SO well written. ESPECIALLY it's characters, and there interactions.

Even though you'll no doubt have Bridgette stay with Geoff, I REALLY like the idea of her and Ezekiel being together. Especially with him being redeemed in these stories, and the constant teasing you've given us in TDC and this story.

Also I'm now(somehow) a fan of Zeke and Heather's shipping. This kind of pairing would be impossible, yet you somehow made it work.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/14/2019
Awesome work man! These new characters are growing on me fast! Right now my favorites are Crystal, Anita, Rodney, Arthur, and Mandy. Nice move having Sandra voted off first. It was different having the mean popular girl voted off first. She might have lasted longer if she didn't show her true colors early on. She probably would have been another Heather so I'm glad she's already gone since that's been done before.

Lightningwolf19 chapter 6 . 3/15/2019
OMG this chapter was the best one yet! A roadtrip with all of the contestants is a dream come true! I love how you gave all of the teams’ different vehicles to keep it interesting. I just keep loving the new characters more and more. This roadtrip really gave everyone a chance to bond with each other. We got to learn more about the rookies and see them form friendships with the veterans. I'm impressed with how much detail you've given every character. There were so many golden moments this chapter. My highlights were Team 1 conversing in the pink Beetle. Trent and Gwen fighting like a married couple, Carol and Izzy bonding, Katie driving like a maniac with a frightened Noah and Clive in the back, and Anita and Cody attempting to flirt with each other. You make the interactions so real and humorous. Roadtrip hijinks are the best! Also, I love the references you make too. Like Dragonball Z with Krillin and Android 18. Huge anime fan here! Izzy calling the boys, Donkey and Diddy was so good!

crimson angel chapter 13 . 3/10/2019
Sakai is just like Fluttershy, strange comparasinon I know but alike in many ways

Crimson angel xxx
Chloe chapter 38 . 1/21/2019
Bridgold is Bridgette x Harold
Chloe chapter 23 . 1/19/2019
Gwen can be on her period.
Bridgette can break up with Goff for Gwen
I ship Gwen and Bridgette.
gwengirl chapter 20 . 1/4/2019
"Duncan's Boob of Losers"
Guest chapter 49 . 10/9/2018
Guest chapter 49 . 10/9/2018
Girl...out of respect for creative loving bookworms ALL over the world...Imma need you to take you Ass BACK to this fanfic and give us the good good...with a new chapter... Zekey my favorite character so please update cause... I want you to
Guest chapter 30 . 7/30/2018
Tyler harold and Clive are my faves so far I hope zeke doesn't get voted off and is there gonna be any backstory about Clive that makes him so depressed and do they change him in the end
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