Reviews for Dr Watson, Mr Sherlock Holmes
MoonlightMystery13.3 chapter 1 . 10/18/2014
I would love to hear more about number nineteen: It sounds very characteristic. :)
MAMMAMIA2013 chapter 1 . 7/31/2013
just so beauiful! Sad, bitter, funny and sweet all inside those sentences! Nice work indeed!
keerawa chapter 1 . 1/4/2013
These are fabulous!
chaoticsanity chapter 2 . 4/16/2012
Would it be alright with you if I could adopt plot bunny #2? I think that sentence is probably the cutest I've read and would love to try and expand it a little.
The Amazing McCormick chapter 1 . 1/15/2012
Are these still up for "adoption"? If they are, I've got a few on my mind... But only if it's okay with you.
BlackRedandBold chapter 2 . 2/24/2011
These are so wonderful! Beautifully written. That's to be expected from the great KCS, eh? I so call 20, Talent I think. Mind if I write a oneshot on that?
IreneHolmes chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
Dear KCS:

I've read most of your Holmes stories, and I have to say you're extremely talented. This one in particular inspires me with all sorts of wonderful ideas, and I'm thankful I can count on good pastiches to sustain me when the Canon runs out from yet another rereading. You manage to show Holmes in full without robbing him of that infernal Holmesness that we all love about him - well done!

P.S. I glanced at some of your other works and realized that you appreciate Star Trek TOS canon just as much as I do - I'm looking forward to seeing your take on my favorite captain and science officer!
Spockologist chapter 3 . 10/26/2010
*Stares in awe*


That was incredible! I loved this! You always manage to capture them so perfectly.

I would love to adopt one of your 'plot bunnies' but I'm afraid I'd kill it as soon as I took up a pen.

As others are done, here are my favorites:









Wings (I can hear his voice so clearly in that one)


Learn (Ouch... just ouch.)





Mad (Hahaha!)



Eye (This one made me laugh)





New Year's


Bravo and great job! I'll keep in mind about your plot bunnies...
Socrates399 chapter 1 . 1/21/2010
#34: What I wouldn't give for a friend who would accompany me to either! :-)
xxClosed Accountxx chapter 3 . 1/12/2010
Hey, thank you for the reply to my question. I knew Watson barely killed anyone.

Anyway, I loved these four items in this chapter:

3 - Halloween - LOL! That was hilarious!

5 - Middles - So true!

9 - Death - That was...harsh.

14 - Summer - Beautifully written yet heartbreaking.

Thank you for this treat. I immensely enjoyed reading it although I was disappointed that this chapter was so short. Hope you are going to add to it later. The idea behind the whole thing was very clever. Good job!

I know I've already told you this in another review of mine but can't help saying it again: the English language is not my mother tongue, and I know I'm far from a native speaker and make sometimes silly mistakes while speaking/writing/reading the language, but I do know a little bit English, which I think is enough for me to recognize what a genius you are when it comes to word choice. I confess I had to look up my dictionary quite a few times while reading your piece. ; Keep up the great work!
xxClosed Accountxx chapter 2 . 1/12/2010
I missed one of my favorites from previous chapter:

14 - Command - SO Watson-like!

And this chapter favorites are:

4 - Box - *giggles*

5 - Run - Just sweet!

12 - Temptation - That was...just...powerful.

15 - Silk - That was extra cute!

17 - Promise - My eyes almost welled up. Damn wars! Peace!

20 - Talent - Holmes is helpless! You go, Doctor!

22 - Journey - Damn wars, again! Peace, again!

33 - World - Can I join too? *grin*

39 - Overwhelmed - What can I say about this?...

40 - Whisper - *sniff* Holmes, did you really have to disappear and reappear like that?

42 - Talk- Poor Holmes!

49 - Lock- Just brilliant!

Great addition! Can't wait to read the next one!
xxClosed Accountxx chapter 1 . 1/12/2010
My favorites:

10 - Learn - That hurt; both physically and emotionally. :(

13 - Change - Ha ha! Yes, Holmes did that!

21 - Fool - How sweet and considerate of our dear Holmes!

23 - Child - Aw!

29 - Safe - That IS an advantage, isn't it?

35 - Sudden - Again, how so sweet of Holmes!

39 - Torn - Thanks for being nice to Mary. :)

45 - Naked - That's friendship, of course.

I loved this piece! It shows how Holmes appreciates Watson's friendship and qualities.

I AM a SH fan, but I have read some of the stories a long time ago and am a bit fuzzy about some of the cases and moments. Could you please tell me in what story/case Dr. Watson kills someone? I can't remember. I really need to re-read the books and refresh my memory.
misunderstoodemon chapter 3 . 10/4/2009
Bravo! Simply lovely, and more than a few of them mode me think, and they were SO lovely... ok, now I'm gushing...


bcbdrums chapter 3 . 9/1/2009
these are all great :) i randomly like #9, and i like #11 and #20 a lot... regarding the last one, i think it's great how you've created an addition to the universe with your post-retirement stories. it's all so canonical and...just awesome overall :) *would say more but is sleepy*
bcbdrums chapter 2 . 8/31/2009
i actually read this yesterday, so let me see if i can leave a good review...XD

i can definitely say i am as awed as ever by the quality of your work. now one can say as much in so few words as you can :)

i love's just adorable, as is #33. #7 and #14 made me lol, and #9 is just awesome. #11, #29, and #46 gave me new fic ideas XD and #15 is randomly is #24, and a few others like those; i like how you are able to explain certain small things about the canon so perfectly, and not in a big showy way like some authors attempt to do.

#17 is quite sad...and i found #32 to be sad also, and all the others about holmes's thoughts on the newlyweds. poor guy... #36 made me smile, and then you ended with such a great one in #50. it reminds me why we all take the time with these stories.

so...these were awesome, as always :)
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