Reviews for Kirby and Pokemon Super Series
Midi-Arai chapter 12 . 2/7/2014
i just notice something. EVERYONE SHIPS JIGGLYPUFF AND META KNIGHT! not that i have a problem with it. but i just thought that they would ship Kirby and Jigglypuff since they looks so much alike.
ObjectionGirlWright32 chapter 5 . 3/8/2012
Proofread, Punctuation, Indent.
Marx soul chapter 5 . 3/22/2011
Me:Ummmm... Wha...

Buneary: Okayyyyyyyyyyyy.

Pikachu: What the heck?

Me and Buneary: Ack! Pikachu when did you get here?

Pikachu: Not that long ago. And Marx Soul, You left the door open.

Me: Oh...
Lady Death 16 chapter 8 . 5/15/2010
See? THAT is exactly why I like Tuff more than Tiff: He reminds me of me! Yup, I'm a bit of a spy, along with many of my play cousins. Yup, snak in vents... despite the fact that I could break one some day...
Lucky-9-Rose chapter 52 . 3/14/2010
Nice ending to the Season.

I like the name of Meta Knight and Jigglypuff's child, Firelight. She would be cute. You should draw a picture of her sometime:D It would make a great avatar.

I'm glad Meta Knight is all right (beginning). Fluff is awesometastic!

Lucky-9-Rose chapter 51 . 3/14/2010
I loved how the characters emotions were expressed. I think this was a very impacting read overall, especially with Meta Knight in particular. I'm glad Meta Knight found Jigglypuff in the end and that she destroyed Tabuu.

Onto the next chapter!
Lady Death 16 chapter 50 . 3/12/2010
OH MY GOSH! Unexpected ending
Lucky-9-Rose chapter 50 . 3/11/2010
It was sad how Drake sacrificed himself to save Jigglypuff.

It is interesting how she is returning to her true form as a vampire.

No errors in the chapter:D Excellent update! I can't wait for the next update from you!
Lady Death 16 chapter 49 . 3/10/2010
OMG! Still on punishment, but managed to sneak on... LUVED the chapters! ...And where'd ya get th demon sex thing from again?
Lucky-9-Rose chapter 49 . 3/8/2010
The ideas of this chapter really helped tie the plot together; especially with Drake helping the good side win against Tabuu. That was a shocking twist. I was expecting a battle to ensue then.

I am curious of what will happen to Jigglypuff's child when it will be born.

Overall, a good chapter but with a few grammar errors but they were not too noticeable. For example:

"Will done for that shadow of yours to search for her,"

"Will," should be "Well." I see it a few times. I know that can be fixed without a problem:D

If you want me to read through some episodes and help find any other errors, let me know.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter. The story can only get better each time you update:)
Lucky-9-Rose chapter 48 . 3/5/2010
I liked the ideas you used for this chapter and they really added depth to the update, especially since Jigglypuff didn't know her father was a vampire. Meta Knight's story was so sad too.

However, I think some parts of the chapter could have had more detail, maybe with the ending and Meta Knight telling Jigglypuff about her father. It seemed a little brief. But it is entirely your choice. It's up to you.

I love the story and hope to see more from you soon:)
Lucky-9-Rose chapter 47 . 2/27/2010
Aw, Meta Knight confessed that he loved her and they kissed!

It would be good to include a flashback later on about how he acquired the scar on his face.

Now that the war has begun, the story can only get better and even more epic!

Good luck with chapter 48!
Lucky-9-Rose chapter 46 . 2/25/2010
It was so cute how the chapter started when Jigglypuff woke up sleeping beside Meta Knight who was holding her close to him.

The shower parts were good too. I liked how Jigglypuff was curious about how he wore the mask all the time and how it felt like on her.

I can't wait for the next chapter!
Lucky-9-Rose chapter 45 . 2/21/2010
Very impacting chapter!

Meta Knight's dream was so sad when he thought he was all alone and was crying (and in his sleep). It is interesting that he is part bat (which would explain him sleeping upside down earlier).

Keep up the awesome chapters!
Lucky-9-Rose chapter 44 . 2/20/2010
I was gobbling down a bag of popcorn while I was reading this (because it was so good, the update was awesome, and the suspense)

I didn't expect Jigglypuff to agree to Meta Knight drinking her blood. I wonder how she will react when she finds out who he really is.

Nice cliffhanger! I can't wait to see what happens next!
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