Reviews for Twice is Coincidence
Hanged Man chapter 9 . 5/20/2018
Wonderful story! Would love an update.
suemon123 chapter 12 . 12/28/2017
I love this story and hope you haven’t abandoned it! Please write more when you have a chance!
Hanged Man chapter 10 . 9/5/2017
Wonderful story! Would love an update.
NoAlias chapter 12 . 10/24/2016
Gah! A literal cliffhanger! Please don't abandon this story, I love your writing, I think you do a great job with the characters.
arccie chapter 12 . 10/1/2016
Argh, the suspense.

Even when you know how things are going to get better it still hits you right there.

Thoroughly enjoying. :D
Hanged Man chapter 12 . 7/5/2016
Wonderful story!
Jenny chapter 12 . 4/13/2016
SO happy to see you continue this story! I would love to see Kirk get hurt (even more - sorry Kirk!) and Spock get down to find him and see him bloody and hurt. Cue overprotective, worried Vulcan! I would love to see Kirk realise how hurt he is and accept Spock's help. I love how you write their bond. My favourite parts are when Spock's normal cool and collected and emotionless demeanour completely go out the window when Kirk is in danger or threatened or hurt. I love how protective and worried and emotional Spock can get and how Kirk is the only one to bring that side out in him! Great writing! Can't wait for the next chapter!
IloveHeat chapter 12 . 4/7/2016
I am so glad you are still working on this. I love it... And them. You do a fantastic job with their relationship. Thank you.
Kay chapter 12 . 4/5/2016
I'm screeching, I'm so excited to see an update! I fall out of and then back into fandoms pretty regularly, and every time I cycle back around to AOS!Star Trek I make sure to cross my fingers and check on this story. Thank you for coming back to it-you write Kirk and Spock so well, with a care and detail that's both subtle and really powerful for it.

I love getting more scenes inside Spock's head, because even though Kirk (and poor, long-suffering, "please stop appreciatively checking each other out right in front of me" Bones) think they really *know* about Spock's growing feelings, the sheer longing we get from Spock's perspective demonstrates that Kirk and Bones are still likely underestimating what he's feeling by a pretty significant...amount? magnitude? intensity? Spock doesn't feel things by halves. (To be fair, Bones might be getting a better understanding of that now, what with being thrown against cliff walls in Vulcan grief-rage and all.) And now we also learn the severity of the pain, psychological and psychic alike, that Spock's been dealing with all this time...which is NOT going to be helped by Jim slipping through his fingers the very same way his mother did. That was beyond heart-wrenching and the only reason I am not a weepy puddle is because of the hope that such a degree of hurt will eventually translate to equal measures of comfort in the aftermath.

Comfort for Spock and maybe even some catharsis for Jim-he can't avoid talking about Tarsus much longer. Not with Spock AND Bones on his trail.

I'm realizing now that you've essentially left us with a literal cliffhanger and I can't even be mad because you updated and I love this story. Thank you for all your hard work! I'll be crossing my fingers as always for more. 3
WeirdLittleStories chapter 12 . 4/3/2016
Oooh, you're continuing this story! That's great news!
Froggy chapter 12 . 4/2/2016
Been a long time. This was fun to read! Hard to review, kept getting an error message saying the story was not part of the archive
bunny angel chapter 12 . 4/1/2016
Yeeeessssssss 333333333333
princessugar chapter 12 . 4/1/2016
Guest chapter 12 . 4/1/2016
Awesome chapter! I'm very happy to see you're still updating this wonderful story.
xDelta-Ha-chanx chapter 12 . 4/1/2016
...Wowwowowowow. I marked it for reading stumbled across it when it updated read the lastest chapter, you know just bored, wasn't realllly interest in Spock and jim anymore and Bam! your story depict their voice and interaction so epically I just hooked myself back onto the bandwagon.
Runs off to reread the whole story. That good.
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