Reviews for Goodbye, Dignity
Kiki-Niche chapter 2 . 9/30/2010
I love it, a whole friggin lot!

love it, and it really is a great story, sad, but great. I love it. Keep writing, you are a great writer!
picasso-face chapter 2 . 6/14/2010
Poor Reno...

I'm a sap. I know it. But just seeing Angel's name reminds me of the movie and him, and then I start crying.

But it's an interesting crossover.
Eeliana chapter 2 . 4/30/2010
It will be ok Reno! i'm sure of it!

I love this fanfic, it really effect on me. thanks for writing the 2nd chapter _
Aeriths-Rain chapter 2 . 4/9/2010
this is great to see continued, very emotional, its good that they're making progress, i hope that Reno is able to come to terms with his illness.
Vietta chapter 2 . 4/8/2010
Reno angst! I feel bad for him, but at the same time his pain is necessary for plot momentum so I have to be happy about it in some sense so I'm just gonna say 'Yay Reno angst!' and get it outta my system.

Rice pudding is gross man, good thing he didn't eat it :p
natzilla chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
sweet ! :D and happy that Yazoo decided to stand by his side ! :D
Ziggy Pasta chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
Oh Rin, this was absolutely fantastic. I was emotional from the first few sentences, and even now after finishing reading it I still have goosebumps. This was so wonderfully written, I loved it so much. The way that you portrayed such a huge issue within Reno to be simply soothed by Yazoo's love for simplistic, so romantic. *sniffles a bit* You did an excellent job with the topic itself, and you did an extraordinary job with the writing. I loved it. 3

-Ziggeh your Kitteh
SHA260 chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
there are so many reasons to love this fic. I am a massive RENT fan, and you write the crossover really well - so much so that it isn't obvious and it can be read without prior knowledge, like you said!

I love your RenoYazoo stuff, and this is incredibly emotionally moving and very powerful. Thank you for helping draw attention to an important issue!
Aeriths-Rain chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
this is so beautiful and sad, a fantastic idea and handled in a very mature manner, leaving the reader to consider the eventual end. Remarkable writing
Eeliana chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
I love it.. this is so sad.. ;-;

I know a girl who has AIDS but she have us all with her. we shouldn't let those ppl unloved and rejected. it hurt me to see someone sick and sad. we should all make them happy.

Love them and support them. They are humans just like us.

P.S. I would love to see you continuing this! of how Yazoo will deal with him and show him how much he loves him 'till the last day 3
mom calling chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
Very touching, and thank you for reminding me of today. I live in a big metro area and HIV/AIDS is no stranger here or to me. I've spent a lot of time the past 20 with people who live with this disease. Lots died very quickly the first decade, but lots live to die of 'natural' causes now. It's almost a shock when one of our friends dies 'from AIDS'. Maybe it's different where you are, 'cause your profile says a quiet place in Canada... Thanks again. mc