Early morning to you all! ^^ I've finally got something up, and psh, it's not beta'd. Lovely 8D. So uh, yeah. If you see any mistakes just point them out. I combed through it pretty good, but I'm pressed for time this morning. D8 Mum woke me up forty-five minutes late, man. This is Renzoo, obviously. Its a VEEERRYY light RENT cross over. But if you haven't seen RENT before, no worries. It's just a reference. And it's about AIDS. Today is December First, World AIDS Day. Which I hope most of you know. Because even I do. But um. Enjoy this. If you like it, review. Because reviews make me happy.

- Will I lose my Dignity? Will someone care? Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare? -
- No Day But Today. -

It was over. It was all over. And all he could do was stare at the piece of paper. The small print was blurring, becoming nothing more than solid lines of black streaking the page. This paper was tainted. And now he was too.

The nurse's voice came to him. "-And we'll set up a treatment plan then too. I'm sorry Mr. Sinclair, I really am."

The spiky red head darted up from the paper, meeting the nurse's sad gaze. "Mm. Thanks, yo." Reno's fist enclosed around the paper, crumpling it, and shoved it into his pocket.

Outside was dreary and cold, the leaves from the trees half gone from the branches, now scattered lazily in this path. His button up wasn't much for keeping him warm, and Reno's eyes fluttered over the street vendors, glancing at the stolen merchandise.

Where was he even going? Reno paused on the edge of the cement side walk, balancing. Cars whizzed by in front of him, people stepped around him. Everyone seemed to be moving but him. He took a breath and leaned forward, jerking himself back into life. Reno cut off one of the cars, dashing past. Yazoo. He needed to find him.

As he ran along in between the slow moving cars, Reno realized something. The paper was a death wish. Truly. His body was degrading. Dying. All because of that paper. His hand groped inside of his pocket, and he pulled out the crinkled ball. He threw it, and watched as it was ran over by a shitty looking Ford. Reno scowled. It hadn't changed anything. The paper was gone, but the confirmation it had brought with it still lingered. Dying. Dying. Dying. He heard the blood pound in his ears, chanting to him. No one could stop it. He felt sick.

The door to the diner was pushed open, and Reno stumbled in. All that met him was the scent of grease and coffee grinds.

A few people held out their hands in a wave, but Reno hurried past them, shoved a shoulder into the swinging bathroom door, and hurdled into the room. His hand left his mouth, and he was inside the metal cubicle on his knees, allowing what had been building in his throat and stomach out.

It was acidic and disgusting, catching at the back of his throat and between his teeth. The stench met his nose and forced his stomach tighter, pushing all the was left in it, and a lung, out. Reno stared at the now murky water, his body shaking with small spasms. He gagged a few times, making a sound close to a wounded animal.

"Reno...? Are you drunk...?"

Reno shook his head and rested his forehead on the cool ceramic seat.

"Angel and Mimi saw you come in... are you finished?"

Reno blinked and stared at the bowl, trying to feel out his stomach. It seemed fairly empty, and after a hiccup, he nodded.

He felt the hands grab under his arms, pulling him up. Reno's knees cracked under him, and he slouched against the warm body supporting him. The body lead him to the sink, and Reno's own shuddered, exhausted. The man beside him worked silently, and after a moment the tap was twisted off.

"What's the matter?" And there he was. Standing over him, a bit of damp paper towel in his hand. Yazoo's pale eyebrows were furrowed in concern, his long hair pulled back into an elastic band. Reno's heart cracked slightly. Had he already infected Yazoo? Was he dying? Reno's eyes watered. He was a murderer. Yazoo's hand was cupping his chin, wiping away the sticky bits of digested food and stomach acid.

Reno said nothing. He couldn't say anything. Nothing but bile would come out.

"We'll get some Ginger Ale in you... coffee too.. you look absolutely shit-faced."

Reno couldn't help but roll his eyes as Yazoo guided him back into the warm front room. People chatted softly around him. Reno could only wonder how many of them were sick like him... His eyes met a certain drag queen, who waved him softly with her pinky. Angel had it. He knew that. So did half of her friends. Reno shot her a weary glance and let himself be seated on one of the twirly bar stools at the counter.

Yazoo's ponytail bounced behind him as he slipped back behind the bar, his voice soft. "You sure you aren't drunk?" He asked, pulling out a can from the clear refrigerator.

Reno still couldn't find the words. Yazoo was acting like nothing had changed. When, in fact, everything had. Nothing was ever going to be the same. The man lowered his head down into his arms.

"Reno?" Yazoo's voice was painful to hear. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Yazoo..." Reno found his voice. It was croaky and weak and... scared. "I... fuck. I have..." He opened his mouth, and closed it. His eyes were brimming with tears, and that just made him pissed. "Fuck. I'm sorry Yaz. I'm so sorry." His face completely disappeared in his arms, and he broke down, sobbing. "I... I have AIDS."

And it seemed then, that life slowed for the second time. Yazoo had suddenly appeared by his side, and the diner appeared to grow empty, and all he knew was Yazoo's arms around him. Warm and safe and solid.

Life jerked back into reality.

"I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm so sorry." Reno sobbed against Yazoo, his face twisting up at some invisible pain. "You should... you know. G-Get checked." He felt so stupid. His face was behind his hands again. He was ashamed. Why him? He didn't shoot up drugs in an alley way. He didn't fuck a different person every night. He loved Yazoo. He had been devoted to staying clean for him. And now he was killing himself and killing Yazoo.

"Don't apologize to me, Reno." Yazoo rubbed his back slowly. "You have nothing to be sorry for." He sniffled. "We're going to get through this. It might take a while, but... We can do this. You won't die. I promise."

Reno knew he was lying. He knew it. Everyone was dying. Reno just had something that would speed it up. There was no cure. Just a bunch of fucking pills to take. "You can leave. You can go find someone else." Reno offered. He didn't want to hurt Yazoo any more. He didn't want to become another AIDS couple. Afraid to hold each other, resentment slowly bubbling between them until it was too much, and they separated. Or they died. Reno didn't want that for Yazoo. He deserved so much better.

Yazoo decided to express his opinion with a kiss. It was fierce and brief, lingering on his lips. He was completely unafraid of the man in front of him, and what plagued him. "No." Yazoo whispered firmly. "I'm not going to leave." And he kissed him once more.

Reno's body felt warm again. He wasn't alone. Someone still cared. He wasn't going to die alone. "I love you."

Yazoo's hand reached up to pet him softly, tugging at Reno's spikes. "I love you too."

Reno was lucky. He had someone who loved him and would stand through it all. But there were others who weren't. They would rot, and they would die. Along and forgotten. The sun was bleak and thin, shining on all but giving no warmth. It was sad, but it was reality. Reno was proud, knowing that he had his own little bit of warmth in a world where it was so hard to find.
