Reviews for House of Cards
kingsckross chapter 29 . 10/18/2018
SO I only just found this fic and read it in like a day and omg I love it so much! The writing is so brilliant and while I do imagine some characters differently it was such an entertaining read! Well done :D
LilyF8 chapter 29 . 3/22/2018
I've finished it ! As I seems to be in a reviewing mood I just thought I ought to comment the last one ;) You must think I love everything (which I do really) but I think it's the way you've built your characters. They seems genuine and realistic which I find very important to believe and get into a story. Of course it's not perfect : your beginning is your main flaw (I also noted it with Choices). But right now I can't really tell you the things lacking, I will have to reread it later for that, when my exams are over (I'll try to remember it and keep my words). Also you're actually the first author I've ever reviewed and I guess that may be because I don't feel that you got as much recognition as I think you should have (you made my top 3 hp fanfictions author). So have a good day and good luck with reading everything I wrote so far !
LilyF8 chapter 28 . 3/22/2018
I am starting to really appreciate your Draco and his relationship with Scorpius : I can believe he wouldn't be into hugs and open affection, but you can clearly see he loves his children. I guess it would also make sense that he forgive Astoria as he did make some stupid mistakes himself. It is quite nice how his family made him evolved and strengthened in a good way. Also I love Hazel (anyway her being a Muggle make it easier to identify with her) and I sort of spoiled myself about her future so i'm enjoying myself watching the "two" interact... ;)
LilyF8 chapter 27 . 3/22/2018
Waouh you definitely now how to maintain the suspense : I never thought it would turn that way. Loved how everything is going and the development of your characters !
illjwamh chapter 29 . 12/15/2017
I enjoyed this a lot. I read a couple of your one-shots that lead (chronologically, at least) up to this beforehand, too. I like when authors are able to create an interconnected universe. I'll be moving on to your next one right away.
libbypotter chapter 29 . 12/14/2017
Wow. I usually only read Rose Scorpius stories. I saw a new one and in the author notes read you recommended reading this first. I am so glad I did. I love your characters and how they develop definitely not 2 dimensional. I will be reading more of your stories
House Elf Liberation Front chapter 29 . 5/21/2017
Great story! I really enjoyed seeing all of the action unfold and seeing how you portray the next generation. I look forward to reading the sequels!

sydneysages chapter 29 . 1/13/2017
I love this so much and I'm so sad it's over, I love every character (except the enemies obviously) and I love everything about it and your writing and I'm obsessed now and it's all your fault.
sydneysages chapter 28 . 1/13/2017
i loved the last bit about draco and scor and him saying that he isn't annoyed he broke the Statute, but that he's had Draco pretending to be a Muggle for ten years hahaha that was classic
sydneysages chapter 27 . 1/13/2017
SUCH A GOOD TWIST. like, i really love the kids obviously, but i love the adult versions of Harry etc, like this storyline is fabbb
sydneysages chapter 26 . 1/12/2017
sydneysages chapter 17 . 1/12/2017
I love Issie so much and I'm so happy that she got on the team and I'm so happy that James Potter defended her because even though she is a Malfoy she is HIS team's Seeker (for the min anyway) and I love her so much adn Scorpius Malfoy
sydneysages chapter 2 . 1/12/2017

I love Neville and I love Iseult and I love her friends, and yeah I completely understand why Antigone is a bit prejudiced still but i mean come on it's pretty clear that it isn't a conspiracy, the Sorting Hat isnt going to put someone in the wrong house just for the lolz, is it?
sydneysages chapter 1 . 1/12/2017
Yay I finally started it!

Not going to lie, I won't remember the names of each OC from this chapter, but I will try and remember as we go through! I really like it and the interactions and the friendships - i also like how it isn't starting from Albus's first year, as most fics tend to do (I'm very guilty of this).

And Scor's little sister! That's a perf touch, I love it and she seems cute (I loved the making Draco kiss Tosca image in my mind).

Speaking of Draco...I love that he hasn't joined the League. I mean I really hope he hasn't and that he's saying he hasn't because he doesn't want the kids to know, but yeah I'm really glad he hasn't. And also, the progressive (and anti-Pureblood League) nature of the Slytherin kids, well, that's also great; I'm glad they're not carrying on their parents' grudges.
C.B. Weasley chapter 29 . 1/3/2017
I adore this story! Absolutely incredible!
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