Reviews for Abused Love
trepidon chapter 10 . 2/22/2017
Gahhhh cute gil! So cuteeeß
trepidon chapter 8 . 2/22/2017
Now the emotions have switched...gils turn to feel how oz feels...hmmm
trepidon chapter 7 . 2/22/2017
This is do sad...and youching...
The feels!
trepidon chapter 5 . 2/22/2017
The writing could use some touching up...phrases too...but this plot...has so much potential!
It pretty much evens out tho, since the plot is so good...and the well...grammar/phrasing is...ok...
A Materialtho, totally love this fic!
trepidon chapter 4 . 2/22/2017
Uh ohhhhh gils guna get a spankyyy!(?)
trepidon chapter 2 . 2/21/2017
You say oz and gil are cute together...
This is true...
Kyaaaaa! Gil is soooo cute omfg so cute!
trepidon chapter 14 . 4/3/2015
Great story! Although it really does feel unfinished. To be honest...that lkttle sex scene in chapter 11 was honestly...hottt! I love OzxGil! So cute! Ohhh...i do feel as though some bits of this story felt rushed. Along with the ending. Yeah...that ending didnt seem much of a real emding but one that was rushed,but hey if you need to end a story you did a good job at it. Really wished it wasnt the end tho, it felt like there was so much potential!
trepidon chapter 9 . 4/3/2015
What a marvelous story. ..but...whats not marvelous about it is the...many gramatical errors...those...heh, THOSE DAMN ERRORS! Lol, they drive me nuts! Agghhh!
Keeblo chapter 14 . 3/3/2013
awwwwwwww I lurved it :) :3 GilxOz forever!
Guest chapter 10 . 7/23/2012
one question: is this the gilbert when he's 24 or it's the gilbert who is 15?
Treasure Family chapter 14 . 10/16/2011
I love it. Great job.(-)
Kasandwich chapter 14 . 6/20/2011
This was a good story. I wish it was longer but i like it
Delete this Account JFC chapter 11 . 5/7/2011
sex and then the truthD:good twist:P
travistheking chapter 14 . 1/4/2011
i loooooooooooooved it,though i don't like how it ended so quickly.T.T
swirlhearty23 chapter 14 . 8/30/2010
enjoyed so much
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