Okay I'm back and I'm doing a Pandora Hearts story now!!! I love Oz and Gil they're so cute together. Okay Gil is younger in this story like he was in the begining of the manga. I've already written everything out so I just have to type it up. I can probably get 1 or 2 chapters out a week. Reviews are awesome and I will mention you in the story if you want. If you don't want that just say so.

"Don't touch me," I squeked out. My father was choking me and screaming profanities.

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm your father and I can do what I want," my father, James, screamed at me.

I would have screamed back, but black dots were clouding my vision. I wasn't going to last much longer.

"Gilbert, Gilbert, Gilbert. I would kill you, but then who would I take my anger out on then?" It was a rhetorical question, but as soon as I got out of his grasp, I answered.

"No one, just like it should be, too."

My dad pulled back his hand and punched me in the gut. Why was this happening to me? I forgot to water a plant.

"Go back to yoru room Gilbert. No dinner either," my father ordered.

I didn't have breakfast and, with no money for lunch, my stomach was growling. I was already stick-skinny, so this malnutrition wasn't helping.

I limped off to my room. I was still feeling the after effects of this morning. I hope no one at school noticed.

I got to my room and laid down on the pile of sheets that was my bed. I pulled a relatively clean sheet out from under me and covered up. It was ten p.m. already and I was exhausted. My daily shower would have to wait until the morning.

I woke up to my alarm clock flashing 5:00. It was the only electronic device in my room.

Rolling off my sheet bed, I stubbed my toe and stifled a cry of pain. No good could come from waking my parents up.

I walked into the bathroom and noticed that the limp was all but gone now. I picked up my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. After that I stepped into the shower. I was going to have to make this quick, not wanting my parents to get to me while I was naked.

After getting out of the shower, I walked into my room and pulled a pair of relatively clean, black jeans and a red and black striped shirt out of my drawer. I got dressed and ran a brush through my wavy, black hair.

I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door with 15 minutes left to walk to school.

The roads were empty and most animals were still sleeping or just waking up. I was all alone, but I liked it this way.

Right when I got to my locker, the bell went off, signaling for first period. I was going to have to hurry now. So after grabbing my books and shutting my locker, I started to sprint to science.

I walked in the door two minutes late. The teacher sent me an agitated glare, but I ignored it. This wasn't my first tardy.

Silently, I took the seat at the back. No one ever sat there, so I was alone for now. I opened my book to the page on the board and sat my head on it. My eyes closed and I drifted to sleep.


I jumped up and fell out of my seat. Everyone was walking out of the room, so no one saw my fall, hopefully... I bent down to get my stuff when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around.

"Hey, do you want some help?" a blond headed boy asked me. Weird, I was sure everyone had left...

"D-did you see me fall?" I asked. I didn't communicate well with others and, to make matters worse, I was shy. It seemed like the only time I was bold was when I was arguing with my parents.

"Yeah, it was pretty funny. Well, do you want the help or not?" The blond chuckled. It was deep and sent a shiver down my spine.

"Sure," I agreed. There was something about the blond that drew me near him.

Before I could get up though, he stuck out his hand and said, "The name's Oz. What's yours?"

"Gilbert," I answered. I was speaking so softly that I was suprised he could even hear me, but he did.

"Okay, well let's go now or we'll be late. What's your next class? Mine is math," Oz asked. He had half of my books, as well as his own, in his hands and looked impatient to go.

"I have the same thing. D-do you want to walk to-together?" I tried to act confident, but I stuttered anway.


I sat down at my usual spot in the back; next to no one. Much to my suprise though, Oz sat next to me. I felt a feeling of change in me when that happened. Being alone might not be the usual anymore.

Our teacher started going over some notes, but I knew most of it already. Classes were boring for me most of the time. Everyone was behind me by so much.

Suddenly a not brushed my hand and I reached out to grab it. Unfolding it, I looked around to see who it was from. It obviously was from Oz though. I wasn't on speaking terms with anyone else.

So silently, I passed notes back and forth with Oz for the rest of class. They went like this.

Oz- Hey wats up?

Me- Nothing really, just bored. How about u?

Oz- Same. Are you goth or something? You seem depressed and I've only known you for a while.

Me- To an extent. People would usually classify me as emo though. Why do u ask?

Oz- Just wondering Gilbert. U got any crushes or anything?

Me- That's a little personal... I used to like this jock, but he was a jerk and rejected me infront of everyone.

Oz- Wow that's harsh. If you don't mind me asking... you said guy, so that means ur umm... gay, right?

The bell rang right then though, so I couldn't answer him. I hope my next class was with Oz though. It was fun to pass notes with him.

I searched frantically for my things for a while, but soon realized that they weren't here. Shit! If I didn't find them soon I would be late for class. Again.

"Looking for something?" a voice asked. I turned around. Oz.

"Yeah, I guess," I muttered as shyness once agian came over me.

"Might it be your books, because I have them. You can have them back, though I did think it would be polite to carry them for you. I checked your schedule why you were zoning out and we have all the same classes together," Oz told me. He looked smug when I nodded my head and he realized that I agreed.

"Good, now let's go to social studies. You'll have to lead the way though. It's my first day," he admitted. His ego seem somewhat deflated at admitting it and I couldn't hold back a giggle.

"Are you laughing at my defeat?" Oz asked. That was all I could take though and soon my giggles turned into uncontrolable laughter.

I heard voices in the room. The next class was already in here and I knew we were late. With that depressing thought in mind, my laughter ceased.

"Come on, we're late now," I mumbled out. My happy moment was gone and I was back to my emo self.
