Reviews for The Strongest Nation
Guest chapter 14 . 11/19/2019
I knew Canada would kill Al. Thank you for this masterpiece.
Guest chapter 14 . 11/19/2019

Thank you for this masterpiece
Noraronisama chapter 14 . 9/14/2018
"because I'm still sad about the ending (though it was great and I LOVED the fic) and I don't want to imagine the other nations finding out and Sealand crying because his family's dead and aaaahhhhhhhhhhh"
Noraronisama chapter 14 . 9/14/2018
After reading this fic, I had a dream where after England died and fell down, he actually fell down AWAY from the collar thus, he was not anymore in the 10 foot radius and he was slowly coming back to life because he turned into a nation again. And when America died and Canada was waiting, England eventually woke up and Canada was all surprised and stuff and they eventually figured out that if you take away the collars of the dead nations, they will heal and come back to life.

So they went around reviving the others then went into hiding in the island so the ones who made them play this game wouldn't find them while they plot for their revenge and eventual escape.

My dream ended there and when I woke up, I thought "This should totally happen! The author should make a sequel with this because I'm still sas
Guest chapter 13 . 4/11/2018
Damn you writer for killing my favorite character (Russia).
seyella chapter 14 . 10/2/2017
t h is fic was an emotional roller coaster omg
firerose132 chapter 14 . 6/24/2017
omg i'm stunned this was soo good - nd all my favorite ships are here too thank you soo much for making this master piece ! although I wish it was a bit longer haha
dandy-akinoris chapter 14 . 5/23/2017
I guess I may have suspected Mattie..but...
dandy-akinoris chapter 11 . 5/23/2017
dragonnett8723 chapter 14 . 4/8/2017
This is one fucked up peace of shit...AND I LOVE IT
Kayleigh1789 chapter 14 . 1/23/2017
It's 5 in the fucking morning and you've made me gasp, flail around like a fish, and sob. Well done
Goog.lystrip chapter 14 . 1/11/2017
Canada, make me proud too. Utterly destroy them.
harmonylucis chapter 14 . 9/28/2016
*criescries* THIS IS AMAZING
DreamingCerulean chapter 14 . 8/3/2016
What the heck did I just make myself read.
(It was good though)
Emeraldinhereyes chapter 14 . 3/22/2016
Bro you need a sequel where the winner gets revenge... Or just add an extra chapter or 50. I love this story but I'm still super sad cause of the honey but feelios. Them feelios tho. Especially for the FACE family and the German-Italian-Spanish combo... Those are my favorite peeps up in hetalia land so it's like :'( why art thou so cruel? Love us and add in a not so cliffhanger ending :D oh but thank you for the usuk... Last thing: Is it bad I can see France doing what he did and justifying it in this kind of situation? Normally I don't see him *spoilerish* as a rapist but with the one country (not Canada, other guy he killed) I can see him trying to have sex with him as a last act of pleasure type thing. Like sorry I killed you but Ill make your last moments good. I just got shivers, and not the good kind. Beautiful writing btw and in case you can't tell i would love if you continued/ finished this.
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