Reviews for Big Time Galaxy
Jess Hend-Maslow chapter 7 . 12/25/2014
I love how you named the chapters after btr songs and i LOVED THE STORY
Hawkholly chapter 7 . 3/5/2012
I LOVE THIS. SERIOUSLY THIS IS EPIC! *adds story & author to favorites*
Leafpool chapter 7 . 5/28/2011
My favorite things:

"YOU FREAKIN' PLUMBER!" Bowser growled.

At the same time, the BTR Koopa boys were on the sidelines talking to the minions as if they were colleagues.

"You know the economy is bad, right?" Kendall said to a Goomba.

"Yeah. So don't expect Bowser to pay your monthly salary this year." Logan said to a Dry Bones before whispering, "We're all his slaves."

The minions' jaws dropped.

"Mariohh-Ho-Ho-Ho-Ohhh!" Luigi whined, "I thought I'd lost you! What would I ever do without you?"

"Uhh, nothing?" Mario joked, before seeing Luigi's weeping face turning to a cold glare, "I'm-a kiddin'!" he quickly said.

"GRAAWWWLL!" Bowser angrily stomped the ground, causing an earthquake that split and cracked in two. "You think you can defeat me?" He then barked, "Kammy! KAMMY!"

"Yeah… no." Carlos said, "Your precious Kammy is apparently off-duty."

"She's taking a vacation." Logan added, "A looonnng vacation."

"Just think of it as the beginning of her beautiful retirement." James added.

"Onboard the swanky Daisy Cruiser." Kendall finished.

"WHAAAT?" Bowser barked.

"Attack these impostors!"

The minions didn't budge.

"Well…! What are you waiting for? Your life to end?"

The minions looked at each other. A Paratroopa spoke, "No, but we're waiting for our salary."


"We ain't attacking, not until you pay us!" A Goomba argued.

"Yeah, you made us work all day and all night, without a reward!" A Dry Bones hissed.

"So why should we listen to you?" A Koopa argued and all the minions crossed their arms… (well, except the Goombas)

"You think you can defeat me?" he sneered at the heroes, "Well, think again, Italian freaks!"

"Err… we're not Italian." James pointed out.

"I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU!" Bowser barked, "But it doesn't matter! You are in on it, too!"

Bowser balanced the princess over the lava pool. "One more step and she's lava stew!" he threatened.

Big Time Rush and Luigi looked at each other before facing Bowser "Go ahead!" they said to Bowser.

"WHAT?" Mario screamed.

"What?" Bowser looked stunned.

"IT'S ME, YOU OVERGROWN OAF!" Bowser Jr. barked. "Those damn guys infiltrated the Starship and took me hostage!"

"And now," Luigi smiled at the two cornered Koopas, "You're toast. Seven people vs. two."

The heroes suddenly heard a stampede coming. They saw all Bowser's minions surrounding them, "Actually." A Koopa said, "Make that the whole planet."

"YEAAAH!" The minions cheered.

"Count us too!" shouted Lubba and everyone from the Starship Mario joined the heroes as well, including Toads from Peach's Castle.

Everyone took their fighting stances, ready to give Bowser and Bowser Jr. a beating.

"Grr…" Bowser growled, "Cornered."

He tossed Bowser Jr. off the cliff. "wuaaaahhh!" the baby Bowser yelled as he was falling down the lava pool. Everyone screamed.

"You tossed your son into his death?" Logan freaked.

Bowser didn't respond, but he jumped off the cliff also, freaking everyone out.

BLAST! BLAST! BLAST! Bullet Bills went flying toward Bowser and Bowser Jr. The two Koopas panicked. Bowser moved his clowncopter around, nimbly dodging every blow the Bullet Bills could inflict.

"What are you doing Dad?" Bowser Jr. complained, "Stop moving! I'm getting sky sick!"

"Well, keep your vomit to yourself!" Bowser barked.

"I CAN'T! BAAARRRFF!" Bowser Jr. puked all over Bowser's feet. "Eeew! Gross!" Bowser yelped.

Well, basically I liked it all. Sorry this is soooo long, but I loved EVERYTHING about this!

Leafpool chapter 6 . 5/28/2011
"AYEE MAMIIAA! This is all your fault!" Luigi snapped at the guys, "If you hadn't been so reckless in the first place and joined Mario on your little adventures—! Now my brother is gonna be BEHEADED!"

"Our fault?" Carlos exclaimed, "We ain't the one who's jealous of his brother's popularity!"

The guys gasped at Carlos' mean comment. Luigi's eyes went wide, screaming bloody murder. Carlos quickly realized what he just said and grinned nervously.


Luigi exclaimed, "Oh no you DI'NT!"

Luigi pulled out as if by magic, his vacuum cleaner, "I'M-A GONNA SUCK THOSE PRETTIES OUT OF YOUR FACES, YOU BIG-A TIME RIPOFFS!"

Leafpool chapter 4 . 5/28/2011
"HAHAHAHA!" Poochie Carlos laughed, pointing his paws at Poochie Logan, "You're so CUTE!"

Poochie Logan whacked Poochie Carlos in the head with his paws.

"What the heck happened to our bodies?" barked Poochie James, "WOOF!"

Poochie Kendall stared back at Poochie James, "Did you just barked? WOOF!"

"HEY! WOOF! YOU barked!"

"We ALL barked. WOOF!" Poochie Logan pointed out.

"But I'm the only one who's not barking." Poochie Carlos pointed out, "So that makes me smarter than you all! Ha!"



"MUAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Bowser laughed all the way out of his fantasy.

THAT IS MY FAVORITe PART. 3 the story!
Leafpool chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
Lubba: "Captain. There's been a problem with the Starship Mario. Look!"

Lubba shows a screen of the damaged starship.

-Mario: (screams!) "AAAHH! MAMAMIA! My face has been deformed-a! It looks-a like… like… liiike…"

-Kendall and James: (sees the Starship picture) Looks like Luigi?

-Mario: (scream his death cry) "OHHHH!"

Sarah chapter 7 . 4/23/2011
Wow. This is really good. I actually play SMG with my dad, so that makes it even more hysterical. I had tears in my eyes when I read 'Melty Molten Galaxy - Finding Logan and Carlos'. You are a god.

This is wicked funny, and I can't wait for more. Thank you!
HorrorGurlxOxO chapter 7 . 3/5/2011
OMG! I'm in love with this story! More plz! XD
Roxas13 3 chapter 6 . 12/30/2010
I love this story and can't wait to read more. I like in love with it big time. (see what i did there haha) I can't wait for your update. :D
frecher chapter 5 . 11/14/2010
i love your story you should do one about sonic
3 Roxas13 chapter 5 . 11/12/2010
You sould like so do the final fantasy thing it would be awsome and this story is awsome too!
Marioliza chapter 5 . 10/12/2010

XD That was freakin' funny.
MerciResolution chapter 4 . 9/30/2010
Marioliza chapter 4 . 9/30/2010
This is so freakin' funny! XD WOOF!
ShadowtheHedgehog9 chapter 3 . 9/23/2010
Interesting. Can't wait for the next one!
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