Reviews for I don't care
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
The Shuiro Amaya chapter 1 . 6/8/2013
Tensa is so cute. Just... overall, you know? He makes me wanna glomp him.
Meh. Tensa's being a bit hard on Ichigo here. You have to keep in mind that he was basically hung out to dry; the only time he ever got any insight into Zanpakuto was in the filler arc Zanpakuto Rebellion, and that was a filler arc.
Sure, he's heavily in the wrong for not trying to establish a connection and not looking more deeply into who Zangetsu is, but as beings in his SOUL, both Zangetsu's have to take some of the blame as they did not attempt to reach out to their wielder either when they should know that he knows absolutely nothing about the Shimigami culture. And we never really see other worry about their Zanpakuto either, do we? The whole basis of the Zanpakuto Rebellion filler arc was probably evolved from that fact. Shinigami see the Zanpakuto as tools, mostly. (Think Koga and Kenpachi. Or even Rukia, who seems oddly amazed at her Zanpakuto's appearance, which would make no sense if she had seen her before.) Zanpakuto do nothing to try to dissuade their Shinigami from thinking thusly. (The Shinigami are clueless to the fact that their Zanpakuto may not be entirely happy as they are. It takes Muramasa to get them to highlight (harsh but true) flaws in their wielder's personality.) So both sides are at fault.
But Tensa's gotta be one of my favorite characters ever. He's just so chibi and angry.
And sad. Here, Tensa's characterization is utterly different from that of the manga.
This is a good piece of writing, don't get me wrong, but it completely contradicts Tensa's actions in Decide 22, which mildly upsets me because as cheesy and predictable as his "what I want to protect is you, Ichigo," spiel was, it was still really sweet and kinda heartbreaking.
Just saying.
... Where was I going with this again?
Hiezen chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
its good...tensa zangetsu seems even more cold than zangetsu
songstar13 chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
AHHH! I LOVE IT. The Zanpakuto genre is sadly under-written. I'm glad to see someone is taking up the mantle. I have one about Sode no Shirayuki entitled "Outshining the Moon". I would be honored if you read it. n.n;;

Keep up the great work.
Ch-ch-cherry Best chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
Congratulations for the inaugural Tensa Zangetsu fic! I like how you portrayed his motives and thoughts on Ichigo, plus the writing was very enjoyable. I hope you'll continue to write Tensa-kun!
Black Sun Upon An Icy Sky chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
Well, you must consider the berry doesn't have a darn clue how to go there on his own free will, his father had to tell him whilst the other, /official/ Shinigami were drilled to learn it. Ichigo has to figure everything out himself, to a certain degree. I'm not saying it is an excuse, but an explanation. I would be pissed if I were in tensa's place, too, but I would consider the circumstances as well.

Anyways, after my rant, good job with this :3

And HOORAY! Congrats for being the first one to write about the new Hottie in the Bleach staff XD
Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
well that's cause Ichigo can be thickheaded!XD nice work! i liked it!
AbsentMindedNinja chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
I love this fanfic! Tensa Zangetsu is a favorite character of mine, and I approve of how you portrayed him. I think you captured his personality perfectly! Great work!

-CheshireKitKat 3
Peach Muffins chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
3 gigglecakes.

So Zangetsu/Tensa-kun is split personality? Him young hate Ichi and later...? .

By the way, was that A/N there before? T_T spoilers~

No. Ichi is a selfish bastard. I never actually thought of that til... just now.

Pfft. I like the cynical thoughts of Tensai-kun xDDDD

Oh god. Never thought of that. ANYWAYS! Cold fingers. Bai-b
Mimi chapter 1 . 6/27/2010

I was really hoping for a Tensa Zangetsu fanfic (cuz he is totally like my favorite character in Bleach now...) and ta da! You wrote one!

Even though chapter 409 doesnt completely show Tensa Zangetsu, I think you showed his personality well in this writing. I mean, it makes sense. The personality you wrote of connects to all his actions in chapter 409. Great job and yea I agree about Ichigo not really caring about his zanpakuto. Hopefully Tensa will drill the idea into Ichigo's head! .
Engelmohr2004 chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
Wow I never saw it like that ichigo really is a selfish jackass just like hollow ichigo said during their first,meeting just know ma persons name doe snot make you there friend he really should try to be friends with his zanpottoue not just use him for power more tenza he just needs a friend
Missing.wings chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
Poor Tensa...I love the story, and it's really well written and in character!
animelover1993 chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
ooohh i lubs it! this was sooo... in the character we were just introduced to. And it definitely fits. And Ichigo should talk to his zanpaktou more.
Taboo Cat chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
1. Congratulations on being the 1st one to write a fic about Tensa (who is now one of my new favorites)

2. He(or you) have a point why should he care about people he hardly knows and for a master that just wanted him for power

3. Tensa Zangetsu is awesome and i read any fic that was centered around him( I'd write one myself but I fail as a writer -)

Good Job!
The Awesome Cool PeopleTM chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
I AM HERE~! (Finally.)

No, wait...wrong account. Oh well.

WOW, AWESOMETASTICALLY NOMMYFUL. What? I need a new word, my vocabulary's not big enough.

...speaking of which...

"recompense"? I smell use of Word synonym function D

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