Short drabble for the awesome bishie Tensa Zangetsu (Bleach 409) xD By the way, just so you know, Zangetsu and Tensa Zangetsu are different people. But you should know if you've read 409.

I really want to claim this as the first Tensa Zangetsu fic ever (not Zangetsu, TENSA!), so if anyone wrote one on him before me, tell me and I'll relinquish that hold ^^

Disclaimer: Bleach is too awesome to be owned by me

Character: This was supposed to be under the section of Tensa Zangetsu, but there wasn't any, so I put it under Zangetsu instead.

There were many things Tensa Zangetsu did not care about.

He, unlike his counterpart, did not care for the wielder. Did not care for the master who had unlocked their powers, who had grown up with them, who had nurtured them, who had discovered their powers, who had used them for good— was it for good?

Was it really for good that Kurosaki Ichigo had used them?

Was it good to protect his classmates? Was it good to protect his town? Was it good to protect his friends, even though he had barely known one for a few weeks?

No, Tensa Zangetsu concluded. It was not for good.

Zangetsu would disagree with him, he knew. Zangetsu would say that they were there to serve, that they should not burden their master, that they should be good little Zanpakuto spirits and stay put. Or at least that was implied.

But the truth? Tensa Zangetsu didn't care. He didn't think there was a point getting injured and almost killed just to save a few people. He didn't care who the people were, why they were taken, or how they had met his master. He didn't care whether they screamed in pain getting tortured or were just quietly left there to rot. He didn't care because it wasn't important, and it didn't concern him, and Kurosaki Ichigo had barely met any of them, so why did he care so much?


Why, why, why?

As he thought, Tensa Zangetsu came to realize that he didn't care about that either. How or why his master acted was not important. His master never came to visit them, unless in times of desperate need. He never uttered a passing greeting. He never dropped by to see how they were going. He never even gave a damn about them unless it concerned his own powers.

Kurosaki Ichigo was a selfish bastard.

He never did anything, and yet he expected his Zanpakuto to repay him, to become a living slave, to share their unique and destructive powers with him without the price. He never cared for them, and that was why Tensa Zangetsu would never care for him. Because even if Zangetsu could stand being a slave all day and doing his master's bidding, his counterpart could not.

But Tensa Zangetsu helped his master because he knew what would happen if he didn't. He knew that the sky would tremble and buildings collapse and a huge earthquake would tear through the inner world when Kurosaki Ichigo's heart was in turmoil. And he knew that when the whole world and everything he knew and believed in came crashing down, there was no escape.

There was only punishment, and no recompense.

That was how Kurosaki Ichigo controlled them.

So when Kurosaki Ichigo entered his inner world, desperately looking for more guidance from the Zanpakuto who had already helped him so much, and not even considering a reward for their loyalty and efforts, Tensa Zangetsu refused. And he told him the thing he had been waiting to tell for so long, but had never received the chance to.

"...I don't care."

A/N: So, how was it? I actually agree with Tensa-kun. Other Shinigami worry about their Zanpakuto and it's like a mutual relationship. But Ichigo never does anything to help Zangetsu x.x

Please review?