Reviews for I Did It My Way
clumsydolphin chapter 2 . 7/30
Omg! Testicular euthanasia, that's priceless!
Victorie96 chapter 24 . 1/20
Damn, Loved IT! There is just something good about Iza and Jasper together, since they are good for each other, and I never liked her with Edward, because of his controlling ways.
Loved the twist with the Volturi, though, I like Marcus more than the other two kings, but I've always thought that there had to be something more to them than how they were portrayed in the movies.
MegzLife chapter 24 . 9/9/2019
I liked this story. Well written and funny.
MrsMajorJ chapter 8 . 2/6/2019
don't know if you still the updates of reviews on this's been a long time. But seeing the reference to the 100 Monkeys made me smile...I got to see them twice while they were touring, and even got backstage and a picture with the guys! yes, I touched Jackson Rathbone! Great show they do. I hope you got the chance to see them.

Enjoying the story
Guest chapter 24 . 2/12/2018
So wait, they exchanged one intrusive family for another and now they're marrying because the volturi wives think they should? I'm not sure how I feel about that.
But I have to admit it was fun to read the story. You made me smile, you made sad, amused, angry, happy and frustrated and that's what it should be like when reading a story. Thank you for sharing it.
Guest chapter 23 . 2/12/2018
My dirty mind conjured very interesting images of how the three Cullen's could be found after being subjected to Alec's power. I guess Alec is much more innocent then me...
I still think that volturi should do more to the Cullens. It doesn't seem like they feel any remorse.
Guest chapter 22 . 2/12/2018
First I realised that I should probably add SPOILER ALERT to my comments.
I admit I'm left a little flabbergasted after the confrontation with volturi. I mean, that's it? All the planning, waiting for years in aro's case and they get restricted from mingling with humans for 10 years? That's not a long period of time for immortal beings and what's more disconcerting the Cullens still don't seem to get it. Isn't intervention about getting to you, making you understand. Although with how you painted Edweird and Alice I'm not sure there is a way for them to understand. Especially Alice attitude to her ex husband was appalling. Edward behaved like a douche but mostly towards the guy that 'stole' his girl. Alice behaved like she never cared for Jasper even though she kept saying she used to love him.
On the other hand I like how you portrayed the volturi. The idea of working for them is ok, though I'm not sure Italy is a great place for vegetarian vampires . The country isn't all that big for it's population which means places where they could hunt are limited. There's also not that many carnivores
Guest chapter 18 . 2/12/2018
I like the warden nickname. Not sure why they need to plan before the volturi arrival. Can't they just let things play out the way volturi want them to? Argh I have to stop asking questions in those comments. It was written years ago and I'm too lazy to log in. Ehhhh
But anyway they already know they're not in any danger.
I have to say I don't like the idea of Eleazar telling Aro about Isabella. She was still human then and by all rights she could very well end up dead.
One more thing- I had my suspicions but I know now for sure. It was NOT the visions that led to Alice being in a mental institution...
Guest chapter 17 . 2/12/2018
Nice, the little torture scene appeased my own need to not so gently remove Edweird's balls. If he had them to begin with. On the down side-i didn't like how easily Cullens got to Jasper. First Alice made him feel hurt and ashamed with her words, then Edward spews some nonsense and again Jasper's eyes are filled with hurt and he needs Bella to hold his hand and tell him it's ok. What's up with that?I thought they were supposed to be stronger and healed. Bella, even though she's a newborn, seems to be holding better than him in those confrontations with the Cullens. Where's Jasper confidence? It was good that he dealt with Eddiekins but I'm yet to be impressed how he holds himself in conversations with his ex family.
Oh and Emmett was supposed to defend his sister and brother and he still stays silent as a mouse. Maybe you just forgot about him when writing those confrontations but still, I'm yet to see him as a true family to the Whitlocks
Guest chapter 16 . 2/12/2018
I liked the chapter. I still don't get the breaking law part and fear of volturi. If a human finds out about vampires they're supposed to be either killed or turned. As in the human, not vampires. She's a vampire so problem solved tadammm.
As to your explanation of their mind connection, I think I got what you mean though I'm not sure if it's such a cool thing to have your partner constantly in your head. And if anything THAT would be a problem with volturi, that would make them interesting enough for the volturi to want them.
Guest chapter 15 . 2/12/2018
I liked it. I'm not a huge fan of turning Alice into a mean because that always makes me question Jasper's intelligence for being her husband for several decades and Bella's for being her bff but hey, that's what you wanted to do with her. I'm ok with Edward being a complete douche. It seems to me that is more probable for a teenage girl to foolishly fall for an idiot than for an empath to stay in a relationship with a that pretty much hates everything about him.
Guest chapter 14 . 2/12/2018
Nice. I liked that they didn't even let Edward talk. THAT is how that f..cker soul be treated. Daily.
Guest chapter 13 . 2/12/2018
Maybe I'm slow but I don't get what the problem was with Edward going after Victoria and then to Volturi. I would understand if they were annoyed at him for taking away their chance to play with Victoria themselves but why are they afraid of volturi? Bella is a vampire, she's mated to Jasper, they're breaking no law. I say let him. There's a chance that he wouldn't be even able to track Victoria. And if he end up going to Volturi then what could they possibly be accused of? Stalling the change for too long?
Guest chapter 12 . 2/12/2018
I liked this chapter. It finally feels that absolutely nothing could happen to break Jasper and Bella's bond. I know that you wrote the first shared meal as a completion of their bond but sex between two people is not only about pleasure, it's a connection that requires trust, being open and vulnerable, for me their first time was the final step to being truly bonded.
One thing though, isn't her hymen going to repair itself now that she's a vampire? I can't help but remember true blood and the vampire virgin from the first or second season, that in all honesty was more of a mood killer than the dead animal
Guest chapter 11 . 2/12/2018
BS. that's what I think about Rose's and Emmett's explanation to Bella.
I only bought the scene where Jasper and Rose reconcile.
I know, I know. I should get use to the fact that in 90% of Jasper and Bella stories they're bff with Peter, char, aaaand Emmett and Rose. But I guess I'm less forgiving than Bella.
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