Reviews for HetaOni
NekkiYaoi chapter 22 . 4/23
I always end up coming back to Hetalia and Hetaoni, it's a wound that never closed and aches once in a while.

I always loved the effort you put in writing not only HetaOni, but also RomaHeta. I just wish those two had some sort of ending...

I just wanted to leave a review, since I can't remember doing it before because you deserve it. I hope things worked out for you, it has been a while since you posted this.

Ugh, I can't put my feelings into words! Just know that your work is still appreciated and loved, for I will always come back to re-read it again and again...
Guest chapter 3 . 7/30/2018
Italy's Ve is for Vedi which means "see" and it isn't spread in all Italy but only in Rome.
I like the story, for now it looks very interesting.
Either chapter 20 . 7/23/2018
Wow...the chapter titles are really cool and creative!
DootieDoot chapter 22 . 7/8/2018
Well, good luck on your life and your updates on other your other fanfics! This certaonly has been a great fanfic leading up to now, so I guess I’ll just wait till ya feel like updating I guess. For now, I’ll just read your RomaHeta fanfic because it seems interesting. Cya! Lots of Love from a reviewer!
Garbage chapter 22 . 6/25/2018
Author, will you ever feel like updating this? Because it's been four years :,)
Thank you for writing all this anyway, even if you don't continue it. I enjoyed the story and have reread this several times. Hopefully you're doing well!
Guest chapter 10 . 6/20/2018
When Italy's phone rang and it talked about the piano, immediately thought of Austria and/or England and Canada in the piano room... I dunno who tho...


Ciao, Bella~!
Guest chapter 6 . 6/19/2018
OK, so, a while ago I saw a pic about a head cannon and it said basically that the reason Germany doesn't get visions of the past is because he drank the 'water', and the reason Prussia hears voices that no one else hears is because he ate the mushrooms. Now, I haven't played Hetaoni before, so when I saw it I didn't know what it meant and I brushed it off. While reading this, I read the part about the water and thought nothing of it, but once Prussia mentioned mushrooms, a light bulb came to my head and I figured it out. At the moment I realized what had happened, I swear, my entire being said 'shit'.


Ciao, Bella~!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/19/2018
When Italy... Jumped on Germanys' back... He said something about running ten laps... MY GOD THE FEELS ARE COMING BACK! WHY?! I REMEMBER! THE TIME LOOPS AND ITALY SAID THAT IF HE RAN AWAY GERMANY WAS TO CATCH HIM AND THEN THEY ALL DIED! THE MEMORIES! *clears throat* Ahem! Sorry... I remember playing that part and I'm pretty sure that part of me died inside by the time that scene was over...

Ciao, bella~!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/19/2018
My god... Me as a fan and knowing what will happen next on a basic level really makes my heart hurt. I know the torture that will become upon them all because of this. Cool story though! Five Stars!


Ciao, Bella~!
JoSeBach chapter 15 . 3/29/2018
The only thing that I don't like is Italian conversation full of grammar mistakes (I know you're not Italian, but you can always ask to me, for example)
JoSeBach chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
Your way of writing is really wonderful. There are some chairs that I love that I just read them. Amazing!
PowerSpirit chapter 9 . 9/25/2017
I don't know about you, but a spotless mansion that no one lives in is scary to me. I mean, who cleaned it?
Guest chapter 13 . 9/18/2017
* quiet sobbing* why
Guest chapter 11 . 9/15/2017
aphcarolina chapter 22 . 7/29/2017
This is an amazing story, I hope you'll continue it eventually
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