Reviews for A Series of Suspicious Circumstances
All Hail Kira chapter 3 . 5/30/2017
Did L and Kira team up to get rid of the vampires? I hope they did.
HedaDeservedBetter chapter 3 . 12/21/2013
I like this please write more !
Guest chapter 3 . 10/14/2013
WINGS-OF-YORU chapter 3 . 11/19/2011
update please!please finish the story!

i really liked reading this and hope you didnt forget about this story

till next time
LittleFanGirl chapter 3 . 11/10/2010
Yay! L'S HERE! EEEPPP! *FanGirlySquealsOfExcitement*

I think I'm in love with your humour...It never fails to amuse me _

Keep writing! :D
Lykania chapter 3 . 11/10/2010
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY GO L, this makes me very happy, I am an avid Death Note fan I think its a great show, and even though L isnt real I do admire his intelligence, and well done on squashing the twilight characters that gave me a whole lot of laughter, keep up the fantastic work and I look forward to reading more :D
LittleFanGirl chapter 2 . 11/10/2010
'There were two dead undead girls in the room' HAH! Lmao :')

I Love the fact that they got so giddy over big bang theory...The amazing show that it is :3

You did a raelly good job with this chapter...Can't wait till the deathnote characters come into it _
Lykania chapter 2 . 11/10/2010
It was funny, I like the Big Bang Theory references,:D keep up the good work Nacina :D
Lykania chapter 1 . 11/10/2010
Hey, im new to this and i think this is gonna be AWESOME, hope you keep writing it :D, and by the way you are a awesome writer ive read some of your other stuff its good :D
LittleFanGirl chapter 1 . 10/30/2010
AH! This story is amazing..I'm hoping that you still plan to keep it going?

I sortof like twilight but laughing at it is so much more fun :')

Angelgirl651 chapter 1 . 9/19/2010
ha ha funny honestly I like twilight but I'm not crazy fan girl this is gonna be good! !
