Reviews for Dealings on the Smuggler's Moon
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 6 . 2/4/2017
sudooku chapter 6 . 5/24/2015
Finally I went through chapter six. Well, Arcanian blasters. You did read the KOTOR
-stories, right? I like this story more and more. But proceeding it now it is not a blue-milk-run anymore, is it? I hope you will continue one more time but there is so much time gone by now. Awesome work, dude.
sudooku chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
OMG. I have not even mad it till Kit and Aayla ever will show up and your story is already that mind-blowing with all that neatly chiseled details of Coruscant and the inhabitants there. You have already built up much tension and won my curiosity. You are a second James Luceno, do you know that? I'm still exited about that furious beginning of your story.
RylotheanWriter chapter 6 . 10/4/2012
HAHA! He flew the way he fought... Sweet Sith! I can't wait for the next chapter! Better get it done- you've got a hungry fan out there in the world! :D Kandosii gehat'ik! If you ever need help with languages- ANY LANGUAGE IN SW- Count me in. I'm fluent in all of them. :D
RylotheanWriter chapter 1 . 10/4/2012
Now THIS is fanfiction. -Anakin Skywalker
Severa Blackbird chapter 6 . 2/27/2012
This-this is the best Aayla/Kit fic I've ever read! Other authors have made them cheesy, but you've made them very interesting and entertaining! The plot is very inriguing, and the characterization is excellent!

Well, this helped me relieve my head after reading badfics and Blyla fics. After reading so many things contradicting my brain, reading such a wonderful fic of a couple I love practically saved my day. I love Aayla and Kit being together. They're such a charming and dynamic couple. So far, your portrayal of their relationship is the best in my opinion. Non-cheesy romance, my favorite.

I wish you'd continue this. If you can make this until at least 20 chapters, I'm sure this fic would be a great one. Take your time, but don't torture us readers! Come on, update! I'll be waiting!

Oh yes, for the ponderings:

1. I think things would be both worse and better in different aspects. Aayla and Kit would have a better way in getting information about the Dust, but at the same time, the smugglers could be suspicious about them.

2. I'm surprised Kit's not jealous of him. Vesik would probably make things harder for them. I can't trust him yet.

LegendaryLarry chapter 6 . 2/17/2012
Supacoo. Love it.
Much Ado About Nonny chapter 6 . 9/22/2011
I only just found this fic, and I'm ecstatic to see it! There is not enough Kit/Aayla...not enough *good* Kit/Aayla stuff anyway. Thank you so much for starting this, you made several of my days.

Now, on to specifics. The best part of this, as far as I'm concerned, is that the romance is not THE plot, period. You've created a beautifully believable problem that keeps the plot moving forward, so we the readers are not caught in an unbreaking vortex of kissy-kissy goo-goo poodoo. That not only makes chapters that aren't specifically about romance more action-packed and entertaining, but it also makes the more fluffy romance scenes more subtle and engaging than they are by themselves (which isn't so say they AREN'T subtle and engaging by themselves, because they ARE. We just have more reason to appreciate them). A great many romance authors could learn from you.

The Dust is intriguing. I really, really want to learn who is behind its making (besides just Sidious, since that's...basically a given...). A spice that allows someone that much control over someone else's mind is...horrifying, and quite effectively so at that. I'd honestly read this story even if it didn't have the lovely Kit/Aayla as a part of it; you pull this off very nicely.

And, down to the happy couple themselves: you've captured them. Period. A lot of people just see two humans in weird get-ups from the movies kissing, and that's ALL Kit and Aayla are in their mind (especially Aayla, poor girl). You've actually taken the time to delve deep into their characters and figure out WHY they would be so attracted to each other. The little things you incorporate about them - Kit's ability to "smell" emotions, Aayla's little lekku "shrug", things of that sort - make them, ironically, just a little more human in my mind, more natural. The way you portray Kit's charm and optimistic outlook, Aayla's spunk and motherly tendencies, and the snarkiness the two of them have in common, makes their interactions a joy to read.

I hope you keep writing, because I love this story so much. Keep up the excellent work.
Scoeri chapter 1 . 4/26/2011
You know what? I think that after you've finished this and polished it up a bit, you should run it by Lucas Arts... I mean it really is a great story and all, you'll just have to edit some dates and stuff and it won't be just another fan-fic. It'll be legitimate Star Wars history!

Thanks for reading this ,p.s. please respond, like you, I don't want my words to go to waste. (;
Scoeri chapter 6 . 4/23/2011
We still have plenty of story left, so lets keep things interesting and have a few cliff hangers (and maybe falls) to keep things interesting, shall we? And as for the second question, he reminds me of my friend. Who reminds me of the devil. He's naught but trouble. Personally, I wouldn't trust him with a can of beans. And one more thing, while editing, try to liven the verbs up a bit. right now it's like "oh, two bipedal figures with claws... scary... ish..." so see if you can do anything about that, and maybe bring em back later on for a bit of fun. (
recey2010 chapter 6 . 4/18/2011
So glad to finally see an update on a Unique and exciting story can wait for the next ! Aayla and kit work so well together and vesik, lets just say I'm surprise kit hasn't become jealous anyways happy writing. Recey2010
Wkwkwkwkwk chapter 6 . 4/18/2011
Wow, I wasn't expecting you updated so fast than before!

I like the part when Kit faced the "Verbs". It really excites me. Though I must admit, it kinda creeped me out. Oh and, the part when Kit called Aayla "Sweet Splash" made me laugh. I also liked Kit's charming way to persuade Aayla.

Well, I guess that's all. Keep updating!
recey2010 chapter 6 . 4/18/2011
So glad to finally see an update on a Unique and exciting story can wait for the next ! Aayla and kit work so well together and vesik, lets just say I'm surprise kit hasn't become jealous anyways happy writing. Recey2010
DoubleEO chapter 6 . 4/17/2011
YAY! I loved it! Especially the part where he called her Sweet Splash! Keep up the good work!
Scoeri chapter 5 . 4/16/2011
Ch:5 I'm pretty sure it'll go smoothly (ish)... I mean sure there will be a twist here and there, but they'll make it rellatively unscathed. That is, of course, unless your feeling a bit sadistic...
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