Reviews for Reptiles Rebel
DxC95 chapter 4 . 1/7/2011
MOVIE NIGHT! Hilarious. Also, "Gah! What am I saying?" PRICELESS! Awesome story!
DxC95 chapter 3 . 1/7/2011
Blasting the TV with a laser isn't turning it off. HEY BUDDY! OVER HERE! *Chameleon turns into a dragon* Oh, snap! Those were my favorite parts! Great fighting chapter!
DxC95 chapter 2 . 1/7/2011
"Once I finish the upgrades, I'll be able to control reptiles around the world! Ahahahaha!"

"What's the point of that, sir?"

"...You know, I really don't know. But it sounds evil! And that's all I need!" LOL! BTW, don't get him a cheese sandwich, Larry.
DxC95 chapter 1 . 1/7/2011
"Oh no! This would be terrible! If I didn't have a back-up." I can totally imagine Snaptrap saying that with sarcasm. Anyway, great job! You do a good job with keeping the characters in...character! LOL.
cardsharks87 chapter 4 . 11/23/2010
Please! No romance! Please! I wish you would make Dudley talk more.
cardsharks87 chapter 3 . 11/23/2010
I like this story but it;s confusing klike your previous one.
cardsharks87 chapter 2 . 11/23/2010
You're fast! I never would've guessed you'd make a sequel so quickly. What I don't get is you say the Chameleon's eyes turned red even though they're red to begin with. Are you saying they're now completley red, or did they turn a diffrent color when he stopped being evil?
jokergirl129 chapter 4 . 11/23/2010
I like this story very much too. You have talent of making them feel like a real episode. If you are planning on making Kitty and Chameleon a couple in your next story (or writing events that would lead to them being a couple) I'm looking forward to reading it.
9peggy chapter 4 . 11/22/2010
YES! You should definatly make another story, and add a ChamaleonxKitty pairing! I love your T.U.F.F. stories!
the steaks will be razed chapter 4 . 11/22/2010
did you post all four chapters up at once? or did my parents not come back for a couple hours and I haven't checked that whole time? I think, like in this one TV show, that you should make the next story evolve around Kitty's feelings for him, next story- realize it can't really work since they have a job and stuff, then in the final story make it work and BOOM!