It was a bright, sunny day in Petropolis.

T.U.F.F. agents Kitty, Dudley, and Chameleon were in town shopping for office supplies.

"Man this stuff is heavy. Chameleon, can't you turn into a shopping basket or something?" Kitty whined.

"But that gives you the easy job. I'll still have to carry all this stuff." Chameleon retorted.

"Yeah, but you'll be helping us." Kitty insisted.

"You're not gonna-"

Suddenly, Kitty's wrist comunicator went off. Chief appeared on the screen.

"What is it, Chief?" Kitty asked.

"Snaptrap is at it again. He's at D.O.O.M. headquarters about to activate some new invention of his. I want you 3 to stop whatever he's doing. Got it?" the flea asked.

"Roger that, Chief."

The 3 agents and started for DOOM headquarters.


They arrived at the evil lair.

"Hold it right there, Snaptrap!" Kitty yelled as she and her teammates burst into the room.

"Well well, T.U.F.F. agents. You're just in time to witness the activation of my latest invention, the Reptile Controler!" Snaptrap laughed, his eyes spinning as he did so.

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Kitty retorted.

She pulled out a lazer gun, and fired it at the remote in Snaptrap's hand. The rat dropped it with a yelp, and Chameleon grabbed it with his tongue.

"Game over, Snaptrap." Dudley smirked as he took the remote and smashed it.

"Oh no! This would be terrible! If I didn't have a back-up." Snaptrap pulled out another remote, and pushed the button.

A giant machine rose up out of a hole in the ground, and metal rings started flying out of slots in the machine. Most of them flew into town.

Citezens ran screaming as the rings flew after them. They began latching onto the reptile citezens, whose eyes then glew red and they started attacking people.

"Quick you 2! We need to shut that thing off!" Kitty said. "Chameleon, can you turn into something to block those slots?"

"Sure," Chameleon replied, "That'll be easy-"

Before he could do anything however, a ring flew into him and closed shut around his neck.

"Chameleon no!" Kitty yelled.

"Now my reptillian slave! Attack!" Snaptrap ordered.

Chameleon, whose eyes were now red, got up and started attacking Kitty and Dudley.

"Chameleon wait! It's us!" Kitty yelled as she ducked under his tail."It's Kitty and Dudley-"

She was cut off when she was sent flying into Dudley after being hit with Chameleon's tail.

"Dude, seriously not cool." Dudley retorted as he and Kitty stood.

"We gotta snap him out of it." Kitty said.

"How do we do that?"

"I don't know. Let's get back to headquarters and work out a plan there."

Kitty and Dudley raced for the exit.

Surprisingly, they made it out and headed for T.U.F.F.

Snaptrap laughed. "Those fools can't stop me or my army of brainwashed reptiles! And once I set it up to control reptiles around the world, I'll be unstoppable! Ahahahaha!"


Well that's chapter 1. Hope it's okay. R&R!