Reviews for Blind Carbon Copy
Rhirhirhi chapter 10 . 3/12
This has always been one of my favourite. I promise to review again if you decide to update again.
alex8489 chapter 10 . 6/14/2019
I see I'm a bit late to the party, but anyway I wanted to say that I really liked reading this and am quite sad to find that it hasn't been updated in a very long time. I particularly wanted to see if the America from the first universe would really start a revolution in the other universe, and the other America would be left to deal with it. But even unfinished, this story is a great read. It's very clever, the dialogue is realistic and the characters well-written. I also appreciate the inclusion of the France/Germany ship, because despite it being totally canon in real life, I don't see it in fanfiction very often.
PhGim.7 chapter 10 . 6/1/2018
This is great! I love the contrast between the AU and the canon universe • Hope all is well!
ochan chapter 10 . 1/7/2018
Sooo it's been 6 years since the last update! I'm not even in the Hetalia fandom anymore, but this fic is one of the few that I really enjoyed and it made me wish there were more cross-dimensional fics out there. Thanks so much for writing this! I still hope that you would come back and update this, but even if you don't, thank you so much for this story ️
fadza chapter 10 . 10/30/2017
XxSil chapter 10 . 9/1/2017
Rufescent chapter 10 . 4/5/2017
Whoa, this is one of the best Revolutionary War AU (if it can even be labeled that) stories I've read in a while. The historical facts are so detailed and thoughtful, adding so much depth to the background and plot of this story. It's such an abstract idea, if America never won the war and England remained an Empire. Has the Space Race already happened? Probably not... especially since technology doesn't seem to be as up to par compared to our world (the internet including Google and YouTube, for one example). Interesting to think about what inventions would be lost if America wasn't independent (not to mention to politics and all that).

Overall, I find myself enjoying both Americas, but really looking forward to the drama from Superpower!America in Colony!America's universe. It's nice to see him act powerful in such a entrapping role; though, his ignorance about this universe really needs to be fixed so he can actually succeed when he and the others start a revolution.

Lastly, the descriptions are so well done! I LOVED the part where Colony-Canada and -America were practicing their smiles. So heartbreaking but, well, dark. Honestly, there are many, many examples. This entire story is a work of art.

This story is 100-percent amazing, and it would blow me away to have an update. Please? Thanks for sharing this so far, though, it has been a really great read!
Pyruvate chapter 10 . 1/7/2017
It's 2017 now...I'm still waiting
Guest chapter 10 . 1/29/2016
WHYYY DO YOU DO THIS TO US AUTHOR! TT~TT Such a good story should not end in such a cliffhanger! Gah, please come back and finish this great story.
SomeoneKnew chapter 10 . 12/26/2015
-_- So not funny. I literally said last chapter I would hate if this were abandoned, and what do you do? You don't update for three- no, almost four freaking years now. I am so close to snapping. Go start writing. NOW. Even if it's just an explanation, a 'so-sorry-everyone-but-I've-abandoned-this-for-reasons-and-frustrated-everyone-to-the-point-of-mental-breakdowns', just. Do something. I really loved reading this and I don't want to see it end, so GET WRITING ALREADY. Oh, and happy Christmas.
SomeoneKnew chapter 9 . 12/26/2015
How would they even arrange 51 stars? I don't see any good space for it on the little blue square. I'm soo glad you didn't abandon this fic at this chapter. Too many people have just stopped updating their fics years ago with no explanation or warning. This would have been a terrible time to cut off. Then again, any time would suck, since I never want this awesomeness to end. *snort* Apparently 'awesomeness' is a word according to SpellCheck but magick or fyre aren't. Gods, this computer is uno (one) 馬鹿 (baka; stupid) 偏 (piān; biased) dummkopf (idiot).
SomeoneKnew chapter 8 . 12/26/2015
Gott verdammte, England, Russian is only one of the languages in America. Just because he knows that language doesn't mean he doesn't know French, German, Italian, Greek, at least one person knows Latin (me), Chinese, Indian, Spanish... I kinda liked this chapter, even the part when Amerique goes nuts. (shamelessly showing off her multilinguality :P) Oh, and Amerika always throws a huge party on Independance/His Birth Day, right? I'm resentful because of how insensitive he is to Igirisu, so I wrote this from England's point of view:
'When in the Course of National events such as wars, it becomes necessary for one country to go reluctantly to war against their own baby brother whom they have taken care of and raised for a hundred and seventy years and therefore nearly break their heart, and to assume among the powers of the personifications, the separated and unequal station that the Fate of Humanity and a certain young nation’s unexplained rebelliousness that tears siblings apart has given them, a decent respect to the opinion of the country who practically spoiled and went out of his way to make happy the country who then proceeded to declare war on him on this very day two hundred and forty years ago to the day requires that they should not ask the aforementioned caretaker-country to be cheerful and wish them a Happy Birthday.'
Really, it's a bit much to expect Arthur to be happy on that day. But I loved this!
SomeoneKnew chapter 7 . 12/26/2015
What happened to Yong-Soo? A bomb or something? I mean, he's bleeding. A lot. And he collapsed. What happened, and who did it?
SomeoneKnew chapter 6 . 12/26/2015
I would hate to be a country. Headaches are the worst. :/ Quite the opposite of this amazewonderfantabulous chapter.
SomeoneKnew chapter 5 . 12/26/2015
Blood is thicker than water. But maple syrup is thicker than blood. So therefore, pancakes are more important than family.
XD Gods, how many maple quotes am I going to have by June 1? I'm making a collage for Canada's birthday full of pancake stuff. I love this! Really good.
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