Reviews for SHOPPING!
The Path of Supreme Conquest chapter 1 . 4/9/2015
James nearly died of happiness...
isxbelv chapter 1 . 2/26/2012
I can't even. This ridiculously great, and I honestly can't stop laughing. It's so funnnnnyyy. Awesome job!
iamaunicornn chapter 1 . 2/24/2012
so this is kinda late...but...OMG! I love it! It's freaking hilarious! I nearly died reading the end XD Great job! :D
fawkkes chapter 1 . 12/12/2011
I freaking L-O-V-E-D THIS! It was so awesomely awesome! XD

When Logan kept getting everything 'wrong', oh my jeez. James you crack me up.

"But flannel's my favourite!" Oh Kendall :')

You, CheekyBrunette, are amazing! This story is amazing! I laughed so hard, thank-you for brightening my day. I'm gonna be laughing for a loooong time! :3
Fish Stick Friday chapter 1 . 11/8/2011
The title of this made me laugh. Lol. All caps and everything...The exclamation point...

"James's eyes bled just looking at it." ROTFL!

Okay James...I think it's dead

"The short, raven haired boy." Teehee! I don't know why that made me "Teehee!" but it did! Lol.

I love how everyone bags on Logan for his paleness. James did it in this story. Heck, I do it in my stories. Poor Logan! Lol.

I loved how the jacket landed on Carlos' head. Oh, and Carlos' reaction too! :)

I know wardrobe is James' area of expertise, but reading this was so darn funny!

"But flannel's my favorite!" OMFG!I can't even...there aren't words to describe how EPICALLY AWESOME that was! You have NO idea, okay?

"His toes wiggled in his thick socks as he waited for the verdict..." Cute!

"Logan, you look perfect!" *cough, cough* Jagan! *cough, cough* What? Why are you looking at me? Somebody's saying should probably get them a cough drop too while you're at it...

Poor Logan! EVERYTHING James had him try on would look better on Carlos! LOL! Why did James have Logan try it on in the first place then? Haha. That's priceless!

"...glomping ono Kendall in a never ending hug." LMFAO! I can't even. I might have to take a break from this story. I'm not sure if I should be insulted you're writing James in such light or in awe. Lol.

Perfecter, James? Really? Hehe.

"...about as tightly as he had Kendall." Hmm...Kames perhaps?

Holy cow! That's a lot of clothes!

"...and Logan put his foot on Carlos' leg..." I thinkI just had a mini heart attack. What WAS Logn doing, eh? ;)

Oh no! Please Don't let Carlos become a mini James. One James is enough! Lol.

I'm only three stories in *facepalm*, and this is already my favorite by a landslide. It isn't even Cargan, Carlos, or Logan centric either. Huh. Go figure...
TiffDizzle chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
fabulous, i luvd it! James so needs 2 come shopping with me cuz netime i mention i'm going shopping everybody runs away as fast as they can...bahahahaha i am such a shopaholic!
teenwolphs chapter 1 . 10/5/2011
OMG i freaking loved the ending! Carlos whining about his pants just made me laugh so stinking hard!
Vintage-Wonder chapter 1 . 10/1/2011
Oh gosh that was way to funny! I could so picture James talking the boys shopping. Personally I think Logan dresses the best out of all of them, but I'm biased I have a huge crush on him, hehehe. Another great story!
Lashton chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
! I LOVIIIIE it! O funny and cute and I love the ending! And *begins to whisper* lovin the snuck in bit of cargan at the end. There's just never a truly good story without it, is there? lol :)
cherrysnowflakes98 chapter 1 . 7/29/2011
I laughes so hard at this! James is so stupidly...PRETTY! The ending is perfect make more!
FreakierThanFreaks chapter 1 . 7/18/2011
Haha! I loved it! Freakiing amazing! It's like he's a girl! Damn, he's more girly than I am! Daaamnn though, it makes him sound kind of gay... But he's not and I'd still love him even if he was! Go James!
Kendizzlers and Carlitos chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
Cute! Absolutely cute!
tobago chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
Meh, I'm just roaming around reading and I came across this one.

And I love it.

Like a whole lot.

I don't know why, but I can picture James as one of those fashion designer guys with the funny accents when he was all talking to Logan on how that outfit didn't really match up with him but looked better on Carlos. I was getting a total Jagan vibe from Logan and James, simply because James is all 'Oh my gosh, it's great!' and Logan is all ':D' but then James goes 'And it will look even cuter on Carlos!' and Logan gets 'D:'. Like seriously, poor Logie in this story. He's such a butt monkey it's almost not funny. ALMOST.

I love how Carlos is a walking fashion disaster. Picking out the brightest clothes and making James mini barf. But he is just too cute I just went 'Aw' every time he pulled out his outfits.

And Kendall's just Kendall. And James loved his clothes first which made Logan jelly, and then of course he loves Carlos' clothes, which made Logan SUPER jelly. Seriously, poor Logan. Not getting the love from James.

And then Logan gets Carlos' pants dirty. Jelly Logie! XD

Loved the story :)
hope for eternity chapter 1 . 6/29/2011
LOL! I loved it! I can kinda see James doing that, even if it does make him look a little gay... that's just James for you, haha
logielover chapter 1 . 6/26/2011
HAHAHA! .god! This is hillarious! Oh james... Poor logie ;D
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