Reviews for No Longer a Child
Guest chapter 15 . 6/18
Please just finish with a chapter 16 I no u last updated this 8 years ago but it’s not to late!
Rose chapter 15 . 6/9
Hey Piratechef, I absolutely adore your Beetlejuice x Lydia story, “No Longer a Child”. I think your ideas are amazing and I’ve been completely addicted to reading and re-reading your 15 chapters for years now. I know you have probably heard from many fans begging for a continuation of this story but I have to ask you to please consider telling your faithful readers what happens to Lydia and Beetlejuice when he gets locked out of the Nietherworld at the close of Chapter 15 which you last updated 8 years ago. It’s not to late to come back and even if you choose not to continue the story, which I think we can all respect an author’s decision to discontinue a work. But please, can you possibly tell your audience what direction you intended this story to end in? What your possible notes for the storyline of the next chapters were? I, among so many other adoring fans of this story would appreciate a bit of closure, we would appreciate it so so much. Thank you very much for your time, if you receive this please note that I completely understand a writer taking leave of a story. Even a successful one, but may I say as a part time writer myself- you can always return, even after 8 years. I sincerely hope you are well and that your absence from this story is not indefinite.
With love,
Turniptree chapter 15 . 3/26
This is the most disappointing cliffhanger ever. I can't believe this never got an ending!
BlightedRose chapter 15 . 1/31
wauw! well written
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2019
I was DYING. You killed my heart, soul and I can’t believe poor little Beetlejuice had to suffer in this torture and rapture. I would have kicked down the door and murdered Gage and Lydia for being an asshump and I would have dropped her into a vat of wax and let her burn and scream and I just want my baby Beej to be the best he can be. Now I feel like I’m starting to HATE Lydia.

I imagined Beetlejuice singing it’s over isn’t it form Steven universe lol good chapter
Paula Williams chapter 15 . 12/9/2017
Honestly i don't like it! so many characters made the story very confuse and i don't like unecessary drama! Lydia and Beetlejuice's love is romantic perfect and sweet! she must discover how she feels about him and him about her not envolving other characters that have nothing to do with it! their love is pure and sweet! can be hot too but i think things must have happen in a better way!
Vornicka chapter 15 . 10/9/2017
*cries* Nooooo! Read the whole delicious debauchery and then.. *sobs*
TayMonster16 chapter 15 . 9/19/2017
Omg... I cried so hard I hope u update at some point (unless it's finished) but this is by far the best story I've read between the pair ️ Thank u so much 4 creating this beautiful art peace
Guest chapter 15 . 8/14/2017
Guest chapter 15 . 6/29/2017
I seriously think you might be the worst possible person in this planet.
sinner1947 chapter 15 . 3/14/2017
It's been years I'm sure but fucking cliff hanger much! Lol screw you and my life
Guest chapter 1 . 12/24/2016
Please update this is amazing!
Hey-Fay chapter 15 . 10/17/2016
Plz bro, please, have mercy on my dead little heart and black little soul, please continue this Q-Q
Alianna-Kypiroth chapter 15 . 9/5/2016
*gentle pokes author* more? please?!
chubrub chapter 15 . 8/27/2016
Okay okay. Where do I begin... This story man... Geez Louise! I'm on chapter 11, but realized it wasn't updated in literally forever just now! :( This was such an amazing Beetlejuice X Lydia fanfic. It truly was. I loved the fact that Lydia was older, but not in her twenties yet. I loved how accurately portrayed Beetlejuice was. I mean seriously, he was super accurate to the cartoon! I liked how vulgar and charmingly gross Beej was as well. X3 I liked how Prince Vince came into the plot to assist Gage because he was salty, could relate to Gage, and disliked Beetlejuice A LOT. I loved how Lydia was like too! The only complaint I had about her was that she was swore a lot, which I didn't think was in character for her. I expected Lydia to be a bit more innocent that how she actually was. I still loved her though! I also liked fact that Lydia had a boyfriend (Gage the literal butt), that added that little bit of that needed confict to the story. Although this story was a little bit too, um, inappropriate for my liking, it was still a great story. Forgive me for hating on Gage by the way, I really just didn't like him at all. That's a good thing though! The author of this story really played with your emotions! (A good thing) It made the story fun to read and enjoyable. I didn't care for Gage, Max, or Lydia's new friends very much at all to be honest... I like Gabby though! She was cool. Despite that, I think this probably is the best Lydia X Beetlejuice story I've read in my life, and trust me, I've seen a lot! However, I will not read anymore of this story. "But why? You were just talking about how much you loved this story!" You may be asking yourself. Well, I honestly and simply don't want to become anymore attracted to this story than I already am. I'm pretty sure there's absolutely no hope of this story being uploaded anytime soon... The tradgety! DX If the author does happen to see this comment, thank you for creating this beautiful fanfic. Thank you for uploading as many chapters as you did! I appreciate all of your work and how amazing this was! I'm a writer myself, and I'm telling you that I admire your story based on my experience as well. Please, if you are seeing this, post some more chapters, if you don't mind, that is. Finish what you started! If you do see this (which I doubt), and are willing to do so, I'll keep reading and I'll be here all the way. :) Even if you don't want to upload more chapters, which is admittedly understandable because the Beetlejuice fandom is pretty much dead, please reply to let me know you're not dead too! I'm being completely sincere with everything I said. :)
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