A/N: This is only intended to be a one-shot to get the idea out of my head. But if I get over 15 reviews then I will make it a full blown chaptered story. Enjoy!

Lydia's mirror was a sacred place. Or at least, sacred to the self proclaimed ghost-with-the-most. To any other viewer (whether it be on her side or his), it was nothing but a thick slab of glass encased in an oval shaped hunk of wood. But not many others viewed said mirror anyway, for not many had the opportunity (or guts) to grace Lydia's room with their presence. Not that there was any problem with that. In fact, most would say they both preferred it that way. But back to the point.

Beetlejuice had made it clear to Lydia from the very first day that he would always be there waiting after school. And true to his word, the mischievous poltergeist never missed a day. Over the years it had become quite the habit, and one he never intended to break (but one would probably question when had he even bothered with any of the others). It was almost second nature, his body moving on its own as his internal clock rang three thirty and floating towards his link to the other side.

To him, it was just another regular day. He quietly hummed to himself, for once taking his time instead of rushing over straight away. Nothing had happened so far so he really had no reason to be in a hurry and tell her all about his day. But if only he had not been so relaxed that day and taken it slow, or better yet, he probably shouldn't have come at all. It would have spared him the confusion, heart ache, and buying a new pair of pants.

With an almost out-of-character calmness, Beetlejuice opened the portal to Lydia's mirror, for once not making a grand entrance of disgusting noises and terrible puns. The space in front of him rippled, turning hazy as he faded into existence on the glass of her mirror. Lydia stood in the middle of her room, looking around and not noticing him. He was about to call her name when some one suddenly beat him to it.

"Lydia! Can I come in now?"

Beetlejuice stopped, mouth hanging open and fingered poised in front of him. That wasn't the shrill feminine voice of Delia…it was male. And not even the gentle (albeit cautious) voice of her father. This one was deeper, huskier, and addressed Lydia with more familiarity than Beetlejuice was comfortable with. Who the hell was it?

Lydia turned to the door with a smile, still ignorant of the ghost's presence.

"Yeah, you can come in."

Her voice was one of…relief? What on earth was making her hair stand on end anyway? Was she expecting him to scare her? No, she knew him better than himself, and that's saying something. And her smile…it was one he had never seen before. It was one that held a unique gentleness, an emotion he could not really place. Sure, she had many smiles. The tolerant one to appease her parents and friends, the shy one when she knew she was in trouble, the excited one when she found something new and otherworldly, and the one given only to him. His smile was one filled with patience and a fondness that only Lydia could give.

But this…this new smile…it was a bit unnerving. Unnerving only because he had never seen it before. Eventually he would get used to it…or not. It was so confusing! He couldn't decide whether he liked it or not, so going invisible as so not to get caught, Beetlejuice waited to see the source of his arising troubles.

The door opened and shut, foot steps were heard and then the voice appeared again.

"Geez, no wonder you won't allow me in here. It's a dump!"

What he saw made Beej's eyes pop out of their sockets and his jaw dropped to his feet with a sickening crack.

A boy, no, a man walked into view with an ice pack pressed loosely to his face. He had shaggy jet black hair that spiked out stylishly at the base of his neck and on the sides of his head with bangs brushing just his above piercing blue eyes. The clothes were simple enough, a black skin tight t-shirt that showed, without question, that he worked out and loose fitting blue jeans. He was clean shaven, but had a permanent shadow along his jaw that stuck out even against his tan. Then his glittering eyes landed on Lydia, and he smiled, but even to Beetlejuice it was intimidating. The straight teeth were polished and shiny, the canines sharper than what was considered normal, and it made him look like a wolf. A wolf starving for Lydia.

"Yeah, and it will be the last time you see it if you keep up those remarks," she replied with an annoyed but teasing tone. The one she only used for him.

Furious that she would use it on this other guy Beetlejuice watched on as the man had the audacity to fling himself onto her bed and lay there as if he owned it. The look he was giving her was not one he liked, and he wondered if this man was sick in the head. What was he doing hanging around an under aged little girl? If Beetlejuice would have replayed those words and thought for a moment, he would have almost admitted to being a hypocrite. But right now, he was barely able to wrap his mind around what was happening.

"Hey now, don't go shifting any negativity my way. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gotten a base-ball implanted into my face," the man shot back with a mock look of accusation.

Lydia gave him a smirk, yet another emotion in her eyes that Beej couldn't place (or really just hadn't seen on her), and he watched as she sauntered over to the bed. Okay, now she walked different? What the hell was going on?

"And how exactly was it my fault?" she questioned, stopping a few inches away.

The man grinned wolfishly at her, quite literally, and let his eyes rove up and down her body.

"Seriously? That skimpy little school girl out fit you wear is enough to stop anyone dead in their tracks."

Ooo, now the guy was dead…If Beetlejuice wasn't angry enough, he was really boiling now. How dare he talk about a little girl like that! Of all the perverse, sick, twisted…!

And then Beetlejuice went into shock as Lydia suddenly launched herself onto the man. She straightened up, straddling his waist and placing her hands onto his chest in a very suggestive way.

"Aww, poor you," she cooed. "Tell me where it hurts, I'll make it better."

Her tone was torture to his ears! It was madness! It was…seductive!


And then he stopped, eyes widening as realization slowly dawned. That was not the voice of a twelve year old girl. It was huskier, more womanly and developed. He stared at the sudden stranger on top of the other person. She was taller, however still petite, and her hair hung down to the middle of her back. Her face was thinner, baby fat still visible but diminishing fast, and eyes somehow more mature. His eyes slinked lower, down her slender neck and over the perky lumps (he lingered here) where it had once been flat, scanning quickly over the longer arms and bulging at the shapely legs.

This was not Lydia Deetz, best friend and partner-in-crime.

This was Lydia Deetz, best friend and smoking-hot-holy-fuck-what-the-fuck-happened-partner-in-crime.

She had grown up without him knowing, and he had been there all the way.

How in the hell had this slipped by without notice?

"Here," came a fake innocent voice that affectedly broke Beetlejuice out of his reverie.

As this new revelation washed over him he watched the grown-up Lydia grin and bend down to give the man a peck on his cheek. It was different than the ones she gave him. This one was quick as the ones he received, but she lingered over his cheek, rubbing her nose against his face in a sensual way.

"And here," he continued, pointing to the corner of his mouth.

Lydia obliged him but still did not move more than a centimeter from his face.

"Any where else?"

He grinned, and then pointed to his lips. Lydia smiled and lightly brushed hers over his. It was teasing, and continued that way until she fully pressed herself to him.

Beetlejuice swallowed, unconsciously breathing even though he didn't need to.

I shouldn't be watching this. I should just turn now and never look back…forget that it even happened…

But the simple fact was that he couldn't. Not even his will power spoke up, watching the thought bubbles form in Beetlejuice's mind and secretly enjoying the show as well.

Beetlejuice tried to reign in his imagination, he really did, but as soon as that creep slithered his tongue into Lydia's mouth, images of himself doing the exact same thing to her began flowing freely through his mind.

Oh fuck! No!

He smacked his hands over his face in shame. How could one minute he be seeing her as the twelve year old she had always been and then a woman he could kiss senseless until she was begging the next? If anyone was the twisted, perverted sicko here, it was him.

His attention was again diverted to the scene in front of him when Lydia moaned, ending it in a husky chuckle. He never knew she could make a sound like that…

Lydia sat up, wiping a bit of slobber from the corner of her cheek and grimacing.

"Nice, a big wet one."

"You love it," he grinned, shifting under her.

She suddenly smiled and put her still-small hands on his shoulders.

"Feels like someone's excited," she said, and at the same time ground against him.

Beetlejuice and the man grunted at the same time. His striped pants began to grow tighter, and he let out a whimper of fear. He was getting turned on by just watching that one fluid movement, and it sickened him to know end.

A mischievous gleam appeared and before she knew it Lydia laid pinned beneath him. The man's hands quickly bunched up her shirt, just enough for Beej to catch a glimpse of her lacey bra.

"Now let's see if some one else…is…excited…"

He lowered his head further with each pause, and before Lydia realized what he was going to do, it was too late. With a final grin he swooped down and blew hard on her belly, the sound loud and obnoxiously wet. She squealed with laughter, scurrying away and fleeing to the head board. Beetlejuice was broken out of his sexual spell long enough to watch them play a game of cat and mouse.

"Running away? What an asinine idea!"

He tackled her and punctuated his statement buy biting her butt. Lydia gasped and Beetlejuice sneered. What a lame pun…And when the hell did she grow that steaming hot piece of ass?

Lydia was again pinned, but this time the man was behind her, and Lydia's new-found body was now faced towards Beetlejuice.

"So, who's this…best friend that you refuse to introduce me to?"

Beetlejuice perked up, curious to hear her answer.

"A guy I've known since I was twelve," she answered vaguely, gasping when he bit her ear in slight frustration.

"Really? You've known him for four years?"

Beej quickly did the math. She's sixteen? Oh fuck…

She only nodded, twitching in anticipation when his hand traveled slowly up her shirt.

"You wouldn't happen to be…cheating on me? Would ya?" His voice was menacing now, and at the word 'cheating', the hand that was now in her bra flicked the sensitive bud. She gasped, unknowingly smiling and trying to lean further into his touch.

"Never," she said trying to sound serious, but the smile was evident in her voice.

Beetlejuice pressed his hands to the glass, followed shortly by his face. His tongue slithered out on its own, trying to mimic the man now slobbering on Lydia's neck, only to be met by the cold, unwelcoming feel of glass. He narrowed his eyes at the barrier that prevented him from pulverizing the slime ball and taking Lydia on a ride she would never forget. He was long gone now, over the perverse guilt of lusting after his best friend. His own sense of logic was now in position. If any one was good enough to touch her (hell, even look at her) like that, it was him. He was her best friend, therefore the only one really worthy of being intimate with her. Not this fuck face.

Lydia was his and no one else's!

"Well then, tell me his name," the (now dubbed) fuck face continued, interrogating. His hand moved away from her breasts, sliding into her skirt and rubbing her most sensitive place.

"Beej!" she almost screamed, convulsing forward and staring straight into the mirror.

For a moment, Beetlejuice thought she knew he was there and moaning his name in pleasure rather than fuck face. This made him involuntary grind his hips into the barrier, his erection straining for her.

Babes, you're gonna fuck'n kill me again!

Fuck face made a face of disbelief, emphasizing it by rubbing her roughly. Lydia let out a hoarse moan, eyes rolling back slightly in intense pleasure. Beetlejuice watched on, a hand snaking down to grab himself.

Damn Lyds, you're so fucking sensitive!

"Come on Lydia, even I don't believe that."

Beetlejuice grinned. What was he implying? That he was stupid? But as funny as it was, he really wanted to make him shut up. Lydia was the only one he wanted to hear while touching himself.

"G-Gage, I s-swear it's the truth!" she screamed, barely able to get the words out in a coherent sentence. Beetlejuice grunted, wishing she'd scream louder as he watched her buck and writhe, imagining it to be his hand she was riding.

He knew immediately when a finger was entered, the discomfort that distorted her features said it all.

"Damn, you're so tight," Gage stated, a grin of pure lust taking over.

Beetlejuice was about to get angry all over again but stopped himself when her moans continued. With a sigh of relief he began rubbing himself through his pants again, having stopped only because he hadn't wanted to masturbate to her pain. Pre-cum stained his pants already, and for one insane moment he remember Lyds asking about a ghost's fluids.

He had explained that, yes, when someone died all fluids flee their body. But in the Neitherworld it was not their bodies that inhabited the place but physical forms of their soul. So all the nasty liquids she had seen and felt were just parts of the physical soul left behind. Then she had asked how Neitherworld babies were made, and remembered his reply as clear as day.

"Pretty much babes, deadbeats like us can only produce with other dead beats since it's the merging of souls to create another, or some shit like that. So if a ghosts gets with a livebeat like yourself, it's feels better."

"And why would it feel better?"

"Don't gotta use condoms."

It was the first time he had every really been perverse around her. And that was, what? A year ago? She was fifteen then…

He gasped and squeezed himself harder at yet another revelation.

Could she have…could she have been wondering what it would be like to have sex with a ghost? Or more specifically…him? Just the thought almost made him cum right there, and he hadn't even touched himself directly! Focusing back on the object his desire he came to a conclusion. Reluctantly (and I mean veeeeeeeeery reluctantly) Beetlejuice pulled his hand away and leaned heavily against the barrier.

He was not going to cum to another man giving his babes pleasure. She was going to beg at his hand sometime or another. But for now, he just stood and watched the painful sight of Lydia's small form bucking and heaving in the most erotic way possible. She was close, he knew, and it was almost unbearable to wait for her to call a name, any name. Some small part hoped it would be his, but that was the least likely of all.

"Come on Babes," Gage whispered hoarsely, biting down on the juncture between he neck and shoulder. Hard.

Beetlejuice's anger at his pet name being rolled off the fuck's lips drowned in Lydia's screams of ecstasy. And that was all she did, scream. No name, no sign of any particular man on her mind. He sagged in relief. It seemed he was still in the game.

The sound of a zipper caught his attention and his head snapped back up. Gage had slid off the skirt and now worked on her panties, hovering over her with his penis out and fully erect.

Jealousy and hate hot as molten lava burned through his entire being, and dare he admit it, a smidgen of betrayal. All reason began to vanish as Lydia lay there in a daze, seemingly unaware of what was about to happen…or has happened…


And just as Gage put himself to her entrance, just when Beetlejuice's world was about to crumble, Lydia whispered…


It was quiet, and just as breathless, but it was rejection just the same, and that was all that need to be said.

Gage closed his eyes, his head falling down with a laugh.

"Almost," he simply stated, leaning down for a kiss.

"Yeah, almost," Lydia agreed with a smile.

Beetlejuice (feeling as if his heart had started beating again the moment had been so intense) continued to watch this new development.

"I cheated a little that time," Gage declared sheepishly, rolling to lay beside her.

"Yeah, I noticed."

Her voice was laced with pleasure, the afterglow still in her system, but an undertone of warning laid there as well. He gave her a pitiful look, silently begging forgiveness like Beetlejuice had so many times before. It worked, like he knew it would, and she accepted the apology with a kiss, her hand snaking down below his chest.

"Would you like me to help you before you leave?" she asked seductively.

Gage wanted it, Beej could tell, but with more balls than he'd give any human credit for Gage grabbed her hand and gave it a quick kiss before standing up.

"I don't deserve it, for what I did. I'll suffer."

Lydia watched him tuck his erection back in and then sit back down next to her. She wrapped her arms around him from behind again, kissing multiple trails along his neck and shoulders. And then suddenly, any lightness of the atmosphere disappeared as Gage turned serious.

"This is getting dangerous Lydia, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold myself back."

"You started it," was her muffled reply.

"Yeah, but…when can I meet this friend?" He turned to her then, taking up her hands in his.

"You said we could be together as long as it was okay with him. I want to go out on dates baby, not sneak around for kisses, a couple gropes here, and an orgasm or two there. If you don't think he would approve of us dating, how can you even think he'd be okay with us dry humping each other secretly?"

Beetlejuice froze at his words, eyes snapping towards his babes' flustered face.

What! They're not…together? They're just fool'n around? But that can't be right! Lyds ain't a whore!

"You really want to know?" she asked, her face flaming with embarrassment.

Gage and Beetlejuice (unseen) nodded.

Lydia stalled by rubbing her arms, working up the courage to finally say something even she thought was terrible.

"Beej is a really fun guy, always letting loose and nothing ever gets to him. Except…when it comes to me. Our friendship means everything to him, and I don't want to lose it. He has flings, I know, but never anything serious. Nothing that would ever come between us. So I figured…if I never really got into an official relationship that would get in the way of our time together…then he would be fine with it."

Beetlejuice had been nodding along all the way until she got to the last part. It horrified him to know just how much of her he had tainted because of their friendship. But another part of him was slightly happy. One reason was because there was still some of that long forgotten naiveté of how things worked stored within her that he had loved as part of her innocence. The other reason was because of how much she truly cared about their friendship, and was so afraid to ruin it she felt the need to sneak around so that he wouldn't end up getting hurt.

Gage, however, did not take the situation so well.

"So that's all I am? I'm just someone to sneak around with because some other controlling guy is obsessed with you? Is that really all you want from me?"

His voice was disbelieving, almost pleading as he looked to her for any signs of denial.

She was quick to please.

"Gage, no! Please believe me, you're more than that to me! I really care about you, honestly!" She paused then, waiting for him to believe her before continuing. "I promise then. This weekend, come over and I'll introduce you two."

She was serious, Beetlejuice knew because she never back out of a promise. But now it was up to Gage…

He studied her, eyes drinking in every sincere thing about her. Finally he sighed, a smile pulling at his lips.

"Thank you. But…is there another reason why you don't want me to meet him?"

Beetlejuice was surprised at that. Was there another reason?

Lydia smiled, pulling him in for one more kiss before dressing.

"Yeah, because you look like you're in your mid twenties when you're really seventeen. I don't know how he would react to your looks."

They laughed and talked awhile longer before he left. Lydia didn't immediately call him afterwards. He watched with some amusement as she sprayed air freshener all around until she couldn't stand it herself. Silly girl…as if he couldn't pick up the sent of lady juices from a mile away.

But this hesitation gave him time to think. Lydia seemed to actually like this guy, and it was up to him whether or not it was acceptable. Well, that could work in his favor. He'd start rubbing in the old juice charm and let the simple fact that she was his sink in. After all, it was only Monday, and he had the whole week to work. By Wednesday, she'll have forgotten about that chump.

And if not…well, that just wasn't an option.

A/N: I tried to make this T, but I decided half way to just fuck it. Not literally obviously since Beetlejuice didn't tear the kid limb from limb. Remember, 15 reviews and then it becomes a story.